Ram didn't stop taking pictures.

In the white light, the body of the crustacean was gradually elongated, and a pair of huge wings also grew on both sides.

After the white light disappeared, a blood-winged dragon with a blue body, a white carapace on its abdomen, and blood-red inner wings appeared.

The long-awaited wings grew, and the blood-winged dragon flapped excitedly, and finally flew into the air, flying happily around Bai Mo's head, bringing whirlwinds and letting Bai Mo be in the air. The hot place of Yantu Mountain also felt a little cool.

After flying for a while, the blood-winged flying dragon immediately restrained his interest, and his wings quickly flew back to the opposite side of Xiangfei, and issued a loud roar into the air.

A huge dragon-type coercion began to spread continuously, as if the air was stagnant.

The appearance of the distinctive and domineering blood-winged flying dragon naturally surprised everyone and the elves in the audience.

It was at this time that the energy accumulated during the Crustacean period in the blood-winged flying dragon began to appear continuously, and it was continuously absorbed by it.

It was at this time, in a place that no one knew about, that the blood-winged dragon felt that he had come to a door.

With a flick of its wings, the door was opened without hindrance, and the blood-winged flying dragon flew into the door with ease. The profound meaning of the dragon system began to be washed in its mind.

"Evolved in battle?"

"As expected of Dr. Bai Mo's quasi-god elf, it's really amazing."

"However, the most powerful one is the flying elf!"

Xiangfei couldn't help laughing when he saw the blood-winged flying dragon appearing in front of him, which became stronger and stronger. As a flying elf trainer, he likes this kind of powerful elf that can fly.

"Dr. Bai Mo, the blood-winged flying dragon looks very strong. Next, I will also send my strongest combat power. Can you continue to use it to challenge? I really want to see how strong he is?"

"Since you asked, then all right, blood-wing flying dragon, you can continue to fight." Hearing Xiangfei's request, Bai Mo didn't think much, and immediately agreed to continue sending blood-wing flying dragon to fight. He also wanted to see it, now How strong is the blood wing dragon.

Seeing Bai Mo agree to his request, Xiangfei's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he threw a Poké Ball and said loudly, "My strongest Pokémon is it, come out, compare the eagle."

As Xiangfei's voice fell, a beautifully colored eagle appeared on the field. This eagle is a little bigger than the ordinary eagle, and from the movement of its wings, its physical strength must be very strong. it is good.

It's only better than the vultures are trained.

Immediately, Bai Mo also used his superpower to observe the specific situation of Bi Diao, and found that it was a high-level elf with the highest qualifications.

Strength is still good.

This strength is suitable as a stepping stone to help the blood-winged dragon quickly grasp the strength that is now increased!

Chapter 0225: Blood Winged Dragon

Second game, keep going!

Bai Mo and Xiangfei glanced at each other, and they both gave orders at the same time.

"Bidiao, use the strong wind."

"Blood-wing flying dragon, dragon claw!"

After receiving the orders from their respective trainers, it was obvious that Bidiao, who was more familiar with the sky, took the advantage of the air first, waved his wings directly, and started to create a storm.

The strong storm directly attacked the blood-winged dragon that was slightly lower than him because it had just evolved and the flight speed was not fast.

Although he has not fully understood the profound meaning, and is still adapting to the new power, at this time, the power of the blood-winged dragon as a quasi-god-level heavenly king-level elf is clearly reflected.

Although it has only just evolved, but with a single strike of the dragon claws, the strong wind will be smashed away.

The performance of the blood-winged flying dragon shocked Xiangfei. He didn't expect the former to use the dragon's claws to achieve such power. If the giant claws were hit directly on Bi Diao's body, Bi Diao would probably lose it directly. combat capability.

"Dr. Bai Mo is just a trainer who has just started traveling, is he already so fierce?" Xiangfei said to himself, but the next moment, his pupils shrank because he found Bai Mo's shoulder on the shoulder. purple badge.

"This, why did I challenge it!?" Xiang Fei, who recognized Bai Mo's trainer level, was heartbroken, but now he could only bite the bullet and shout, "Bi Diao, use air cut."

After seeing the strength of the blood-wing flying dragon, Xiangfei no longer dared to let Bi Diao approach the blood-wing flying dragon, and could only attack from a distance.

But Xiangfei didn't want Bi Diao to get close to the blood-winged dragon, it was just his idea, Bai Mo naturally wouldn't let him get his wish, and shouted directly:

"Blood-winged dragon, fly over!"

After receiving Bai Mo's order, the blood-winged flying dragon immediately waved its powerful blood-colored wings and flew in the direction of Bidiao.

Seeing the action of the blood-winged flying dragon, Xiangfei was startled, and immediately shouted instinctively, "Bidiao, use the strong wind to stop the flying of the blood-winged flying dragon."

Obviously, Xiangfei was determined not to let the blood-winged dragon approach.

Xiangfei didn't want the blood-winged flying dragon to get close to Bidiao, but the blood-winged flying dragon didn't have to fight in melee. Bai Mo's dull voice reminded him at this time.

"The blood-winged dragon uses the dragon's breath!"

The blood-winged flying dragon immediately spit out a huge purple breath. This breath carried a slightly immature dragon-type profound meaning, but it easily passed through the strong wind and hit the Bidiao's wings. .

After doing all this, the blood-winged dragon continued to fly in the direction of Bidiao persistently.

Xiangfei's Bi Diao is also a veteran who has followed him for hundreds of battles. Naturally, it will not be solved by the blood wing. However, because the wings are injured by the dragon's breath, it prevents the blood-wing flying dragon from approaching the violent wind. Apparently it's out of use.

Seeing that there was no way to stop the blood-winged flying dragon from approaching, Xiangfei could only choose to fight recklessly, and immediately ordered, "Bidiao, use Yanhui to approach the blood-winged flying dragon, and then use the magic bird to slam after approaching."

Xiang Fei directly used the combo skills that he had been traveling all these years and tailor-made for himself.

Bai Mo didn't seem to be in a hurry. He calmly ordered the Blood Winged Flying Dragon:

"Blood-winged dragon, use the mind hammer."

An azure light immediately appeared on the head of the blood-winged flying dragon, and it collided with Bi Diao who had already used the divine bird slam.

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