In this regard, Mei said that she just wanted to feel the feeling of being carried by the fairy who is the most suitable flying mount in the legend!

Afterwards, finding a gentle place, Bai Mo let the blood-winged flying dragon fly down, and then took Yayi, Touzi and Ram three to do it. The three of them could just sit down.

As for Shanaido and Dream, the two elves can choose to fly with their superpowers.

And Minas and Monarch Snake, who can also transform into human form, don't like the hot environment of Yantu Mountain, and are sleeping in the Poké Ball, so they don't need to think about it.

Then, riding the blood-winged flying dragon, the four of them flew towards Qiuye Town at the foot of Yantu Mountain.

"The scenery is so beautiful, the back of the blood-wing flying dragon is really stable, it is much more interesting than riding the cable car. The blood-wing flying dragon is really powerful, and it can fly so well so quickly!" , Mei did not be stingy with her praise there.

"Roar!" The blood-winged dragon who was praised roared happily.

At this moment, what Bai Mo didn't expect, what he had been looking forward to, finally turned around at this moment.

In Shanai Duo's hand, the fiery red elf egg that Bai Mochong Jingjiang got in his hand, which had never hatched, actually emitted a fiery red light at this time.

"Mo, is this egg about to hatch!" Shanaido, who discovered the situation, immediately told Bai Mo the situation.

"Oh?" Bai Mo immediately looked at the elf egg curiously. Seeing the situation of the elf egg, his eyes filled with joy. This elf egg has been hatched for so long, and the racial value and aptitude will definitely not be low. If he is cultivated well, he will definitely become his main force.

"Bring it here, let me see!" Bai Mo stretched out his hand towards Shanaido, who was flying beside him with his super power.

Shanaido also stretched out his hand at this time.

However, at this time, an accident occurred.

"Hey, Mo, there seems to be something flying over there..." Suddenly, Ram, who was holding a camera to continuously film the surrounding scenery, pointed in one direction and shouted loudly.

Hearing this, Bai Mo immediately looked in the direction of Ram's finger, narrowed his eyes and said, "This is a group of big-mouthed bats, headed by a forked bat. Wild big-mouthed bats usually move at night, and This group of big-mouthed bats is also led by forked bats, so it is obviously controlled by someone."

Said, the next moment, Bai Mo's face suddenly changed suddenly, shouting loudly.

"No, these big-mouthed bats came to us!"

As Bai Mo said, these big-mouthed bats are coming towards them, and some of the big-mouthed bats are clearly aware of it.

In this regard, the blood-winged flying dragon flapped its wings very flexibly to avoid it, and also spewed a few mouthfuls of dragon breath to counterattack, knocking down a group of big-mouthed bats.

Among the remaining large-mouthed bats, some of them, led by the cross-shaped bat, suddenly used a black fog trick. The thick black fog spread quickly and quickly blocked the sight of Bai Mo and others. .

Falling into the black fog, Dream very indifferently used a teleportation to come to the high sky, Bai Mo and Shanai Duo also released their super powers to feel the surrounding situation at the first time.

It was at this time that the remaining big-mouthed bats who did not use the black mist launched destructive attacks.

Immediately, a large number of vacuum slashes and shadow balls appeared in the air.

These tricks were divided into two directions, and they all attacked the blood-winged dragon. At this time, no matter how fast the blood-winged dragon reacted, it could not completely avoid all the tricks. With an explosion, the blood-winged dragon was caught. He hit his body so that he flew backwards and upwards.

It was at this time that the elf egg that Shanaido was going to hand to Bai Mo suddenly came to a trick and fell straight to the ground.

Seeing this, Bai Mo's expression flashed a stern look, and a thought was also passed to Dream's mind at this time!

"Dream, use teleportation to bring Mei and Toruko to the Fairy Center in Akiba Town to wait for me!"

"I took the blood-winged dragon and Shanaido to see who dared to attack me!"

Chapter 0227 Meet the lava team again, settle accounts!

"I know, you can handle it yourself, if you can't figure it out, touch the seed in your mind that is made of world tree leaves, I can sense it, come and save you!"

High in the sky, upon hearing Bai Mo's telepathy, Dream agreed immediately, saying that there was no problem. For this little loli, any harmless help is possible.

The next moment, when Yayi, Touzi, and Ram had not recovered from the shock caused by the sudden crash of the blood-winged flying dragon, their figures suddenly disappeared in mid-air.

The dreamy figure also disappeared above the sky.

After all his women disappeared, Bai Mo used his superpower to fall on the back of the blood-winged dragon again. An uncontrollable surge of anger emerged in his heart. He wanted to use telepathy to ask Shanaido:

"Xiao Nai, is that egg okay?"

"No matter, Mo!" Hearing Bai Mo's voice resounding in his heart, Shanaido immediately returned, "I was protecting it with my superpower, and the egg slowly fell into the magma below, but it began to absorb it. With the fire power contained in it, it seems to speed up the hatching speed."

"At this rate, there should be a week of incubation, which will end soon!"

"Oh, so it seems that I'm still blessed by misfortune!" Shanai Duo's words made the cold look on Bai Mo's face fade a lot, but it didn't dissipate. Looking at the black fog surrounding him and the blood-winged dragon, he was cold. He said, "Blood-winged dragon, go and see where these bastards are, and blow these black mists away for me first!"

Seemingly aware of the coldness in Bai Mo's voice, the Blood Winged Flying Dragon was suffocated by the sudden attack. At this time, it immediately began to flap its wings with all its strength. During the flapping, a strange strong wind suddenly appeared, and all of a sudden The black mist around was cleared away, and even many of the weak bats around were blown away at once.

"This is, clear the thick fog!" Seeing the tricks that the blood-winged flying dragon used, Bai Mo's eyes seemed to have a flash of surprise, followed by a smile.

Clearing the dense fog is a unique trick for the audience. He has seen it for a long time, but he did not expect the blood-winged dragon to learn it under such circumstances.

Although there are many surprises today, this is definitely not the reason why Bai Mo chose to forgive the person who attacked him. He looked around at the many big-mouthed bats and the forked bats headed by them, and immediately said coldly again, "Blood-winged flying dragon, Use Dragon Swarm!"

"Roar!" He also glanced at the big-mouthed bats around him that had attacked him, and after receiving Bai Mo's order, the blood-winged flying dragon roared and gathered an orange-yellow energy ball in its abdomen, and then launched it into the sky.

When the orange-yellow energy ball reached its highest point, countless small energy balls were exploded, and some meteorites were also entrained in the energy ball.

The most important thing is that these energy balls containing meteorites are the profound meaning of dragons!

Such an intensive attack directly hit all the big-mouthed bats in the surrounding sky. With a series of violent explosions, the remaining big-mouthed bats fell down like raindrops, and even the forked bats were not spared.

But these elves who lost their combat power soon turned into red lights, and they were obviously recovered from the Poké Ball.

"Mo!" Seeing that the surrounding sky was cleared, Shanaido came to the back of the blood-winged dragon and reached out to grab Bai Mo's arm.

"It's alright!" Bai Mo took a deep breath and let it out, his face returned to his usual genial smile, "The group of big-mouthed bats just now were taken back, I want to see who is so unscrupulous. attack people."

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