At this moment, Bai Mo had a smile on his face, it was for Shanaido, but his voice was still very cold, it was for the enemy.

Seeing this scene, Shanaido nodded. What kind of person Bai Mo became and what kind of things she did was not her consideration. What she considered was to always follow Bai Mo's side and go as far as possible. Help him.

Later, in order to know who stopped him in such a violent and dangerous way, Bai Mo gave the blood-winged flying dragon an order to fly over.

Immediately, the blood-winged dragon turned into a blue light and flew to the ground.

"It turned out to be a member of the Lava Team! Good, good, good, very good, just right, we will settle the old account and the new one together!" As the blood-winged flying dragon got closer to the ground, Bai Mo saw that he was waiting solemnly below. A group of people in red uniforms, he recognized at a glance that the guys in red uniforms in front of him were his old enemies, the lava team.

Seeing these people, a coldness flashed across Bai Mo's face!

Originally, he planned to destroy the lava team after his strength was enough, and absorbed the ones that were okay.

I met here today. Bai Mo, who has become a top power user and has several heavenly king-level elves, is no longer the beginner who needed to calculate passively to escape.

Now, it's time for the Lava team to pay the price.

"Aren't you the Water Fleet?" At this time, a man with short fiery red hair who should be the person in charge of the Lava Team who was present stepped forward and asked Bai Mo, "Which force did you send?"

"Hmph, Lava Team, they are as arrogant as ever!" Asked by the other party, Bai Mo sneered in his heart, but his anger had been temporarily suppressed because of the man's questioning. Hearing it, the Lava Team should be here. For what purpose, he began to calmly think about the reason why the Lava Team was so vigilant here.

However, on the surface, his expression remained unchanged, and he was still arrogantly questioning, "You guys blindly attacked the trainer on the trip without questioning indiscriminately, and caused my elf egg to fall into the lava before, which is unforgivable!"

"It's ridiculous to even come to question me now, or do you guys from the Lava Team, or Chi Yansong, no longer intend to abide by the agreement with me?"

"In this way, you also need to pay a big enough price!"

"Are you a stray trainer on a trip?!" Hearing Bai Mo's words, the leading man seemed a little disbelieving, and his questioning eyes swept towards Bloodwing Flying Dragon and Shanaido. With such two elves, Bai Mo clearly not simple.

The man's heart suddenly tightened.

At this moment, an ordinary member of the Lava Team beside the man suddenly said to him, "Team Leader Huodao, we must have made a mistake, this person is Bai Mo, that Dr. Bai Mo!"

"The leader told Bai Mo not to start a conflict!"

Chapter 0228 Caddy's elf egg rising with lava

"Is that Bai Mo who made the leader slump!?" Hearing the words of his subordinates, Huo Dao finally remembered the identity of the man in front of him who was suspicious because he felt a little familiar.

It turned out to be Bai Mo, the youngest doctor in the alliance, the one who used the same level, no, it was Bai Mo who defeated the leader of his own family in the battle of the elves at the same level but a small level lower.

This Bai Mo, his leader has already explained it, so don't provoke it in the future.

Of course, Chi Yansong wanted to save face so much, but he also added, that is, in the case of not losing face on his own side.

Thinking of this, although Bai Mo was putting a lot of pressure on him now, Huo Dao thought that there was a cadre like Jing Jiang on his side, and immediately said hard.

"I didn't expect it to be Dr. Bai Mo, the previous one was a misunderstanding!"

"Our lava team is now doing an experiment here. In order to ensure that you will not disturb the experiment, you must not leave here before the experiment is over, otherwise we will not be responsible for any accidents!"

"As for the elf egg, when our experiment is over, we will contact the leader of Chi Yansong and pay you an equivalent amount!" Huo Dao said to Bai Mo indifferently.

After finishing speaking, he said to the surrounding lava team members, "Leave two people here to watch Dr. Bai Mo, the others and I continue to patrol, and wait for Jing Jiang to fight against Bonfire before releasing them. "

"Hehehe, Lava Team, they are really arrogant!"

"It's really amazing to detain an alliance doctor directly!"

"And, my elf egg, pay for one? Can you afford it?"

Bai Mo snorted coldly, and his eyes were already on the crater. In addition to being a little unhappy because of the ignorant attitude and tone of speech of this man named Huo Dao, he was also curious to find out.

Especially after knowing that in the crater there is the bonfire of the sick girl that I liked, and the Jing Jianghou who made me encounter a life-threatening crisis.

Thinking about the incident that he was suddenly attacked before, this time, Bai Mo didn't plan to be kind!

After glancing at the patriarch of the lava team called Huo Dao, Bai Mo shouted directly to the blood-winged dragon, "Blood-winged dragon, solve them, water cannon!"

Huo Dao and the others obviously did not expect that Bai Mo would suddenly let the blood-winged dragon attack, so they did not respond when Bai Mo launched the attack.

In the surrounding area, the strength of the group of wolf dogs that the members of the Lava Team used to surround Bai Mo was too weak to compliment.

All the Great Wolf Dogs were hit by the water cannons used by the Blood Winged Flying Dragon. After flying backwards, they all fainted.

Seeing this scene, Huo Dao's eyes flashed, and instinctively wanted to take out the Poke Ball to teach Bai Mo, but after seeing the blood-winged dragon, he still endured the difference in strength between himself and Bai Mo. But he still insisted, "Dr. Bai Mo, since this is the case, our Lava Team will not hinder your activities."

"But please don't approach the crater, let alone touch the machines inside."

"In addition, when this experiment is over, I will also inform the person in charge of this operation, Jingjiang cadre, about the elf egg, and report it to the organization headquarters to compensate you for the lost elf egg, which will definitely satisfy you!"

Hearing this, Bai Mo laughed, because he got the elf egg from Jing Jiang, and Bai Mo knew that the egg was not only fine now, but also accelerated the process of hatching.

Talking about the elf egg is just an excuse for Bai Mo!

From the standpoint of the two sides that were already hostile, Bai Mo naturally wouldn't let the Lava Team go so easily, and he also wanted to know what the Lava Team was doing now!

Thinking of this, Bai Mo directly ignored Huo Dao and others who were present, and brought them into the crater with a teleportation.

When he came to the crater, Bai Mo immediately saw that the magma that was clearly flowing in the crater was glowing a strange red light under the irradiation of a laser from a machine.

Even under the irradiation of this mechanism, the branches extending from the lava in the crater also appeared one by one bubbles.

These water cannons are constantly appearing and disappearing, and the bubbles are getting bigger and bigger. The ground is starting to shake slightly at this time, as if some powerful elf is trying to escape from the magma Come out in general.

Bai Mo's heart skipped a beat when he saw this scene inside the volcano, and he even wondered if this active volcano was about to erupt. Almost instinctively, he jumped on the back of the blood-winged dragon, ready to teleport away at any time.


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