At this moment, a voice that made Bai Mo somewhat familiar suddenly came from the cave.

It is one of the cadres of the lava team, Ie.

Jing Jiang now obviously noticed the situation of the lava, realized what was wrong, and hurriedly shouted.

The little player who was controlling the machine was a member of the third team of Lava Team, that is, the subordinate of Bonfire. Hearing Jing Jiang's words, he was sweating profusely and began to shut down the machine.

However, to turn off such a high-tech machine is not like turning off the lights, but slowly reducing the power, which requires a long process.

Therefore, after the machine was turned off, in the mouth of the volcano, the magma below began to become active again.

Accompanied by a "boom", a piece of lava suddenly rushed out at this time, but it may be because of insufficient rear force, the lava slowly fell back after rushing out to a height of about 5 meters.

However, along with the lava column, there was also an oval-shaped object that was glowing red.

After the magma reaches its apex, it falls back down again.

That is, at the moment when the magma fell back, the true face of this thing was completely exposed, and it appeared in front of everyone present.

This oval glowing for gas was exactly the egg Bai Mo had dropped into the magma before.

At this time, when another group saw this egg that he was very familiar with, Jing Jiang immediately exclaimed.

"Here's my Katie puppy!"

"Why are you here?"

"Wait, I found out that something fell into this place before. I thought it was an illusion, but I didn't expect it to be my egg!"

"Besides, shouldn't my egg be buried in that explosion or taken away by Bai Mo?"

"Could it be?"

Chapter 0229 Elf Egg Hatching: Glitter Cutie Dog

Thinking of the possibility that Bai Mo might be nearby, Jing Jiang's eyes flashed with naked murderous intent, but when he thought that there were other people around him, he hid this murderous intent.

Chi Yansong has never been a person who is willing to suffer losses. Since he will issue an order not to provoke Bai Mo, there must be a reason. If he can kill Bai Mo unknowingly and take revenge, it will be fine, but there may be outsiders present. When the wind leaked, it was still not easy to take action.

However, although Bai Mo cannot be targeted now, it is still possible to take back what belongs to him.

Thinking of this, Jing Jiang immediately threw out a Poke Ball in his hand and shouted, "Big wolf dog, go, grab that egg from something!"

As Jing Jiang's voice fell, the elf opened, and a black shadow appeared at a very fast speed.

Looking at the posture, it should be biting the egg and falling on the opposite land.

"It's Jing Jiang, trying to grab the elf egg!? And according to his words, this is the egg of the dog?"

"Interesting! However, there is no reason to take out the things in my pocket."

"Shanaido, use your mind to bring things over!"

"Blood-winged dragon, water cannon!!"

From Jing Jiang's mouth, I learned the kind of elf that the egg will hatch. To be honest, Bai Mo is very happy. The racial value of the wind speed dog after the evolution of Katy is also more than 500, and it is synonymous with loyalty like Shanaido.

The most important thing is that if the blood wing dragon is the best mount in the air, the wind speed dog is definitely the number one in the land mount.

Of course, no matter what the real situation of the egg was, Bai Mo probably wouldn't let Jing Jiang take it back.

"Damn, Bai Mo, don't go too far, this thing is mine at all!" Jing Jiang was furious when he heard Bai Mo's order, looked in the direction of the voice, and saw that he was sure to kill himself. Bai Mo, who was standing there, immediately shouted, "Big wolf dog, destroy the dead light!"

Jing Jiang's Great Wolf Dog is not weak, and has the level of the quasi-Tianwang-level peak, but it is still a little worse than the blood-winged flying dragon of the Tianwang-level, not to mention that the blood-winged flying dragon is the first to attack.

Therefore, the big wolf dog's move was still slow, and the blood-winged dragon easily blasted out a huge water cannon before destroying the death light, and pushed the big wolf dog to the side of the rock wall. .

And was hit and lost the ability to fight.

Seeing this scene, Jing Jiang's pupils shrank, including the bonfire beside him, who showed a strong interest because he saw Bai Mo.

One blow, kill the quasi-king-level wolf dog?

Even a quasi-god elf who was originally stronger than the same level could not do it with a water cannon.


The blood-winged dragon is the king level!


Thinking of this, both of them took a deep breath. How long has it been since then?a few months?

Wait, blood wing dragon?

Thinking of this, Jing Jiang's pupils shrank again. Since he saw his Katy dog ​​here today, it is not difficult to think that he must have traveled the entire helicopter that day, that is, the blood wing in Bai Mo's hand. It is very likely that the flying dragon is the original product of their lava team meteorite!

Thinking of this, Jing Jiang's killing intent was almost impossible to hide. You must know that because of the loss of this precious dragon, the punishment he received in Chi Yansong was not the least bit.

At this time, Katie's egg has slowly fallen into Bai Mo's palm under the control of Shanaido's mind.

At the moment when the elf egg fell into Bai Mo's hand, a layer of flames suddenly appeared.

Seeing this scene, Jing Jiang's mouth had a cruel smile, and Bonfire's brows froze.

But the next moment, what made their expressions freeze was that something happened, because the flame that appeared did not cause any harm to Bai Mo.

"It's okay, it's not hot at all!"

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