At this time, Bai Mo explained to Shanaido who was looking at him with concern.

Originally, he was also a little worried about the flame on the elf egg, and was planning to use his superpower to isolate it, but found that there was no heat on the flame at all.

Grabbing the egg directly in his hand, Bai Mo reached out and touched the elf egg entangled in flames, and immediately exclaimed, "What a miraculous Katee dog egg, it even came out of the magma and still maintains such vitality!"

"If I guess correctly, this Katee will be a Flash Katee, and its characteristic should be ignition. Before the first time, the Flash feature is very likely to be a flaming body like the duck-billed fire dragon!"

"It can be regarded as the main force training!"

"Bai Mo, I advise you to return my elf egg to the original owner, otherwise, even if there is an order from the leader of Chi Yanpine, I will not give up! You escaped today, and you will be pursued by the Lava team in the future. "At this time, Jing Jiang came to Bai Mo's side with a group of bonfires. Seeing his surprised expression, he immediately denounced the elf egg, which was originally his.

But because he was afraid of Bai Mo's current strength, and there was indeed Chi Yansong's order, and there were so many people around, he could only denounce it first!

Hearing Jing Jiang's words, Bai Mo withdrew his expression and glanced at Jing Jiang Dao like an idiot, "You said this egg is yours or yours?"

"Do you have an invoice, or did you lay the egg?"

"Or, if you call, will it agree?"

Hearing that Bai Mo's question was completely messed up, Jing Jiang's face instantly turned black, and the surrounding lava team members all had the urge to laugh.

Bonfire just couldn't help laughing, and she looked at Bai Mo a few more times unexpectedly. She never thought that Bai Mo was still so humorous.

It was at this moment that the egg held by Bai Mo suddenly absorbed all the flames on the surface with a "swoosh", but soon a layer of flaming light emerged.

From this situation, it seemed as if Bai Mo was holding a fire in his hand, and then the burning flame emitted a dazzling white light until the white light disappeared.

A puppy-like appearance, with mainly golden-yellow fur, black stripes all over its body, a pair of wind-catching ears on its head, flax-colored lips, and a pink tongue that was exposed when looking at Bai Mo, it was instantly cute.

And the forelimbs of this elf are similar to elephant hooves, with two toes.

There is a tuft of characteristic flax-colored short hair on the top of the head.

The fur on the chest appears to be fluffy and flaxen from the chest to the tail.

Black pupils reveal loyalty and bravery, as well as endless reliance on Bai Mo.

It's a catty, and it's a flash catty!

After hatching, the catty dog ​​immediately licked Bai Mo's cheek very affectionately, making Bai Mo feel itchy and comfortable.

Touching the dog's head, Bai Mo looked at Jing Jiang and said lightly, "You said she was yours? It's not like that!"

Chapter 0230 Fighting Jingjiang Again

"Bai Mo, don't go too far!" Hearing Bai Mo's words, Jing Jiang's face wrapped in gauze has become extremely ferocious, especially when he sees the distinctive hair of the Katee dog and the intimacy with Bai Mo. after.

Originally, these were all his!

"Excessive?" After repeating what Jing Jiang said, Bai Mo took out the Poké Ball that had been prepared for Katee and subdued it, and his expression gradually became cold. He glanced at Jing Jiang, and the corner of his mouth suddenly grew a little bit more. Smile!

"I said, Jing Jiang, you should endure very hard, in fact!"

"Don't be so troublesome!"

Saying that, Bai Mo turned to look at Shanaido and said, "Xiao Nai, hypnotism!"


Hearing Bai Mo's order, Shanaido's eyes flashed the same red, and a red light instantly appeared on the surrounding lava teammates.

Seeing this scene, three elf balls suddenly opened in Jing Jiang's elf belt, and three elf appeared in front of him.

One was the one that Bai Mo had seen before, a fire-breathing camel.

The other two, one is a forked bat, a junior king of heaven.

One is a great wolf dog, the junior king of heaven!

Although the strength of the first-level kings is all, Jingjiang's strength is not bad, and there are three elves of the king's level.

Immediately after the Great Wolf Dog appeared, he used Guard to protect Jing Jiang from being disturbed by hypnotism.

This, in fact, is also a major advantage of the Heavenly King-level trainer.

To be honest, superpowers and superpower elves are very powerful. Even an ordinary Casey who can use teleportation with an ordinary person can surprise a person and kill them easily.

But this kind of thing happens very rarely among high-level trainers, because as long as the elf comprehends the profound meaning, that is, becomes the king level, the perception of goodwill and malice will be particularly keen.

To be honest, unless you lock the target, use super powers, kill people, do it in one go, and the speed is extremely fast, there is no chance for the heavenly king-level elves to react, otherwise they can appear as guardians of their own accord.

This is also the reason why Chi Yansong is not afraid of Bai Mo's superpower to sneak attack and assassinate him. The champion elf in his hands is not a vegetarian, and because of this, Bai Mo needs stronger strength, the strength of horizontal push .

Now, Bai Mo showed hostility to Jing Jiang and even made the elves attack, and his three heavenly king elves instinctively gave an early warning.

However, Jing Jiang has such a powerful elves and treatment, but other people don't have it. Under the super power hypnotism of Tianwang-level Shanai Duo with the profound meaning, all the elves and people around him fell into a state of sleep all of a sudden. .

"What do you mean!?" Jing Jiang's face became extremely gloomy as he looked at his subordinates who were sleeping all around him.

But it was not Bai Mo who answered him, but the bonfire behind him.

"Isn't the meaning very simple, just to settle the grudge with you!"

"You want to kill him, he must have felt it. You have had conflicts before. As long as you are normal people, will you still be indifferent when you know that someone has murderous intentions towards you?"

When talking, Bonfire's eyes were full of disgust, and he shook his little hand speechlessly.

Then, she waved her hands and jumped to the side of the two of them, looking at them from a distance, as if to express that she was just a spectator, you are free.

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