When Bai Mo suddenly grabbed his big butt, Bonfire was stunned for a while, but when he felt the pain in his buttocks and the tingling feeling contained in it, he immediately reacted and began to struggle continuously.

But she is a weak woman, how could she escape Bai Mo's clutches, what's more, Bai Mo is also a superpower who directly controls her with superpowers.

Therefore, the bonfire can only be beaten tightly like this, and the only thing that can be done is to keep insulting.

However, all this did slowly change over time.

With Bai Mo's constant slaps, the sound of the bonfire gradually changed from insulting to gasping.

Hearing Bonfire's coquettish panting, Bai Mo lowered his head and glanced at her, and found that her face was flushed and her big eyes were watery, but her tongue was slightly sticking out, and she even let out a stingy sigh.

This kind of situation made Bai Mo's heart tighten when he saw it, and he couldn't help but feel a little hot.

And the strength of Bai Mo's hand gradually weakened, which could be described as touching.

Shanai Duo saw this scene on the side, and silently stretched out his hand to support his forehead. This scene is really strange.


Noticing Shanaido's gaze, Bai Mo coughed awkwardly and stopped the movement in his hands. Although he was a little reluctant, he still put down the bonfire.

But the bonfire fell to the ground at the moment, the legs softened, and suddenly crashed into Bai Mo's arms, Bai Mo also instinctively reached out and hugged her.

"Bai Mo, you are really a bastard!" After a long time in Bai Mo's arms, Bonfire clenched his silver teeth and said such a sentence.

In this regard, Bai Mo smiled lightly, "I didn't let you think about why I didn't hypnotize you before, that's because I liked you, you are the woman I liked by Bai Mo, and you can only be me. woman!"

"Domineering!" Hearing Bai Mo's words, Bonfire's eyes turned beautiful, but she liked it very much in her heart. She liked this feeling.

Bonfire is a dependent personality. This kind of person does not easily trust anyone or agree with anyone easily, but once she becomes interested in a certain person, understands and agrees with her, then she will never betray her.

This kind of personality is also a disease in the eyes of many people, but it doesn't matter, Bai Mo said he likes it very much.

Such a girl, as long as she recognizes you in her heart, is the kind who will accompany you to do everything, even if someone tells her that this is wrong, even if she knows, she will pretend not to know, that is, someone who pretends to be asleep , you will never wake up.

Looking at the current situation of Bonfire, Bai Mo knows that she has no interest in Chi Yansong or the psychology of worship. This is easy to handle.

Moreover, the previous butt spankings were also a pleasant surprise. Bai Mo found out that this sickly girl actually had some trembling M attributes.

If other women are shaking M, Bai Mo is afraid to take precautions, but it is very good for a sick girl to shake M.

Because such a girl will refuse to contact everyone, including women, except for the person she believes in!

At this moment, Bai Mo directly regarded the bonfire as his own banquet, joking. In this way, she has good looks, breasts, personality, obedience, and she is soft and cute. Of course, a girl who is very emotional must be protected. .

Having said that, the bonfire has been beaten by myself before, and the impression of myself is obviously too deep in my heart, so the strategy should not be too simple.

Thinking of this, Bai Mo suddenly smiled and asked directly at the bonfire, "How is it? It's okay to be my woman, right?"

"Why do you want to be your woman, are you very powerful?" The sick girl still has the arrogant attribute to make a cameo from time to time, and the bonfire is in this state now.

Hearing Bonfire's words, Bai Mo asked seriously, "Have you ever seen someone better than me?"

"Eh!" Bonfire immediately refuted when he heard the words, but after thinking about it for a long time, he really couldn't think of how to refute. Bai Mo is just a pervert. Look at his various achievements, and then look at his appearance. Who is it? Can you refute it?

With a smug smile, Bai Mo put a few elf balls he had controlled with his superpowers before Jingjiang was about to fall into the lava and put them into Bonfire's hands.

"The Pokeballs of the fire-breathing camel and the cross-shaped bat have been handed over to you, and they will be yours from now on!"

"Are you okay?" The last four words were asked by Bai Mo who had awakened to the fire-breathing camel and the bat.

Hearing Bai Mo's words, and thinking about their master's fate, the two elves nodded immediately. It wasn't that they were spineless. If Jing Jiang was there, they wouldn't betray. In addition, if Bai Mo asked them to submit to him, Nor will they agree, at least, not easily.

But there is no problem with being a bonfire elf, because the bonfire has nothing to do with Jing Jiang's death. Of course, whether or not to obey her orders depends on whether this woman can get their approval.

Bai Mo was too lazy to care about this. If the bonfire couldn't take down these two little elves, it wouldn't be that powerful bonfire.

The reason why Bai Mo doesn't want these two elves who are already heavenly kings is that he has thought deeply. On the one hand, it is to defend himself against the bonfire. On the other hand, his elves team is very good. These two elves are strong now, but soon will be overtaken.

The most important thing is that the racial value of the forked bat and the fire-breathing camel is not high, neither is 500, and the fire-breathing camel is not strong even as a Mega, and it is not Bai Mo's dish.

By the way, there is also a big wolf dog. If it is a big wolf dog, the situation is special, so Bai Mo directly intends to subdue it and let his villa have an extra gatekeeper.

Of course, part of the reason is that the Great Wolfdog is different from the fire-breathing camel and the cross-hatched bat, and it is a male.

Dumbly, he took the Poké Ball handed over by Bai Mo, and the expression of the bonfire changed again and again. As a commoner, he knew too much about the importance and importance of resources.

They even gave her two heavenly kings at this time.

This is the kind of care and warmth that she has never enjoyed, and for herself, this is the one who has become a doctor in the research field at the age of sixteen, and can compete with the Heavenly King.

Almost instantly, Bai Mo's figure filled the heart of Bonfire.

He directly took the two Poké Balls, and the campfire stood on tiptoe and gently kissed Bai Mo's cheek, and then said, "I am willing, from now on, I am your woman, and you are my everything!"

Chapter 0234 Target Faens's... Kirachi

Looking at Bonfire's firm eyes, Bai Mo's mouth has an extra arc, and a spanking and a elf that Jingjiang got that he can't use in exchange for such a girl who regards himself as everything, Bai Mo expresses that he is very happy. It's a good deal.

And, even more cost-effective, is still to come.

He took out an alliance bank card from the space system and handed it to the campfire again. Bai Mo smiled and said, "There is one million in this card, you can use it as you like, and I will also pay one million to the card every month from now on. superior!"

"Next, you will continue to stay in the lava team, slowly gain a higher voice and status, and win over a group of people by the way!"

"You don't need to bring betrayal to those people who have won over. What you need to guarantee is that after the lava team disappears, those people will listen to you and follow you."

"If you need money to win over, you can speak up, but the people you win over must have that value!"

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