"is it okay?!"

"Of course there is no problem!" Hearing Bai Mo's words, Bonfire took the bank card in Bai Mo's hand very naturally. For her now, Bai Mo's words are everything. As long as it is good for Bai Mo, she will Do it without asking too much.

"Yeah!" He reached out and stroked the head of the bonfire, and Bai Mo smiled, "But if you have money, remember to turn on the phone function of the navigator first, so that you can easily contact me later!"

"You don't need to tell me I will!" Bonfire immediately pouted, "At least one video call every month, you can't refuse!"

"Of course there's no problem!" Dotingly patted the head of the campfire, Bai Mo lowered his head and kissed her lips gently, "This is a stamp, and your surname will be Bai!"

"Don't worry, I can't run!" Bonfire hugged Bai Mo firmly.

"Yeah!" After looking at the time, it's been a long time since I left this trip. It's too much to worry about the children. Bai Mo kissed Bonfire's forehead again and said, "I will contact you later. Tell Chi Yansong that he doesn't dare to do anything!"

"I'm leaving now!"

"Yeah!" Bonfire nodded obediently!

With a slight smile, Bai Mo reached out and grabbed Shanai Duo's hand. Shanai Duo understood and nodded to the bonfire. Shanai Duo immediately used teleportation and left here with Bai Mo.

Seeing Bai Mo's disappearance, the corners of Bonfire's mouth twitched, and he reached out to touch his own lips, and said with a chuckle, "It's so strange, we've only met twice, so why doesn't he worry about me? I think I'm really willing to listen to him, help him as his woman, and give me tasks."

"How can I repay this trust!"

"Well, that's all I have!"

"Mo, why do you trust that woman?"

The question of Bonfire's doubts was also asked curiously by Shaniduo, who stood on the back of the blood-winged flying dragon released by Bai Mo on the top of Yantu Mountain.

"Why!?" Hearing Shanaido's question, Bai Mo smiled lightly. Who let him know the character of Bonfire? Moreover, his superpower can also sense good and evil. Bonfire is full of kindness to him, naturally Won't lie to him!

Of course, these things can't be said to Shanaido. With a smile, Bai Mo smiled and kissed Shanaido's forehead, "Because, she is just like you!"

Yes, Bonfire is a sick girl. Although the situation is different from that of Shanaido, the two women treat Bai Mo as their everything.

"Oh!" Shanaido nodded at the end with a vague understanding. Anyway, in her eyes, all the decisions Bai Mo made were right!

The blood-wing flying dragon noticed the tenderness of his master and Shanaido on his back, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "Sister, a single dragon has no human rights, don't care, I will ask my master to help me find a female dragon in the future!"

Sitting on the back of the blood-winged dragon, Bai Mo came to the high altitude in the center of the elf.

Then, after using super power and dream telepathy, he teleported to a room.

"Mo, how are you?"

"What's up?"

"let me see!"

Seeing Bai Mo appear, the three girls in Yayi immediately surrounded her.

In response to this, Bai Mo immediately explained something with a chuckle. Of course, he only said that he had taught the people who had attacked him, and didn't say much.

And the girls obviously only care if Bai Mo has something to do, and don't ask any more.

Afterwards, Bai Mo came to the front desk and asked Joey to check the condition of his elf and to restore their condition, especially the condition of the Catty dog.

In the end, the pixies are naturally in good condition, and the Katee is in much better condition than the average newborn Katee.

After putting away the elf, Bai Mo called Oda Maki again, and after confirming that the wolf dog he got from Jing Jiang had arrived, he chatted a few words, and then explained his group by the way.

On himself, Shanaido, the primary peak of the Heavenly King!It has been transformed and does not occupy a place.

Minas, the junior king level, has changed shape, and does not occupy a position!

Latias, the pinnacle of the Heavenly King, leave the pink crystal temporarily, not occupying a place!

The blood-winged dragon, the junior king of heaven!

Boss Cordola, the pinnacle of the quasi-king!

Fire-breathing dragon, quasi-tianwang advanced!

Lizard King, quasi-king intermediate!

Hu Di, the junior quasi-king!

Lucario, the pinnacle of the elite!

Zoroja, the pinnacle of elite level!

Catty, junior!

"Look at your little elf, it really doesn't look like a rookie trainer who has traveled for more than half a year will get results!" Hearing Bai Mo's general situation, Oda Maki couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

Beside Bai Mo, the girls in Yayi nodded.

This made Bai Mo sigh that fortunately, he did not reveal the aptitude of the elf, otherwise, the three views of these people would be destroyed.

However, although such a lineup is strong, Bai Mo is not satisfied, because there are some trainers like Dawu and Shirona who are born into a big family and have good posture. Which of these people is not in the cultivation of family resources Next, he grew up in a short period of time, and he was still almost there!

Afterwards, Bai Mo didn't waste any time, and after having lunch with Yayi and others in Qiuye Town, they headed towards the next destination, Zijin City, where the Zijin Gym is located.

However, on the way to Zijin City, Bai Mo changed his decision after seeing a place name on the navigation map.

The place name Bai Mo saw was called Faens. Through Faens, you could also go to Zijin City, but it only took one more day than the other way!

Farns is a place located in the southeast of the Yantou Mountains and the southwest of Qiuye Town. It is not a town, but a habitat with many wild elves.

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