Of course, Bai Mo, who already has the current lineup, is not in a hurry to conquer other elves. He went here because he knows that there is a legendary elves here!

He is, Kirachi!

Chapter 0235 The Raid King Absolu

Bai Mo's goal for Faens this time is Jirachi.

Kirachi is a very magical elf. According to legend, it only wakes up every 1000 years, and only pure singing can wake it from its slumber.

Jirachi has the ability to realize any dream, but after being awakened it will only be awake for seven days.

Bai Mo directly scoffed at this, it is impossible to realize any dream, that is the power of the real god, and whether the alpaca Arceus can do it is a question.

Then there was the matter of the seven days. Bai Mo also ignored it. Don't think that there must be some special reason for this. He will find out and solve it.

Bai Mo remembered that in the theatrical version, the crystal formed by Jirachi's sleep was in the underground of Faens. This time, he went to Faens in hopes of finding the sleeping Jirachi.

Bai Mo, who was thinking about these questions, had forgotten that there was a living fossil beside him, that is, the existence of a dream. In fact, these things can be known just by asking.

Perhaps, it was because I had been with the dreamy loli image for a long time and subconsciously forgot!

On the road from Bai Mo to Farns.

At the base of the lava team, Chi Yansong's expression was terrifyingly cold when he heard the report of the bonfire.

He listened to Bonfire's description, and Bai Mo didn't kill anyone except Jing Jiang. Obviously, he didn't want to fight with him.

The conflict with Jing Jiang can be said to be Bai Mo's personal enmity.

Thinking again about the recording in Karuna's hands that made him throw a rat, Chi Yansong didn't dare to act rashly.

The most important thing is that in the description of the bonfire, Bai Mo is to deal with Jing Jiang head-on. His strength has become a climate, and the entire lava team can't really solve Bai Mo unless he takes action in person.

And he had already lost his identity last time, and it was impossible to do it a second time.

Considering all the circumstances, this breath can only be swallowed.

Noticing Chi Yansong's expression, Bonfire's eyes flashed with a hint of veiled disdain. Such a man is really incomparable to her man Bai Mo.

Two days later, Bai Mo and his party came to Faens!

Farns is really a virgin forest. There are very few human activities here. The rugged road is a natural barrier for Farnes. However, Bai Mo directly released the blood-winged dragon to ride, but it was not affected at all.

Moreover, the blood-winged dragon's king-level dragon-type aura was released, and there were no special circumstances, and no elves came here.

The closer to Faens, the more curious Bai Mo is about this place because of a doctor's natural reaction. The sandstone structure here should be a barren wasteland, but Faens in front of him is a piece of vitality. Brilliant sight.

All kinds of elves jumped between the stone peaks, and there was no desolate scene in the whole Faens.

Looking at this situation, Bai Mo couldn't help but murmured, "It is said that a magical comet will appear in the sky every thousand years. This thousand-year comet contains magical power."

"The legendary elf Kirachi will absorb the energy of the Millennium Comet, and then continuously release this energy when it is asleep, it is precisely because of this that the Faens region has maintained the richness of the land, and it is able to cultivate such a A big forest."

Hearing Bai Mo's words, the girl who was also curious about this place suddenly became enlightened.

At this time, Bai Mo started to ponder.

He knew that according to the theatrical version, Jirachi was sleeping somewhere underground in Faens, there should be a large grotto, and there was a crack on the top of the grotto that could see the sky directly.

But just such vague information, coupled with the vast area of ​​Faens in front of him that exceeded his expectations, made Bai Mo realize that his decision this time was somewhat taken for granted.

But since he came, Bai Mo didn't plan to leave like this.

There are still five months before the Fangyuan League competition starts, and he can live here for a while now, on the one hand for special training, on the other hand for searching.

After that, just collect the last two badges and enter the league competition.

Although Mei and Touzi still need a few badges, there is enough time!

This time, Bai Mo remembered Dream, but although Dream knew more about Kirachi, he didn't know where the one in Fangyuan area was, and Kirachi didn't have only one or two. Therefore, Bai Mo can only work hard to find Kiraqi.

In the end, after releasing all the elves, Bai Mo, Tou Zi and others spent their days here with special training and looking for Kirachi.

However, because of the dense forest, their search speed was extremely slow. After all, if they were a little faster in such an environment, they might miss the target.

This situation continued for half a month, and Bai Mo even wanted to give up!

At noon on the [-]th day of Faens, at the campsite of Bai Mo and others, a group of people were preparing to enjoy lunch. On one side, Absol of Ram suddenly stood up and came to the front of the group. .

Looking in the direction Absol was looking, everyone found an Absol appeared in front of them.

Moreover, what makes Bai Mo and others feel strange is that the expression of this Absol is not so friendly. Bai Mo can clearly feel its hostility through his super power.

Absolu stared at Bai Mo and the others for a while, his eyes finally locked on Bai Mo's hand, the sharp horn on his head suddenly flicked, and a sharp spiritual blade flew towards Bai Mo and the others, no, it flew towards Bai Mo and the others. Bai Mo!

"I'm going, I'll start the fight without even noticing!" Facing the sharp mental blade flying towards him, Bai Mo complained, and immediately used teleportation to come to Absolu's side.

Afterwards, he turned his head and glanced at his elves. Bai Mo's eyes were finally locked on the Boss, who had broken through to the beginner level of Heavenly King because he had done a lot of special training in Faens recently. On Dora.

"Boss Cordola, the other party is at the same level as you!"

"You go."

"Have fun with him!"

"It happens to be skilled to consolidate your strength!"

"Use, rock block!"

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