"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Bai Mo was speechless, Dream's black-bellied temper really couldn't be changed.

"Okay!" With a casual wave of his hand, he said indifferently, "The way to wake Kirachi is very simple, but what you need to consider is how to take it away, or let it go with you willingly!"

"Oh?" A few bright lights flashed in Bai Mo's eyes, then turned to look at Butler and Diane beside him, with a smile, "Trouble you two get some sleep!"

After speaking, before Butler and Diane could react, Bai Mo used hypnotism on them, and they fell asleep on the ground.

After doing all this, Bai Mo looked at the dream again and said, "Now, can you tell me how to wake up Kirachi?"

"Wake her up? No need!" Contrary to Bai Mo's expectations, Dream suddenly swayed, then looked at Kiraqi with a smile and said, "Kiraki, it's all in your energy space, you feel it. It's all over!"

"It's not good to pretend to be asleep!"

As the dreamy voice fell, before Bai Mo could react, the black crystal in his hand suddenly shattered, and then Jirachi, who was sleeping in it, suddenly opened his eyes.

Kirachi, who had clearly woken up, slowly floated up and floated to the opposite side of Dream. She yawned cutely, rubbed her eyes, and a smile appeared on her face, "Dream, it's you, you're here. Want to play with me?"

"But how did you find me? No one should find me except Arceus and my brothers and sisters?"

Hearing Kiraqi's question, Dream pouted in the direction of Bai Mo and said, "Nuo, this person, my chosen one, your news in Farns is not a secret, and those who are interested still know it, but Faens is so big, you are hiding in the ground, so no one hits you!"

"You also know the human situation, and there are many people who have the ability to find you, but they all check and balance each other, and no one dares to be blatant!"

"I can't find you if I can't."

"This time, it's a coincidence!"

"Ah, so that's how it is!" Kirachi fluttered and nodded, then floated to Bai Mo's side and said with a smile, "Hello, dreamy chooser, you sing very well!"

"Uh, thank you!" Bai Mo also smiled when he heard Kiraqi praise him so much!

But Kirachi continued to say at this time, "Dream Chosen One, I know your purpose, but I can't go."

"Because once I go, Farnes will disappear."

"A lot of plants and elves will lose their homes."

"Is it because you provided energy?" Bai Mo asked with a frown.

"Well." Kirachi nodded and nodded, "I can absorb the power of the Millennium Comet, and then inject the power into the leylines and water veins."

"Because of this power, this barren land changed, and Faens was born!"

"But once I leave, this power will also matter, and Faens will also be destroyed."

"As for the legend that I can only wake up for seven days, every Kirachi is different. In my case, it just takes seven days to absorb the energy of the comet, and then I have to adapt for a month and fall into a deep sleep, so I just There are rumors like that."

"I woke up a month later. In fact, as long as I don't leave Farnes, I can appear at will!"

"Of course, for this reason, I also sleep most of the time, because only when I sleep will time pass faster. It's boring to see the same scenery all the time. If you get tired of playing this place, you will continue to sleep!"

"Is that so!" Bai Mo's brows furrowed. Sure enough, the problem came back here. In short, if the problem of power supply and loss is not solved, Kirachi still can't leave.

At the same time, Bai Mo also knew about Kiraqi, no, it was the situation of Faens, the Kiraqi, which was similar to his guess. First of all, it was necessary to wake up when the comet came to absorb energy for seven days, and then sleep for a month. , and then start delivering energy.

Can't leave Farnes because of the energy provided.

It is also for this reason that Kirachi always sleeps for a long time, and then wakes up to play after the landscape of Faens has changed. On the one hand, it goes back and forth because time passes so fast, on the other hand, he is trapped in the same place. , it can only use this way to make itself not boring, without the feeling of being in prison.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration, Bai Mo asked Kirachi, "The world is so big, there is nothing that can transmit energy for you?"

"You can't, it has always been you who sacrificed yourself to warm up a piece of land, right?"

"This can't be done!" Jirachi didn't speak, and Dream gave the answer, "Draining the power of the comet, this is Jirachi's innate ability, that is, the power of Arceus for the comet, which can only be borrowed, but also I can't absorb it!"

"Because the power of comets can only be absorbed by Jirachi, they can only use this power to change the landscape."

However, when he heard Dream's words, Bai Mo's mouth twitched and he asked, "You said before that you can absorb them, right?"

"Yes!" Seeing Bai Mo's expression, Dream nodded strangely.

"But what I asked before, was it delivery?"

"What's the difference?" Dream immediately asked strangely, "Only Kirachi can absorb this power, so isn't it the only one that can transmit it?"

"No! No! No!" Hearing Dream's words, Bai Mo said, stretched out his fingers and shook it, "The ability to absorb comets that are not sure how many meters away from this planet may indeed be possessed by Jirachi. !"

"But, no one has ever said that after absorbing this power, only Kirachi can store this power, right?"

"The world is so big, maybe there is something that can store this energy?"

"That is to say, in the future, Jirachi will only be responsible for absorbing the power of the comet, and after the one-month adaptation period has passed, it will transfer this power to that thing, and let that thing transmit its power to this thing instead of it. Wouldn't the water veins and earth veins of the earth be good?"

Chapter 0240 Substitutes, and Kirachi's agreement

He and Kirachi didn't turn their minds around for a while, but they were all divine beasts, not stupid. After a little thought, Bai Mo's idea was understood.

It doesn't mean that Jirachi is just a tool for absorbing power, but it's better not to be a tool for storage and a tool for transmitting power.

Bai Mo's meaning is very simple, Kirachi, as long as she can do what she can only do, she may not need to do the latter two things.

In fact, it is not difficult to think of this level, but Kirachi may have never thought about it. After all, each of them can only stop in one place as if they are in prison. What they can know and think is limited. sleep every day or something.

As for the fantasy and them, uh, it's not about hanging up high, who doesn't have to think about it, only Kiraqi can absorb the energy of the comet, and Kiraqi is willing to moisten some desolate places, then let them go chant.

So, ah, such a simple and solvable problem has never been solved.

On the side, the more serious he thought, the brighter and brighter Kirachi's eyes became, and he finally said happily, "Yes, there is still a way to do this."

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