"I'm so stupid, why can't I think of it."

Saying that, Kirachi's face became sad again, and he said sadly, "But, what should I do now, Faens definitely doesn't have something that can replace me, and I can't go out to find it!"

Saying that, Kirachi suddenly looked at Bai Mo and Mengmeng, and there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes, "Dream, and the chooser, are you willing to help me?"

"That, my name is Bai Mo!" Bai Mo shook his head with a smile, and mentioned his name at the right time.

"Okay, Bai Mo, are you willing to help me?" Kirachi approached Bai Mo and asked with eagerness on his face.

"Uh!" Bai Mo thought, but he felt that his current ability was not enough, so he could only turn his head to look at the dream, "You should have a way, you used to wander around the world all day long, like this Something, you should know!"

"Yeah, yeah, Dream, you know!" Kirachi floated in front of Dream again and asked.

"Cough cough!" Hearing Kirachi's words, Dream scratched her ears embarrassingly, not because she was just playing around and didn't even know this thing, but she knew this thing.

A little embarrassed to look at Kirachi, Dream tilted his head slightly, and even blushed a little, and said softly, "That, in fact, the most common leaves of the World Tree are enough!"

"When I was walking on the World Tree before, when I saw a comet slipping by, the leaves absorbed a little bit of that power, which should be able to be stored."

Saying that, Dream waved his hand and took out an ordinary World Tree leaf from his portable space.

Looking at this leaf, Bai Mo immediately felt a warm feeling!

Seeing the world leaf, Kirachi couldn't wait to take it in his hand, and then tried to inject the comet energy in his body.

The next moment, her eyes lit up, and the eyes on her stomach suddenly opened. Then, a huge beam of light shot out at the leaves and was absorbed by the leaves.

After doing all this, Kirachi controlled the leaves to come to the place where she slept before, wrapped it in the black crystal that wrapped her body before, and began to feel it slowly.

After a few minutes, Kirachi opened his eyes in surprise and said happily, "Yes, it's really possible!"

Saying that, Kirachi danced happily, she had a feeling that she could finally be freed!

Looking at the flying Kirachi, Bai Mo smiled slightly, then looked at the dream and teased, "Well, our dream is really powerful, we have discovered such things."

"It's so noisy!" Hearing Bai Mo teasing himself, Dream suddenly blushed and argued, "How could I know there is such a way!"

Hearing this, Bai Mo still wanted to speak, but Kirachi suddenly floated over and said, "It's not a dream."

"She's just having fun, she doesn't care about other things, it doesn't matter."

"Are you sure, are you talking for me?" The corner of Dream's mouth twitched.

Haha laughing, Bai Mo's expression suddenly turned positive, and he looked at Kiraqi seriously, "Kiraki, you are free now, are you willing to travel with me?"

"Of course!" Contrary to Bai Mo's expectations, Kirachi readily agreed, but before he was happy, Kirachi said again, "But not for the time being!"

Saying that, Kirachi floated in front of Bai Mo and said seriously, "Although my problem has been solved, my brothers and sisters are still all over the place and can't sleep!"

"I'm going to tell them the good news and help them all figure it out."

"When everyone's problems are resolved, I'll come to you again, okay!"

Saying that, Kirachi blinked his cute eyes.

"Of course there is no problem!" Hearing Kirachi's words, although he was a little disappointed, Bai Mo had no objection. Then, he asked the question that he had been wondering for a long time.

"Kirachi, do you have many siblings?"

Hearing this, Kirachi said casually, "There are quite a few, and there are one or two in every region!"

"Uh!" Bai Mo's mouth twitched suddenly, but he didn't expect that Kirachi's number seemed to be quite large.

Of course, this is a lot compared to the dream, Ho-wang has only one elf, and compared to most of the other elves and even the ethnic groups of Lattias and Latios, Kirachi is not too much, and also Everyone is sleeping.

"Dream, give me the leaves!" At this time, Kirachi stretched out his cute little hand towards Dream.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo suddenly had a feeling of seeing the cute thing coquettish with the cute thing. Really, he felt like he was about to melt.

"Oh, trouble!" Dream pouted, but still took out a handful of leaves and put it in Kirachi's hand, "It's not the core leaf of the World Tree anyway, give it to you, but I don't have many, you Don't mess with it."

"No way!" Kirachi carefully hid the leaves, stretched out a small hand and patted his chest and said, "One piece for each brother and sister, there's no end to it!"

"It's not necessarily!" Dreamy and cute pouted, "Who knows if you guys will be bored and find another place to give selflessly."

"Me, this is also possible!" Hearing Dream's words, Kirachi scratched his head suddenly, and then stretched out his little hand again, "Then, Dream, give me a few more leaves. !"

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In the end, Dream took out ten more leaves of the World Tree under the soft grinding and hard bubbles of Jirachi.

After getting the leaf, Kirachi showed a bright smile with satisfaction, and then used his superpower to condense a small black crystal and put it in Bai Mo's hand!

"This is the crystallization of my energy. No matter where I am, I can feel it. When I have done everything I need to do, I will come to you and follow the promise to travel with you!"

"Goodbye, Bai Mo!"

Afterwards, without giving Bai Mo a chance to speak, Kirachi had disappeared from his sight. (PS: Ordinary Kirachi will not move instantaneously, but this one from Faens does not know why, but it will!)

Seeing that Kirachi just left, Bai Mo was speechless for a while, then looked at the dream and smiled bitterly, "Let's go, I don't know when she will come to me."

"You can rest assured!" Hearing Bai Mo's words, it was rare, and Dream comforted him, "The reputation of the Kirachi family, you can see that they are voluntarily trapped in one place."

"You are now helping their family to solve the problem. Maybe there will be more than one Kirachi who is willing to travel with you."

"Anyway, they've been trapped for so long, and they must have thought of taking a look around. Why do they all walk around? It's also a good choice to be with you!"

"Then it's your blessing!" Bai Mo smiled at Menghuan, and then, with a wave of his hand, Butler and Diane, who were lying on the ground, slowly opened their eyes.

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