"Dr. Bai Mo!" After being fully awake, Butler immediately stood up with Diane. After greeting Bai Mo cautiously, he looked around and found that the spar where Kirachi was sitting was gone. There was a hint of doubt in his eyes, but he didn't ask.

Noticing Butler's expression, Bai Mo said lightly, "Kirachi has left!"

"Go?" Butler was shocked when he heard Bai Mo's words.

"That's right, I left after being woken up by us!" Bai Mo nodded and said, "Not every legend is true. After Jirachi created Faens, he just slept here, not only Being here, and leaving now, should be to create a second Faens."

Saying that, Bai Mo sighed softly.

Butler naturally wouldn't believe Bai Mo's words so easily, but he was a smart person, so he wouldn't question Bai Mo at this time.

At this time, Bai Mo suddenly took a serious look at Butler and thought, "I know, you want to use the gravel of Groudon you got from yourself to resurrect Groudon, but I advise you to Don't do it!"

Hearing Bai Mo reveal the deepest secret hidden in his heart, Butler's pupils shrank, and then instinctively asked, "Why?"

"Because Groudon isn't dead yet!" Bai Mo said lightly, "Although Groudon and Kyogre have been asleep for a long time, so long that humans think they have disappeared, but I just saw them some time ago!"

"She's not dead yet. If you use a little piece of her body to do some research, you'll end up creating an inferior replica of Groudon, which is still out of your control!"

"You should have heard about the mythical beasts in Zijin City some time ago. I experienced it myself at the time!"

"At that time, Lightning Bird and Latios appeared. Both of them were only the weakest third-level divine beasts, and their powers were far beyond my ability to deal with them!"

"And above this, above, above Groudon, you can't even beat me, what kind of confidence do you have to make up your mind?"

"Me!" Butler was silent when he heard Bai Mo's words.

After a long while, he suddenly raised his head and said with a smile, "Dr. Bai Mo and I are not related to each other, but you tell me so much, what should be the reason?"

"That's right!" Bai Mo did not deny it, and said directly, "In my eyes, you are a talent!"

"I have bought a large area of ​​Meteor Falls and the surrounding area at the Union, and at the same time, I have found a construction company to start building my industrial area according to my requirements!"

"How about you, do you want to work for me!"

Hearing Bai Mo's words, Butler's eyes brightened, Bai Mo, the youngest doctor in the alliance actually agreed with him, and he was recruiting him?

In Butler's eyes, this is an honor.

But because of this, Butler's expression became solemn, and he said doubtfully, "Dr. Bai Mo, you also said that my research is useless. Then, if you want me to work for you, what will I do?"

"Simple!" Bai Mo had a plan in his heart, and told Butler about his two plans. One of these two plans was related to star fragments, and the other was related to fossils.

Hearing Bai Mo's words, Butler's eyes flickered again and again, and before Bai Mo finished speaking, he nodded and accepted the position given by Bai Mo.

He, Butler, will work for Bai Mo in the future!

Bai Mo has his own plans for accepting Butler so simply. Of course, he will not blindly trust others. Therefore, the real core things are in his own hands. At the same time, he has already thought about protecting them. method.

Butler is obedient and loyal. Everyone makes a fortune together and gains both fame and fortune.

If betrayal, the price, but no one can afford.

After discussing things with Butler, Bai Mo directly used teleportation to take him outside the cave. After the two exchanged contact information, Butler decided to go to Meteor Falls as soon as possible according to the requirements given by Bai Mo.

As for Bai Mo, he came to the cave again.

"Roar!" Seeing Bai Mo's appearance, Absolu suddenly let out a roar.

"You really are still here." Seeing Absol, there was a smile on Bai Mo's face.

When Kirachi left before, he also told Bai Mo to ask him to take care of Absol, because Absol would protect her when she was at her weakest, that is, when she was absorbing the power of the comet.

When absorbing the energy of the comet, Jirachi can only use the strength of the quasi-king level, which is not strong, so it needs protection!

Normally, other Kiraqi Bai Mo doesn't know, but this one of Faens has already understood the rules of super energy and steel, and has the strength of the head-level, that is, the second-level divine beast.

This is also the reason why Absol did not enter the cave, and blocked it outside the cave, just because Absol did not want outsiders to disturb Kirachi's sleep.

But in the space inside the cave, Kirachi is paying attention all the time, and he will find it when Bai Mo and others enter.

Now is not the time for Jirachi to absorb the power of the comet. Ordinary people go in to deliver food!

Chapter 0242 Challenge the Violet Gym!

Ten days have passed.

On this day, Bai Mo, Yayi and others came to Zijin City, where Zijin Gym is located again!

After taking a rest at the Elf Center, the group walked towards the Zijin Gym.

Ten days ago, I found Kiraqi in Faens White Street as my wish, and also solved the problem of not being able to leave Faens for Kiraqi.

In the end, Kirachi went to his brothers and sisters with the world leaves he got from the dream, and said that he would travel with Bai Mo after finishing the matter. Of course, traveling together is just traveling together, not conquering, At that time, Bai Mo still needs to work hard.

But this time Bai Mo is not ignorant. At least, he has conquered an Absol with good aptitude and strength, and because it was ordered by Kiraqi, Absol voluntarily followed Bai Unfamiliar, the process of reining is omitted.

After subduing Absol, it also meant that the elf carrying slots that could be used on Bai Mo had been used up, which made him sigh that it was still not enough.

At this time, Dream told Bai Mo a piece of good news, which made Bai Mo happy for a long time, that is, the leaves of the world tree that Bai Mo merged in his mind can form a space of its own, and this space is very Rare room for living creatures.

He already has top superpowers, and now he can initially open up this world, and the size of this space is also related to Bai Mo's strength.

It's just that if he wants to open up this space, even if there is a dream of teaching, Bai Mo knows that it will take some time!

Along the way, constantly consciously condensing their superpowers, Bai Mo and Tou Zi and several daughters came to Zijin Gym.

The door of the gymnasium was tightly closed, and there was no sign that anyone was there. Tou Zi stepped forward and knocked on the door. Unexpectedly, the door collapsed as soon as he knocked on it.

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