"Mo, what are you talking about?" Tou Zi looked at Bai Mo blankly.

"It should be because the decoration was not finished!" Bai Mo, who was distractedly training his superpowers, didn't understand what Touzi said, and agreed casually.

"I'll take a look." Yayi Yiliang came to Touzi curiously.

At this moment, a railing suddenly protruded from both sides of the fallen door panel, and the next moment, the entire door panel slid like this.

Feeling the situation under his feet, Bai Mo finally came back to his senses. Thinking of the scene in the original book, the corner of his mouth twitched, "Damn it, I forgot that Tie Xuan transformed the gym into a playground."

The next moment, the door panel under Bai Mo's feet was speeding up like a roller coaster. Touzi, Yayi, and Ram all instinctively reached out and grabbed the railing to prevent themselves from falling.

Seeing this, Bai Mo immediately used his superpowers to control a few girls to his side. At the same time, he secretly swore in his heart that he would not be merciless in the match against Tie Xuan, and would do his best!

"Hey, it's Lei Gong!" After recovering from the initial surprise, Mei began to enjoy this exciting game. At this moment, she suddenly pointed to a position in front of her and shouted.

Everyone immediately looked in the direction of her fingers.

Dream immediately rolled his eyes, "It's really boring, but I don't know if King Ho will burn down this gym in anger if he knows that his subordinates have been made like this!"

"I'm a lot older, and Tie Xuan really likes to play." Bai Mo naturally recognized at a glance that the Lei Gong in front was a fake, a mechanical Lei Gong.

It should be, only Tie Xuan can think of such a dangerous thing as a gift to welcome new trainers.

After thinking for a while, Bai Mo directly followed Shanaido and said, "Xiao Nai, kill him, mental shock!"

When Shanai Duo heard Bai Mo's order, he waved his slender hand, and several substantial spiritual light waves slammed straight into the mechanical thunder.

At this time, Mechanic Lei Gong actually released an electric current to attack the spiritual light wave released by Shanaido.

However, what Mechanic Lei Gong released was obviously just ordinary electricity, and he couldn't even block the spiritual shock with profound meaning that Shanaido used.

The electric shock was directly dissipated, and the mental shock came to Mechanic Lei Gong. With a "bang", he was smashed into two halves.

"Beautiful work." Bai Mo praised Shanaido with a smile, and the latter just nodded obediently.

After defeating Mechanic Lei Gong, Bai Mo and his party stopped in what was like a flying car.

In the side door, Tie Xuan walked out and came to Bai Mo and the others, he laughed when he saw Bai Mo: "It turned out to be Dr. Bai Mo, it's been a few months, I didn't expect you to come to challenge. The Violet Gym is here!"

"After all, it's what I promised, so of course I'm here!" Bai Mo came to the ground with a smile!

Seeing Bai Mo say this, Tie Xuan nodded with a smile, and then asked proudly, "How was the reception ceremony just now? Many people who came to challenge the gym said that the renovation was very good."

Hearing this, Bai Mo was too lazy to pay attention to him. Of course, those people would speak good words against their conscience in order to get the gym badge, but not Bai Mo.

Seeing that Bai Mo didn't speak, Tie Xuan was also sensible. There were always people who didn't like it and couldn't force it.

Turning around directly, Bai Mo and his party led by Tie Xuan came to the playing field of Zijin Gym in the back.

When he came to the battlefield, Tie Xuan came to his battle position.

On Bai Mo's side, as always, Tou Zi and several daughters came to the auditorium, and Bai Mo came to the battle position first.

Seeing that Bai Mo and Tie Xuan were all ready, the referee on the side said loudly, "Then, let's start the Zijin Gym Challenge, which will be wagered on the power badge, using 4 elves, and the 4 pokemons on one side. When the elves are unable to fight, the battle is over."

"During the competition, only the challenger can change the battle spirit at will!"

As the referee's voice fell, Tie Xuan was very confident. He took out four elves and smiled at Bai Mo, "I use these four elves."

"Magnetic, Naughty Bomb, [-]-in-[-] Magneto and my ace—"

"Thunder beast!"

Chapter 0243 Easy Game

Tie Xuan released the four elves that he wanted to use, and Bai Mo used his superpower to sweep away the power of the four elves immediately.

Magneto, with high-level strength and top-notch aptitude, Bai Mo suspects that Tie Xuan has had shit luck!

Naughty bombs, elite-level strength, top-grade qualifications!

Three-in-one magnetic monster, quasi-king-level strength, top-grade qualifications!

Thunder beast, Heavenly King-level strength, top-grade aptitude!

Seeing these four elves, Bai Mo probably knew in his heart how Tie Xuan arranged it.

"In that case, let's go, Cutie!" Bai Mo threw the Poke Ball, and Cutie appeared on the field.

"Oh, it turned out to be a Katie, and it's a flash Katie. It's very rare. If Junsha from the Junsha family sees it, I don't know what it will be like!" Tie Xuan glanced at Bai Mo's flash. Katie, laughed a few times again.

There are not too many kati dogs, but most of them are in Junsha's hands. Bai Mo still shines when he takes out kati dogs, which is really surprising, and the talent of flash kati dogs is very good. The people of the Sha family knew, and they were really missed.

Of course, this concern is not to rob Bai Mo's Katee, but to borrow a Katee that breeds better!

"Interesting, interesting!" Haha laughed a few times, the expression on Tie Xuan's face suddenly changed, and he said loudly, "Then, you go first, Magneto, use the discharge!!"

"Katie, shoot flames!" Bai Mo ordered immediately.

Follow the orders of their respective trainers.

The two elves made a unique move together, and Magneto's body suddenly released a dazzling electric light, and the electric light flew in the direction of the catty dog.

After brewing for a while, the Cati dog also opened his mouth and spit out a flame.

The flames and the electric mans collided in the air and immediately exploded. The two sides fought evenly this time.

"Is the level really close!" Seeing this scene, Bai Mo squinted his eyes. After all, the Cati dog hatched not long ago. Although he was trained and taught by his predecessor, the fire-breathing dragon, his strength was still only at the intermediate level for the time being.

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