High-grade qualifications have already become a hindrance.

Therefore, whether it is Lucario or Zoroja, who has the same aptitude and only top-ranking, they have all restrained their mischievous personality and exercised very hard. I just hope that the gap will not change too much!

Recently, Bai Mo has clearly felt Lucario's efforts. He has nothing, because aptitude is such a ruthless thing. Of course, he also takes this matter into his heart. As long as he improves Lucario's aptitude opportunity, he will not miss.

At the same time, because of this reason, Bai Mo's command battles against Lucario have also increased a lot.

On the way from Qiuye Town to Zijin City, under the command of Bai Mo, Lucario has fought against many powerful wild elves and trainers, and he has yet to fail.

An upward momentum has condensed.

Both Lucario and Bai Mo knew that as long as they won this time, a breakthrough might be in sight.

"Naughty bomb, this time, we attacked first, Dianguang!"

In the first defeat, in the second match, Tie Xuan directed Naughty Bomb to take the lead!

In the arena, Naughty Bomb's body immediately burst into a dazzling electric light covering his whole body, and then slammed into Lucario's direction.

His eyes flickered, Bai Mo frowned and looked at Lucario and shouted, "Hold on!"

"Luca!" Lucario's eyes narrowed, his hands made a blocking gesture, and a white light appeared on his body, instantly blocking the naughty bullet's attack.

When he found that the electric light on Naughty Bomb disappeared, Bai Mo's eyes narrowed and he shouted, "Metallic sound!"

"Metallic sound?"

Hearing that Bai Mo asked Lucario to use such a trick, Mei and the others were all curious. Although Bai Mo knew a lot about elves, most of the time he liked them to go straight.

Use direct attack tricks.

It is not Bai Mo's commanding style to spend energy to use effect-type tricks.

In the arena, I heard Bai Mo's order.

Lucario showed his super high training quality, without any doubts at all, he directly canceled the remaining strength to hold the light, he opened his mouth fiercely, and a silver wave of light shrouded the naughty bullet!

The speed of the metal sound was very fast, and it arrived in an instant, and it was transmitted to its body when the naughty bullet was completely unresponsive.

But a scene that surprised everyone happened. Hearing the metallic sound, Naughty Dang didn't show any sadness at all. Instead, he showed a disdainful expression to Lucario!

"Hahaha, Bai Mo, it's an accident, your attack didn't work!" At this time, Tie Xuan's proud voice reached the ears of all the people.

Hearing Tie Xuan's words, unexpectedly, the corners of Bai Mo's mouth twitched and smiled softly, "It's better to say, this is what I hoped!"

After speaking, Bai Mo said loudly, "Lucario, close combat!"


Lucario looked aside, his left foot was slightly used, his body was launched like a rocket, and he came to Naughty Bomb's side in an instant, his knees were slightly hard, and Naughty Bomb was pushed up by him.

The naughty bomb was knocked out, and I didn't know what to do at all.

Lucario's bent knees and feet jumped up at this time, catching up with Naughty Bomb at a faster speed, hugging it with both hands, and smashing it hard, Naughty Bomb suddenly embedded like a falling meteor. in the ground.

This is not the end. After the naughty bullet entered the ground, Lucario's hands gathered a white light and fell straight towards the naughty bullet.

It was only at this time that Tie Xuan reacted, knowing that if the naughty bomb was hit by Lucario for the last time, he would definitely not feel good, and he immediately shouted, "Naughty bomb, discharge!"

"See through!" Bai Mo's flat voice sounded along with Tie Xuan's.

Naughty Bomb was face down at this time, his line of sight was completely blocked, and he didn't know the surrounding situation, but it still heard Tie Xuan's order, and immediately used the discharge skill.

The discharge skill is that the naughty bomb emits electric current from the whole body, and launches it towards the surrounding, to ease the current situation, and even counterattack is just right.

However, after Lucario got Bai Mo's order, there was a strange light in the corners of his eyes. He saw the lightning flashes from Naughty Bomb's body. Turn on the lightning that shoots towards you.

Because it was not Naughty Bullets that could be controlled, Lucario managed to dodge these lightning bolts very easily after using See Through, and finally both hands hit Naughty Bullets!


This time, Naughty Bomb's body was almost half on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Tie Xuan's heart tightened, and she immediately shouted, "Naughty bomb, get up, use scroll!"

"Lucario, step on!" Bai Mo's voice also sounded at this time, and he said with a grin at Tie Xuan:

"Master Tie Xuan, never speculate on my considerations!"

"Your naughty bullet is soundproof, it's very rare among naughty bullets that are generally static!"

"However, I asked Lucario to use the metal tone before, because I wanted to see what the properties of naughty bullets are!"

"After you've determined that the naughty bomb is sound-isolating and not static, your naughty bomb will not feel good!"

"Lucario, he is a melee master of the fighting department!"

Chapter 0245 Lucario's persistence!

As Bai Mo's words fell, Tie Xuan didn't have time to be shocked when he saw Lucario in the arena lift his feet tightly, and his feet were still condensed with a yellowish color.


Lucario's stomping hit on the naughty bomb, which had not yet fully rolled, without the slightest accident, and stepped it into the ground to a greater extent.

The surrounding ground shook with Lucario's step, and a plume of smoke seemed to permeate it.

But through this layer of smoke and dust, everyone can still find that Naughty Bomb's body has stopped rolling, obviously losing the ability to fight!

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