"So strong!"

Tie Xuan couldn't help but sigh in admiration after his naughty bullet was solved in three or two strokes. He was also happy that his naughty bullet had escaped Lucario's metallic sound because of its unusual sound insulation properties.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, Bai Mo, who knew through the metallic sound that naughty bullets had no electrostatic properties, let Lucario use the melee combat skill to easily hit the ground, followed by a series of fast attacks that depended on speed.

In the end, he used the most effective ground skills on the naughty bombs, stomping!

This stomping step directly stepped on the naughty bomb on the ground. If you think about it, you can guess how much damage this skill will cause to the naughty bomb. It's terrifying!

"Naughty Bomb is incapacitated, and Lucario wins!" The referee announced the result at this time, because Lucario pushed Naughty Bomb out of the ground with his hands, and the latter had passed out. !

He took out the Poke Ball and retracted the naughty bomb. Tie Xuan could no longer laugh at this time. Although he was the seventh-ranked Heavenly King gym owner in Fangyuan, he was also a Heavenly King-class trainer. The one who lost the two games Why is it neat and tidy, he can't help but ignore it.

"Next time, the three-in-one magnet monster, come on!" Taking a deep breath, Tie Xuan looked at the three-in-one magnet monster on one side!


The three-in-one magnetite nodded slightly and floated into the arena.

Seeing that Tie Xuan sent a three-in-one magnet monster with the strength of the quasi-tianwang intermediate, Bai Mo did not intend to take back Lukario.

Because, after defeating the naughty bombs of the same level, the momentum of Lucario has changed qualitatively. That is the prototype of the king, the strength of the quasi-king level!

"Three-in-one Magneto, noise!" Tie Xuan saw that Bai Mo did not replace Lucario, but his face became solemn, and he directed the three-in-one Magneto to attack!

The three-in-one magnet is the existence of the electric and steel types, and the fighting type just restrains the steel type. Tie Xuan, as a veteran Tianwang-level trainer, still has some eyesight, and knows that Lucario is fighting naughty. The transformation has been completed in this station, and it is already a quasi-king-level elf.

Although it is a new entry, it is only a small level away, and the three-in-one magnetic monster is even more disadvantaged.

"Noise? Did you choose to lower Lucario's defense first, and then deal the blow?"

"Nice idea!"

"It's a pity it's naive!"

Bai Mo understood his plan the moment he heard Tie Xuan's shouting, and immediately said loudly, "Lucario, Bo missile!"

Hearing the words, Lucario immediately folded his arms around his chest, gathered a blue wave missile, and pushed it towards the three-in-one Magneto.

The wave missile went quickly, hitting the three-in-one Magneto just as it was about to make a noise.


With an explosion, the noise was interrupted directly.

"I care too much, and I neglected the speed!" Tie Xuan realized that he had made a mistake, and immediately shouted, "Three-in-one Magneto, counterattack, electric shock wave!"

"Electrical shock wave!" Seeing the electric current shrouding Lucario from the three-in-one magnet in the arena, Bai Mo's eyes flashed and he shouted, "Lucario, hold on to the minimum level and feel the electric shock. The power of waves!"

Facing the electric shock wave, Bai Mo gave a strange order.

"No, Mo, do you want Lucario to learn electrical skills in this way?" Yayi asked Touzi and Ram who were beside her in disbelief when she heard Bai Mo's words.

Several of them traveled with Bai Mo all the way, and Bai Mo's training never concealed them.

Therefore, they all knew that Bai Mo's recent task for Lucario was to learn the skill of Lightning and Lightning Fist, but before, it was only Bai Mo's theoretical guidance, and Fire-breathing Dragon, a teacher who had already learned Lightning Fist.

But Lucario has been at a loss for a while, but he never thought that Bai Mo would actually let Lucario do things like bear the attack.

In fact, what Mei and the others didn't know was that if it wasn't for the huge gap in strength between the fire-breathing dragon and Lucario, he was afraid that the loss would be too heavy, and it would be too late, so he would have done it a long time ago.

Now, Lucario's strength has become stronger, and the strength of the three-in-one magnet monster is not comparable to the fire-breathing dragon. With the addition of a layer of guarding the light, Bai Mo believes that Lucario can do it!

As for why Lucario learned such a skill, it was because Bai Mo wanted to use it to arm himself in a different way. If nothing else, if he mastered this skill and dealt with the originally restrained fire-breathing dragon, Lucario would instead There is a killer!

On the field, Lucario also understood what Bai Mo meant, and his eyes became firm. For him, as long as he became stronger without any sequelae, he could accept any form of training, no matter how hard it was!

Only a faint white light curtain appeared around the body, Lucario began to bear the power of the electric shock wave, and felt the power of electricity!

"Three-in-one Magneto, increase your strength!" Although Tie Xuan wondered why Bai Mo did this, he had lost two consecutive games, which made him desperately need to win one.

As soon as he saw the three-in-one magnet monster increasing its strength, Bai Mo's heart also tightened, but he still looked at Lucario with a painful expression, and his trusting voice was also transmitted to Lucario's heart:

"Lucario, I believe you can do it!"

Hearing Bai Mo's voice, Lucario's eyes became firmer, and then he slowly closed his eyes.

He is obviously determined to learn the skill of thunder and lightning, even if the power of the electric shock wave increases, it does not increase the power of protection, but weakens it.

Chapter 0246 Eat the loss of no culture

With the passage of time, in the electric shock wave, Lucario suddenly opened his eyes, showing a confident hand, and the white mask that guarded the skill suddenly opened, and instantly bounced the electric shock wave around him.

Feeling Lucario's confident attitude, Bai Mo was overjoyed at the moment!

Although I don't know how much I understand it, but with Lucario's character, I think it's absolutely no problem to use it.

Glancing at the electrodes used by the [-]-in-[-] Magneto, his eyes flashed, and he immediately ordered a counterattack, "Good job, Lucario, it's time to counterattack, Cannon Cannon!"

Lucario immediately folded his arms and folded his chest, his whole body glowing brightly, and finally gathered at one point, sending out a cannon light cannon in the direction of the three-in-one Magneto.

The Cannon Light Cannon is a steel-based skill, and its emission makes the electric shock waves remaining in the air instantly appear on the surface, making a "crackling" sound.

However, these electric shock waves did not destroy and wear away the power of the light cannon. Instead, they were enveloped in the light, and the entanglement also flew towards the three-in-one magnet.

This trick looks extremely beautiful at this moment. If you go to the gorgeous competition, you will definitely pass it with full marks.

In this way, the cannon light cannon carried the electric shock wave directly, and it arrived in a flash. It hit the three-in-one magnet. The monsters began to flicker.

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