Suddenly, the three-in-one Magneto let out a painful cry.

"What a beautiful combination move!" Ram looked at this move and couldn't help but praised.

"Bai Mo can come up with such a move at a moment's notice. It's really amazing!" Tou Zi's eyes also flashed with adoration!

"Bai Mo, I'm going to give you a monkey!" Ya Yi shouted excitedly.

Around, the corners of the mouths of the women such as Monarch Snake, Minas, Dream, and Ram suddenly twitched!

The corner of Bai Mo's mouth also twitched, he's not a monkey!

In his heart, Bai Mo's reaction speed remained the same, but when he saw that the three-in-one magnetite was obviously attacked twice because of a double attack, he immediately chased after the victory, "Lucario, Bo missile!"

"Three-in-one Magneto, shadow clone!" Tie Xuan knew that it was a fighting-type skill when he saw Lucario's rapidly condensing wave missile in his hand, and quickly shouted.

Although the three-in-one magnetic monster looked painful, it still insisted on using this skill and divided dozens of clones.


However, in response to Tie Xuan, there was still an explosion!

Afterwards, seeing the body of the three-in-one magnet monster fly upside down from the smoke and dust generated by the explosion, his expression became even more painful.

Seeing this, Bai Mo said loudly, "Godly fast!"


Hearing Bai Mo's order, Lucario's figure immediately turned into a blue light, almost teleporting, and he caught up with the three-in-one Magneto's figure in the blink of an eye. The powerful force from the speed, all the punches were poured into the three-in-one Magneto!


The three-in-one Magneto was knocked out by Lucario, slammed into the wall behind, and then slid weakly to the ground.

"The three-in-one Magneto loses its combat effectiveness, Lucario wins!" The referee immediately pronounced the verdict!

It wasn't until hearing the referee's voice that Tie Xuan reacted and asked Bai Mo in disbelief, "Before, after the three-in-one Magneto used a shadow clone,"

"How did Lucario find the deity so quickly?"

Obviously, it was because of the sudden hit of the three-in-one magnetite that Tie Xuan did not keep up with the rhythm!

"The wave missile is based on the opponent's wave guide to track, so no matter how the lightning ball is avoided, as long as the wave guide does not disappear, the wave missile will hit!" Hearing Tie Xuan's question, Bai Mo calmly explained, There's nothing secret about it either.

"Bo Dao, so it is, so it's called a wave missile!" Hearing Bai Mo's explanation, Tie Xuan's eyes flashed a hint of enlightenment. He still has some experience, and Bird has also heard of it. The strange ability that may be mastered is similar to super ability!

This game was defeated so quickly, Tie Xuan felt that she had suffered a complete loss of culture, and she didn't know the reason for the effect of the wave missile...

With a wry smile, after losing three games in a row, Tie Xuan had already fully devoted himself to the game. He took out the Poke Ball and recovered the three-in-one Magneto who had lost the ability to fight. He looked at the Thunder Beast beside him.

"Old man, this time, look at you!"

"Ah!" The Thunder Beast nodded slightly when he heard the words, his legs jumped into the arena, his eyes locked on Lucario and Bai Mo!

"Lightning beast, the strength of the mid-level king of heaven, the understanding of the profound meaning of electricity is very strong, much stronger than the sound of the old man Wanmu, interesting!"

After taking a serious look at the Thunder Beast's situation, Bai Mo also took out the Poke Ball and took back Lucario, who had no stage fright in the face of the Thunder Beast, and then threw a Poke Ball.

"Go, blood-winged dragon, it's time to show your strength!"


With a roar, the sound of the blood-winged dragon appeared in the air.

"Quite God!"

"Heavenly King!"

Seeing the elf that Bai Mo took out, Tie Xuan's pupils shrank suddenly. He knew that quasi-gods were rare, but he didn't expect Bai Mo to have them, and he had already cultivated to the level of a heavenly king.

Although looking at the appearance of the blood-wing flying dragon, it should be a breakthrough soon, and its strength is weaker than the thunder and lightning beast by a small level, but Tie Xuan does not dare to be careless, even if the blood-wing flying dragon still has the flight attribute that is restrained by the thunder and lightning beast!

Quasi-god, with a word for god, it is definitely not a word.

In the arena, after the blood-winged flying dragon roared out, it waved its wings and came into the air, with a pair of fierce eyes staring at the thunderbolt beast.

Feeling the momentum of the blood-winged dragon, the Thunder Beast's heart tightened, and a strange force acted on it, making its physical attack power drop a little. This is the intimidating feature of the blood-winged dragon.

Out of prudence, after taking a look at the blood-winged flying dragon, Tie Xuan took the lead in giving the command, "Thunder beast, strike first, strike the thunder!"

Hearing Tie Xuan's order, a powerful electric current immediately emerged from the Thunder Beast's body and shot towards the Blood Winged Flying Dragon.

Chapter 0247 Intense Battle

Seeing the thunderbolt used by the Thunder Beast with the profound meaning of his own comprehension, Bai Mo didn't dare to care about it, and immediately shouted at the blood-winged flying dragon, "Keep it!"


The body of the blood-winged dragon immediately appeared in a layer of dazzling white light curtain that enveloped the entire body, and the thunder used by the thunderbolt beast hit it with powerful formidable power.


The destructive power of the thunder and lightning with the middle-level profound meaning is very strong, and it hits the white light curtain on the blood-winged dragon, and it also arouses ripples.

Fortunately, the blood-winged dragon was already at the Heavenly King level, and the quality and quantity of its ability output were sufficient, and the electric light was isolated and scattered around.

The light of the thunder lit up the entire field almost instantly.

"Blood-winged dragon, hot wind!"

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