After this battle, it was getting late, and the trainers all went back to their rooms to sleep one after another.

Bai Mo, Tou Zi and others are no exception.

Because it is a luxury passenger ship, Toko's seasickness is slightly better, but she still likes to stay in her guest room as much as possible.

Bai Mo returned to his room alone, took a comfortable bath, and walked towards his bed!

When he came to his bed and saw the situation on the bed, Bai Mo couldn't help swallowing, because under the quilt, there was obviously a person sleeping. This person's legs were exposed outside the quilt. He was slender, fair, and full of temptation. force.

Although her head was covered, judging from the two unusually high protrusions on the quilt, this woman must have something quite outstanding.

Bai Mo knew very well that with this scale, this woman would not be Touzi or Shanaido.

Who would that be?

Chapter 0252 Night Attack of the Monarch Snake

"Gudu!" Gudu instinctively, Bai Mo still licked his lips and reached out to the quilt, slowly opening it.

When the quilt was only opened by a corner, Bai Mo knew the identity of the other party.

That iconic long green hair proves her identity.

"That, Monarch Snake, why are you here!?" Without being foolish, he lifted the quilt and went on. Bai Mo moved his body and let himself slowly enter from the corner of the quilt, trying to chat with Xiaotian for a while.

To be honest, why the monarch snake, who Bai Mo had never known, fell in love with him, it wasn't necessarily that he had any arrogance, but it wasn't right. I didn't see a few of the other elves posted upside down. , or the best royal sister like Monarch Snake.

"What do you think!?" Wei Wei turned over and let his long legs rest on Bai Mo's legs, moving slightly.

friction friction.

Monarch Snake let out a sigh of relief, and a pair of unique snake pupils in his beautiful eyes stared at Bai Mo and said, "You must be responsible for abducting my heart!"

"Don't deny it, obviously, you did so many things to me first."

Saying that, Monarch Snake changed his usual icy image, and suddenly a bright and happy smile appeared on his face. He moved slightly to let his head rest on Bai Mo's chest and listened to his heartbeat.

"Well, what did I do?" Hearing the words of the monarch snake, feeling the cool feeling from her body that was different from other girls, Bai Mo was really hot in his heart, but he really didn't You know, the idea of ​​the monarch snake.

"Have you forgotten?" Hearing Bai Mo's words, Monarch Snake looked up at her, and his eyes became a little cold.

"Of course not!" Bai Mo immediately denied it, and turned to a smile, "I just think what I do for you is a matter of course, and I don't care about anything!"

"I'm really surprised that I can be favored by a beauty like you, so I want to know why you are tempted!"

"So it is!" Monarch Snake obviously believed Bai Mo's words. Hearing Bai Mo's explanation, and hearing him praise his beauty, he smiled again and leaned on Bai Mo's chest.

Feeling the temperature on Bai Mo's body, Monarch Snake fell into his own memories.

"Tell me, when did I fall in love with you!"

"Well, I don't know about this either, unknowingly!"

"You won't forget that when I was still a monarch snake, you helped me groom my hair instead of Touzi, and also made me elf food that could make me grow faster, and the taste was still made according to the delicious taste I needed!"

"You also like to chat with me telepathically!"

"And the smell on your body, I like it very much!"

"You also helped me become beautiful and stronger!"

"Of course I have a special fondness for you."

"Later, as the travel time increased, I learned about you and Shanaido."

"I didn't expect it, I knew that you were so good to me because you liked me."

"I'm very moved, so after I know that Shanaido ate Hua Xing Hua Hua Xing, I don't want to miss such an opportunity, and I want to be with you too!"

Hearing the words of the monarch snake, Bai Mo's mouth twitched when she didn't see it.

What I did to the monarch snake, I had no other ideas at all, I just wanted to behave well in front of Tou Zi, and the effect was also good. Isn't Tou Zi already in the same bed with him?Also often meet him in the woods!

The ghost knows that the monarch snake will have the wrong meaning.

And Shaneido.

Bai Mo said that the monarch and the snake are beautiful, and you don't care what type of elf Shanaido is, and Shanaido has different meanings to him, and it is impossible to be separated in this life.

Monarch Snake Beauty Da, although you are very beautiful, but you are a snake, how could you have such an idea at that time.

Well, Bai Mo doesn't know if he has ever had such an idea, but absolutely, anyway, there is no such nakedness as Monarch Snake said, he did not expect so many misunderstandings to happen.

Of course, after the monarch snake changed shape, Bai Mo said that he really liked it, and his performance was also subconsciously doting, and occasionally taking advantage of it, who knew this was the case.

Of course, Bai Mo is thinking about this mentally. With a high emotional intelligence, he still knows how to speak in this scene...

Reaching out his hand to touch the long dark green hair of the monarch snake, Bai Mo pretended to be disappointed and sighed, "I didn't expect that my love for you is so subtle, and you can see it!"

"You are so smart!"

"That's right!" Hearing Bai Mo's words, he knew that there was also a confident arc on his cold and pretty face, "I still have smarter ones."

"I told Shanaido about these things, and she said help. The other elves are in the Poké Ball, and Minas, who might ruin my affairs, helped me to bring He Touzi and Mei to play with you. The one who came up with it is a landlord."

"Hey, tonight you belong to me!"

Saying that, Monarch Snake suddenly raised his head and asked suspiciously, "But when Shanaido was leaving, he said that I might not be able to stand your dragon. What does this mean?"

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