"Uh!" Bai Mo was at a loss for words. When Dalong was in a relationship with Shanai Duo, he asked Shanai Duo to talk in order to find a sense of excitement.

"For example, Mo, your dragon is so powerful."

"Mo, hurry up and hit Huanglong like this!"

But these are obviously not easy to talk to the monarch snake for the time being.

At the same time, Bai Mo also knew why Shanaido, who usually slept in his place, had become a monarch snake. It turned out that he took the sticky guy from Minas and left.

To be honest, Bai Mo never dared to do anything with Minas, not because he didn't dare or because the other party didn't want to, but because he was afraid!

Bai Mo felt that, with Minas' character and physical strength, he might want it all the time, and he was afraid that he would not be able to bear it.

However, after he broke through to the top level of superpower, there should be no problem with this matter, so, after thinking about it, Bai Mo plans to find Menas recently, and give Fugang a boost.

However, before taking Minas, it is better to take this beautiful girl in her arms first.

There was a strange arc on the corner of his mouth. Bai Mo stretched out his hand to feel the impossible touch in Tou Zi and Shanai Duo. After the Monarch Snake fell completely soft in his arms, he also changed his posture and let himself be on it. .

"Monarch Snake, now, let me tell you, what a dragon is!"

Chapter 0253 Dream listening to the corner ... peeping!

"Dragon, what is it?"

At this time, Sister Gao Lengyu showed a rather cute expression.

Bai Mo was attracted by this expression, and an uncontrollable possessiveness emerged in his heart, "Dragon, it is something that can make you experience the feeling of flying through the clouds!"

"Let you, enjoy the treatment of flying elf!"

"It's so amazing?" Monarch Snake's beautiful eyes showed a strong color of interest, and he didn't even care about the movements of Bai Mo's hands.

Anyway, when I chose to form this way back then, didn't I just think Bai Mo would like this.

"Of course it's amazing!" Bai Mo felt like he was a bad uncle who wanted to abduct and sell little girls with candy, and continued, "This big dragon can follow your monarch snake's movements at will, no matter how big or small!"

The interest in his eyes deepened, and Monarch Snake suddenly lit up and asked, "Sanaduo said that every time a big dragon makes her more tired than a battle, is this true?"

"This is also true!" Bai Mo's mouth twitched, "Sanaduo can break through the Heavenly King level so quickly, maybe there is a credit for fighting me?"

"Really, give me a try!" The monarch Snake said innocently, she has always been very simple, and she doesn't know what it is like to be together with Bai Mo.

More often, Monarch Snake felt that as long as Bai Mo said that they were together, they would be together. She didn't wear anything on Bai Mo's bed today, and it was just Shaniduo who said that Bai Mo liked it, so she did it.

For the elf, becoming stronger is an eternal topic!

Seeing that the monarch snake finally took the bait, Bai Mo's mouth twitched, and he continued, "Then you reach out, I will let you feel the little dragon first. With your help, the little dragon will become a big dragon!"

"Ha!" Monarch Snake's eyes were full of excitement.

The next moment, with the help and guidance of Bai Mo, she met her, but frowned, "How small!"

"You are trying!"

"Hey, it's really changing!"

"Of course, now, let's start fighting. It's very comfortable. It can also increase the experience of the battle. Maybe you can break through to the king level as soon as possible."

"Okay, hurry up~~ um!"

"It hurts, it hurts more than being hit by a trick!"

"now what?"

"Hey, Mo, do you still have healing skills? It's so comfortable!"

"Yeah, I've increased the power of my skills!"

"Well~~~ this is, your super power, it's amazing!"

At the same time, on the other side, in Tou Zi's room, Dream was eating snacks. On the surface, she was watching Tou Zi playing cards. In fact, she was watching a live erotic palace there. She saw that she was eating snacks without realizing it. It's a little bit faster.

On the bed, Minas threw the last three cards in his hand and shouted, "Wang Zha, Ye Ye Ye, I won again!"

"Wow, I'm really speechless!"

"What kind of luck is Minas, how does it feel that a card is either a straight or a bomb. It is rare to have a single card or pair that is still A, 2, or big king."

"Don't fight, don't fight, I'm tired of losing!"

Minas once again became the landlord and won, Yayi, Touzi, and Ram all said that this game is completely unplayable!

Hearing the words of the three women, the figure floating in the air comfortably changed positions, and said lightly, "The elves that can give birth to transformed flowers have been tested. This luck is innate, you must join together. It's also looking for abuse."

"It's really speechless!" Yayi sighed again, and then she suddenly looked at Tou Zi and said, "Too Zi, it's rare that only Mo is not here. You say, we're going to end our trip to the Fangyuan area. Are we really going to travel by ourselves?"

As soon as Mei's words came out, the atmosphere became eerily quiet, and a kind of parting sadness shrouded everyone's heart inexplicably before.

Among the crowd, Ram, who was the first to hear what the two were thinking, was the first to ask, "Why, isn't it good for everyone to travel together?"

"It's not bad!" Tou Zi's eyes were firm at this time, "You are different from us, you are an observer, and you can grow better by Mo's side!"

"But we, like Mo, are all trainers. If we are always under his protection, travel is completely meaningless, and we won't be able to exercise, not good!"

"Is that so?" Ram sighed when he heard Touzi's explanation, and also understood what the two of them were thinking, neither of them wanted to be a vase.

At this time, Shanai Duo, who clearly knew Bai Mo the most, suddenly said, "However, do you think Mo's domineering will allow you to grow out of his sight like this?"

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