Noticing the situation of King Catfish, Bai Mo's mouth twitched.

"Lizard King, give it the last fatal move, crazy plants!"


The Lizard King's eyes narrowed, and a few dodged back to the grass beside him.

Once on the grass, the moment the Lizard King's feet touched the grass, green energy began to be transmitted into its body, helping him to continuously recover his physical strength.

At the same time, the grass-type skills of the Lizard King were also doubled at this time, and a dazzling green light appeared on the tail behind him.When the light accumulated to a certain level, it flapped its tail violently and fell heavily on the added ground.

At the same time, the catfish king finally recovered from his stiff state.

The characteristic of Adam's catfish is danger prediction. Instinct tells it that it will be very dangerous next. Driven by instinct, it uses the ultimate shock skill.

But the object of the impact was not the Lizard King, but the pool beside it!

Chapter 0260 An ironic scene!

"Hey, this catfish king is interesting, it has the characteristics of danger prediction!"

Seeing the action of the catfish king, Bai Mo immediately understood why it did this.

With the ultimate impact, the catfish king's speed will be much faster, and it can quickly return to the water that is beneficial to him. Although he will fall into a stiff state again, he will have a chance to breathe.

But if it was hit by a crazy plant that doubled its power, the Lizard King would definitely have to kneel in minutes.

Then, with the momentum of super shock, the catfish king quickly approached the edge of the field, the pool that was about to jump into, and there was even a humanized lightness in his eyes.

But at this moment, a huge and thick tree vine grew out from under the Catfish King without warning, and when it didn't respond at all, it grabbed its tail.

Then, under the stunned gaze of the catfish king, the plant rhizome caught it in the air and hoisted it up.

This is not over yet, and then, a lot of green rhizomes continue to appear, covering the body and beard of the catfish king.



A huge rhizome hit the Catfish King, oh no, it hit the Catfish King's ass in the shocked eyes of everyone including Bai Mo and the Lizard King.



Immediately after that, there was another fat beating. Every stroke of the rhizome was accurate and steady, and they all hit the catfish king's ass.

Feeling the pain in the buttocks, the catfish king fainted directly. I don't know if it was dry, or if the power of the rhizome was really too great.


Seeing this scene, Bai Mo was embarrassed, and he was also madly complaining in his heart. Isn't the crazy plant's trick to grab the elf and beat it frantically? Why did it turn into a slap when it came to the Lizard King? The point is, Shouldn't the slap part be so weird, ah hey!

But no matter what the process was, Bai Mo still won the game cleanly.

"The catfish king is out of combat, and the lizard king wins!" the referee announced immediately.

"I've heard from Mu La, Tie Xuan and Wanmu about it for a long time. Your challenge gym is always clean and neat. It seems that what they said is not comprehensive enough."

After losing another game, Adam sighed, and also took out the Poke Ball to take back the Catfish King, and then took out the last Poke Ball he planned to use:

"Then, I will also take out my last elf. It has accompanied me through countless battles and is my best partner!"

"Come out, Minas, it's your turn to play!"

The voice fell, and Adam threw the Poké Ball in his hand.

The Poké Ball opened, and a Pokémon whose appearance was similar to that of a sea snake appeared in front of everyone.

The elf was cream-colored, with red eyes, three black dots below her neck, which were her gills, and a little protrusion at the end of her long head.

There are also beautiful red, "eyebrows" extending from above the eyes to the outside of the fur, in addition, there are red hair-like fins covering the sides of the head, and its tail is covered with blue and pink scales with black stripe.The four large blue scales that overlap the end of the tail have a red dot in the center and look like a fan.

"Wow, so pretty and looks so strong!"

Seeing the appearance of Minas, the three girls in Yayi all exclaimed. After seeing the Minas in Bai Mo, they dreamed of owning a Minas. Unfortunately, most of the places are populated. Ugly ugly fish are too rare, and those who can evolve into Minas and meet the two requirements of self-confidence and beauty, as well as qualification requirements, are even rarer.

Therefore, after seeing Minas, their eyes widened and they looked at Minas's appearance carefully, their eyes sparkling, they didn't like this Minas, they just yearned for the day when there was Minas. .

"What is Minas, the aptitude of the highest grade, the mid-level king of heaven, is very strong, but what's surprising is that this Minas is actually a male, it's interesting!"

"It's too boring to have my Minas play with it, and I haven't worked with Xiaonai for a long time, let Xiaonai come on!"

Using his superpower to observe the situation of Minas, Bai Mo made a decision in his heart!

"Come back, Lizard King." Although the Lizard King restrained Minas, his strength was a whole level lower than that of Minas, and there was a considerable gap between the quasi-celestial king and the heavenly king. Bai Mo didn't want to die in vain. , so decisively took it back.

Putting away the Poké Ball with the Lizard King, Bai Mo reached out and grabbed the Poké Ball on his chest.

When he needed to challenge the gym, Bai Mo still asked Minas and Shanaido to return to his Poké Ball. Before he had champion-level strength, he didn't want others to know about her Pokémon transformation. He explained, Too much trouble.


As Bai Mo recognized the Poké Ball, Shanaido appeared on a stone pillar.

"Oh? Shanaido, it is said to be Bai Mo's trump card, and it can also undergo a very special re-evolution with Bai Mo. Now it must be a king-level strength and a good opponent, then let me see Shanaido's strength. ."

Seeing Bai Mo take out his distinctive Shanaido, Adam immediately commanded, "Minas, use a high-pressure water pump!"

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