"Shanaido, attack frontally, use energy balls." Bai Mo waved his finger to Minas and ordered, under his subordinates, as long as the elf can master the skills, and the elf has mastered it, they will learn from each other.

No way, who made the elf in his hand have a high enough aptitude.

Of course, different Pokémon must have different degrees of mastery and connection to a skill, and they can't be left behind.

But at least there is no problem in using it successfully.

In the field, Minas quickly gathered the power of the high-pressure water pump, and the water column was launched towards Shanaido with a strong rotational force, and collided with the wave missile sent by Shanaido!

The two skills collided and exploded immediately.

Seeing this, Adam shouted calmly, "Minas, use the tornado!"

After receiving the order, Minas immediately put his tail into the water, and then his fan-like tail began to spin rapidly. At this moment, it was like the blades of an electric fan. Soon, a huge tornado rolled up. A large amount of water swept towards Shanaido.

Chapter 0261 Mega Shanaido VS Minas

"Using the power of the tornado to drive the water in the pool is not only more gorgeous, but also at least twice as powerful." Bai Mo secretly said in his heart, but he was not worried, "Shanaido, mental shock!!"

After receiving Bai Mo's order, Shanai Duo gathered his hands together, gathered a pink energy light ball, and then threw it out. The energy light ball immediately turned into a spiritual blade that materialized, and then shot it out directly at the tornado.

In the rhythmic slashing of the knives and sharp blades, the tornado was instantly disassembled by the rotation, and one of the spiritual sharp blades also hit the tail of Minas with a powerful cutting force, making an explosion sound.

"Good chance, Xiaonai, magic shines!" Bai Mo ordered with a smile.

With the tacit understanding between Shanai Duo and Bai Mo, the two have already figured it out. When Bai Mo thought of the magic trick, Shanai Duo also felt it. Therefore, as soon as Bai Mo's voice fell, her body changed. The unusually bright, powerful light is also radiated quickly.

The magic flash has been launched, and it instantly came to the unsuspecting Minas, shrouded it, and exploded!

"Using the physical skills of the super energy type to fight against the dragon type's unique skills first, and then quickly counterattack, it really is a good way, but..."

Adam looked at Minas, who was slightly panting, and commanded very calmly, "Minas, regenerate yourself!"

"How can it be that simple, Shanaido, [-] volts!" Looking at Minas, whose body was glowing with a bright yellow recovery light, Bai Mo quickly ordered, intending to use the electric trick to restrain Minas to hit Minas. .

Hearing Bai Mo's order, Adam showed a smile for the first time and said lightly, "In order to maintain good results in the gorgeous competition, the brilliance of the body must be kept in the best state, and self-regeneration is indispensable to Minas. A move, and therefore the time required for this move by Minas is very short.”

Having said that, noticing that Shanaido gathered around his body and fired [-] volts of electricity, Adam immediately ordered, "Minas, guide it, Tail of Steel!"


In Bai Mo's slightly surprised eyes, the light from Minas' whole body quickly dissipated, revealing his original gorgeous appearance. At the same time, under Adam's order, he swung his tail, and a metal light emanated from the tail to face the hundred thousand Volt filmed.

Water can conduct electricity, and so can iron, and Minas also did so according to Yada's instructions, allowing himself to avoid the hit of the electricity-type trick.

However, although this move was blocked by Minas, the metal, water, and electricity also collided at this moment, making a huge explosion sound, and was affected by the shock wave generated by the explosion. Then flip it off.

And Shanaido noticed a little early with his super power, and retreated to the stone pillar behind early, avoiding the impact of the shock wave, and also launched a mental shock at Minas on his own.

Noticing the spiritual sharp blade coming from the sky, Adam quickly ordered.

"Minas, high-pressure water pump!"

"Hmm~" Minas let out a soft cry, opened his mouth to quickly gather energy, and then launched a huge water column to charge at the blade of the spiritual blade, but because of the rolling water waves, the water column wiped the spirit. The sharp blade flew out directly, heading straight for Shanaido.

Seeing this, Bai Mo's eyes suddenly narrowed, a glint of light flashed in his eyes, and he loudly ordered, "Shanaiduo, use the flame fist!"

Looking at the oncoming water column, Shanaido's hands suddenly burst into a flaming flame, and went back to the water column gorgeously, the fire and the water collided.

Shanaido used the power of the water column to show a superb memory in the air, and the flame fist kept hitting the high-pressure water pump. Gradually, the entire field was covered by the evaporated water vapor.

"Minas, use a tornado to disperse the mist."

It was too late for Minas to use self-regeneration to recover the damage hit by the psychic blade. Adam felt uneasy when he heard that Bai Mo asked Shanaido to use the flame-type trick. After reading the water mist, he was released. When it reached the maximum, he quickly ordered.

"Shanaiduo, the power of the moon!" Bai Mo didn't want to scrap the favorable situation he finally created, so he responded when Minas just used his unique move.

The shadow of the moon immediately appeared on Shanaido's head, and an energy light ball condensed by the power of the moon immediately greeted the tornado.

The power of the fairy system restrains the dragon system, and the tornado is disintegrated in an instant.

"Minas, self-regeneration!" Looking at the mist that had filled the audience, Adam knew that he couldn't see it, but it still had no effect on the power user Bai Mo and the power elf Shanaido.

He could only respond passively. Adam chose to let Minas recover his stamina first. Anyway, it didn’t take long, and if he had enough stamina, the longer he could persevere.

However, when Minas just recovered, a dazzling blue light appeared in Bai Mo's eyes, and his heart sounded in Shanaido's heart, "Xiao Nai!"

"Superpower link!"

"Mega Evolution!"


As Bai Mo's voice fell, Shanaido called out, and a deep blue light appeared in his ruby-like eyes, and his superpower also poured out.

The next moment, Bai Mo and Shanai Duo's superpowers were linked in the void, and a strange light enveloped Shanai Duo!

In the light, Shanaido's figure was obviously changing.

When the light dissipated, the edges and corners of Shanaido's face became more distinct, a heart-shaped logo appeared on the chest, and the long black dress appeared more slender.

Super Shanaido, the long-awaited reappearance.

After completing the Mega evolution, Shanaiduo and Bai Mo were in one mind, Bai Mo's thoughts turned, Shanaiduo's eyes narrowed, and electric lights appeared on his body!

One hundred thousand volts!

One hundred thousand volts, coming in an instant, and soon flew over through the water mist. Adam saw this, his heart tightened, and he immediately shouted, "Minas, high-pressure water pump!"

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