"Miss Naqi, is Wang Yan alright?"

"It's all my fault, that gave those outlaws a chance to take advantage of it."

Looking in the direction from which the voice came, Bai Mo's pupils shrank.

The person who came here is a very beautiful man, yes, a man, but Bai Mo describes it as beautiful. If it were put on earth, Bai Mo felt that if this man wore women's clothes, he must be a big man in women's clothes. Prettier than many beauties.

But he is indeed a man, and strong.

In terms of appearance alone, Bai Mo and Mickley can be said to be at the same level, but their types are diametrically opposite.

This man is the next Fang Yuan League champion, Michael!

He is now standing on the body of a tyrannical carp dragon, and is flying towards Na Qi quickly.

(The tyrannical carp dragon is a water and air type!)

Noticing the tyrannical carp dragon, Bai Mo immediately swept it away with his superpowers, which was why his pupils shrank. This tyrannical carp dragon has the best aptitude and champion-level strength!

Obviously, this Tyrannosaurus carp dragon is one of the main force of Mi Keli.

However, the Tyrannosaurus is obviously not good at flying, even if it has the strength of a champion, it is still a little slower than the quasi-king-level armored bird known for its speed under Naqi's feet.

"Miss Naqi, is this the one who stole Da Wangyan?" When she came to Naqi's side, Michael looked at Bai Mo with a hint of hostility and asked:

"I felt the power fluctuations of the Heavenly King-level elf in the backyard before. He should have the strength of the Heavenly King-level!"

Chapter 0271 Pursuit of Naki's Mikri!

"Miss Naki, do you need me to help you take him down?"

With a hint of anger, Mikuri took out the Poké Ball and stared at Bai Mo, as if Naqi would take action as long as she gave an order.

It has to be said that anyone will lose their balance in front of the person they like, or the person they are pursuing.

This is the same even for the next Fangyuan Regional League Champion, Michaeli, who is calm, straightforward, easy-going and steady, and so on.

Ever since she met Naqi on a mission a year ago, Mikri has fallen in love with this dignified and strong girl with a very talented trainer.

Having recently completed the challenge to Dawu, Mikri handed over the gym to his master Adam to manage, but he postponed the appointment of the champion and planned to pursue Naki first, so he came to Yinyu City, and more Visit Naki.

But who knew that his visit today would allow the bad guys to take advantage of Naqi's glittering king Yan. In order not to let Naqi have an opinion on himself because of this incident, Mikri naturally had to behave better.

However, upon hearing Mikri's words, Naqi frowned at him and asked, "Mr. Mikri, do you think the trainer below will be the one who stole my elf?"

As soon as the question came out, Na Qi didn't speak, but motioned to the armored bird under her feet to let it fly down and came to Bai Mo.

"Bai Mo, long time no see!" A rare smile appeared on the dignified and beautiful face, and Na Qi stretched out her hand!

He also reached out and shook Na Qi's beautiful and slender hand, Bai Mo smiled and said, "I followed your agreement with Na Qi and came to Yinyu City to play with you."

"On the way here, I happened to meet an elf hunter flying in this direction with your king Yan, so I came to help!"

"But the other party is a Heavenly King-level trainer. I can save Da Wangyan, but I can't keep him!"

Bai Mo didn't want Na Qi to know about her casual murder. At least, before the relationship between the two of them was to a certain extent, things that should be kept secret should be kept secret.

As for Wang Yan, who saw what Bai Mo did, he couldn't speak, let alone that Bai Mo had the kindness of rescue, he couldn't speak, and if she wanted to speak, she couldn't speak.

Hearing Bai Mo's words, the smile on Na Qi's face became even stronger. After all, Bai Mo saved her king Yan, and it was from the hands of the king-level letter elf hunter. Unstoppable, after all, she is only a quasi-king-level gym trainer, and she still needs time to grow.

Therefore, Na Qi's already good impression of Bai Mo increased a bit.

"Dr. Bai Mo, I have long admired the name, hello!"

At this moment, I heard Na Qi's words before, and after taking a closer look at Bai Mo, Mickley, who finally recognized it, also flew down slowly on the typhoon dragon, with a lethargic expression on his face. A smile like a spring breeze.

Seeing Mickley, Bai Mo's eyes narrowed, and he secretly calculated the time line. Bai Mo also knew that Mickley should be pursuing Naqi now. Before hearing that, Naqi called Mickley, "Mickley. Mr. Klee" can see that the relationship between the two was by no means close.

This made Bai Mo completely relieved. Bai Mo was not worried at all about Mickley, the so-called rival in love.

In the original book, he and Naqi were indeed together, but they were soon separated again. There were many reasons.

Mikri has definitely always liked Naki, but Nakki doesn't actually like Mikri.

First of all, because of Naqi's strong personality, she doesn't like a man like Michael, it's too soft.

Second, although Mikri's elf trick Gorgeous has an appetite for Naqi, as a master of the Gorgeous Tournament and the league champion, he is too busy to have time to accompany Naqi to develop feelings, but Bai Mo is very clear , Naqi, is an emotional idiot. To put it bluntly, she just doesn't understand the handling of interpersonal relationships and is too rational.

If such a person is not accompanied, or a man is not accompanied, it will definitely be finished.

To deal with such a woman, one must be hard or soft, and Michael can only be soft.

No threat.

"Bai Mo, this is Mr. Mikri, the former owner of the Liuli Gym, the Master of the Gorgeous Tournament!" Seeing Mikri coming down, Na Qi explained it to Bai Mo. In his opinion, this was the right thing to do.

But this sounds different to Michael, because the introduction is usually to introduce the unfamiliar to the more familiar first.

And you can tell from the title that Na Qi and Bai Mo have a better relationship.

This gave Mikuri a sense of crisis. Bai Mo, as the youngest doctor in the alliance, was definitely of the golden generation. He also listened to his master about the strength of the trainer, and he was definitely not inferior to him at the same time.

Such a person is likely to be a threat.

At this time, Bai Mo stretched out his hand and shook Mikoli with a smile, "Mr. Mikoli, I've heard it before, by the way, I heard that you defeated Mr. Dawu, Mr. Mikoli, and you will take office soon. The title of the league champion!"

"It's a joy to congratulate."

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