"Thank you!" Mi Keli was not surprised that Bai Mo could get such news, and he also smiled.

But he didn't know that Bai Mo's "sinister intentions", Bai Mo said so, but deliberately told Na Qi.

Sure enough, when she heard Bai Mo's words, Na Qi's expression changed. For a woman who has a sense of responsibility and attaches great importance to her career as a gym owner, Mikrico is equivalent to her future leader. .

Falling in love with such a person is something Naqi will never allow herself.

In fact, Michaeli discovered this later, which is also the reason why he postponed his appointment as the champion. He didn't tell the truth and go to office until Naqi agreed.

But this made Naqi even more opinionated about Michael, but she would not be moved by Michael's refusal to serve, but would feel that Michael was irresponsible and felt that she was a burden, which led to She later proposed to separate is also very straightforward.

Now, Bai Mo directly exposed the matter, and neither Michael nor Naqi could find anything.

Having basically decided the possibility of Na Qi and Mi Keli, Bai Mo felt that next, it would be good for him to perform well.

But at this moment, Mikuri suddenly asked with a hint of provocation, "Dr. Bai Mo, are you here to participate in the annual flying elf competition in Yinyu City?"

"Then maybe, we have a chance to compete!"

Chapter 0272 Dark belly dream, miss Naki bathing

"Oh?" Bai Mo's eyes flickered when he heard Mi Keli's words. He could feel that Mi Keli was hostile to him. Of course, this hostility was based on the beauty of Naqi.

The competition that proposed the flying contest was obviously to show that he was better than another man in front of beautiful women.

But Mikri has a lot of brains. He doesn't directly mention the elf battle. After all, he is going to become the champion of the league region, and Bai Mo, a newcomer who has just set off on a trip for less than a year, is bullying people on his face. It will lower your impression in the minds of others.

Regarding the invitation to this competition, Bai Mo thought for a while, and after noticing Na Qi's eager expression, he immediately agreed. He thought similar to Mikori, and at the same time, he didn't think he would lose.

Na Qi was obviously a more aggressive girl, and the competition was still a flying contest, which gave him the idea of ​​competing with Bai Mo.

As for Michael's careful thoughts, Naqi didn't notice it at all, she never cared about these superfluous things.

After a few polite words, Bai Mo used teleportation to bring the girls over.

Seeing the four girls beside Bai Mo, Yayi, Ram, Touzi, and Dreamy Little Lolita, Mikori's eyes unabashedly filled with joy. In his opinion, Bai Mo now has so many girls. With the child by her side, if Na Qi chooses her other side, the possibility of Bai Mo will decrease!

In this regard, Bai Mo directly ignored it, joking, who is Mikori?He is a master of gorgeous contests, with thousands of beautiful female fans, and more women will appear around him.

The original Na Qi will accept it for a short time, which means that this aspect is at least acceptable, so Bai Mo is not worried, and Mikri will be affected more.

When they saw Mikori, Ram and the girls greeted him in a friendly manner and stood by Bai Mo's side. In their eyes, except for Bai Mo, there was no man worthy of their too much emotion.

Next, everyone in the group got on the flying elf and flew in the direction of Yinyu City.

Under the leadership of Na Qi, Bai Mo and his party went to the Elf Center to rest for a while, and then they were taken by Na Qi to her house behind the gymnasium to stay temporarily. After all, Bai Mo accepted her invitation to come to Yinyu City. For play.

Seeing that Bai Mo and his party all went to Naqi's house to stay temporarily, Mikri could be said to be quite envious, but Naqi didn't want to invite him to stay at home temporarily. the Wizard Center.

When she came to Na Qi's house, Na Qi brought a registration form and put it in front of Bai Mo, and said with a chuckle, "Bai Mo, this is the registration form and rules of the competition, as well as the rewards, you can check it out. !"

"This competition is a competition under the name of the alliance, and the rewards are still good."

"Oh!" With a little interest in his heart, Bai Mo checked the rules.

First of all, the elf used is only one, and the strength is limited to the elite level and the quasi-king level. The number of sessions will not be known until the registration deadline.

The competition starts from the starting point, passes through a specific area, and finally circles back to the starting point. The top ten who arrive first will be rewarded.

Finally, the reward for the first place is a flying elf egg assigned by the alliance.

The ones behind couldn't get into Bai Mo's eyes, it wasn't his goal, so he didn't bother to look.

Bai Mo nodded as to the strength of the elf's strength. The rules of the competition are that they can attack each other. If the strength is not limited, a king can win with a little arrogance, not to mention a champion like Michael.

After all, the eggs given by the alliance will definitely not be bad, even in the eyes of champion trainers, it is also a good resource.

But if the strength is too weak, there are too many people signing up, and now it is just right!

After all, it's a flying contest, not a Pokémon battle.

Seeing this, Bai Mo immediately planned to send a fire-breathing dragon to fight. The fire-breathing dragon was already on the verge of breaking through. It was definitely the strongest among the quasi-king class.

After reading these, I felt that there was no problem, so Bai Mo directly chose to sign up!

Having the opportunity to compete with Bai Mo again, and in terms of her own skills, Na Qi was still very happy, she took the registration form and took the initiative to help Bai Mo to complete the process.

When the time came to evening, what surprised Bai Mo was that Na Qi's cooking skills turned out to be good, but he also showed his skills, and the delicious food made Na Qi was full of praise, and her eyes flashed.

After dinner, it was time to take a bath. After all, the relationship wasn't that good, and Bai Mo wouldn't reveal the situation of his little world. Therefore, Bai Mo and his party all took a bath at Na Qi's house.

As a man, Bai Mo was naturally ranked last.

As the hostess, Na Qi naturally washed after all the girls had finished.

After soaking in the bathtub for a while, Na Qi breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Bai Mo was still waiting, he reluctantly walked out of the bathtub, shaking the water droplets on his head, Some drops of water fell on his skin, making her skin even brighter under the light!


Slowly opening the bathroom door, Na Qi planned to go to the matching dressing room to change her clothes, but the next moment, her body froze in place like an electric shock.

At this moment, as the door was pushed open, the scene that appeared in front of him made Na Qi's rosy face, which was so comfortable because of the bath, suddenly froze, and then became sluggish!


Similarly, in the direction Naqi looked, a man who had just taken off his shirt and halfway down his pants also sluggishly stopped the movements of his hands.

This man was less than one meter away from Naqi, so it could be said that he was face to face.

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