This man is Bai Mo!

At this time, Bai Mo's inner thoughts were turning, and he was as smart as he was, and now he didn't know what to do.

At the same time, he was really going to be pissed off, because, before, downstairs, Dreamy Little Loli suddenly found him and said that Na Qi had already taken a bath, because it was inconvenient to see him after changing pajamas, but he could go bathroom too.

In normal times, Bai Mo would naturally not trust the black-bellied girl, Dream, but because the object was Na Qi, who was not familiar with it, Bai Mo didn't think that Dream would lie to him so unreasonably, so he believed it, and, in order to save effort, he directly used it. Teleporting into the bathroom, I didn't even notice that the bathroom door was still locked!

Seeing the sluggishness, Bai Mo instinctively swept down.

In an instant, every part of Na Qi's body, every inch of her skin, was seen by him, his eyes swept around Na Qi's body quickly, and finally, he stopped at Na Qi's chest, Bai Mo. Instinct praised:

"Naki, I didn't expect your figure to develop so well, hehe!"

Chapter 0273 Kiss Naki

Hearing Bai Mo's words, Na Qi's face suddenly became ugly. Bai Mo's tone, combined with this scene, made her want to scold Bai Mo for being shameless.

You are a big man, I kindly let you live in my house, but you came to peep while I was taking a shower! ?

The most important thing is that you actually made such a confident evaluation! ?

Shamelessness should have a degree, shouldn't it?

Bai Mo now also knows that it is inappropriate to say what he said, but what he said is splashed with water, and he really doesn't know how to explain the current situation.

He scolded Dream countless times in his heart, and decided that if he is strong enough, he must be dreamy and "beautiful", but now, this bitter fruit can only be eaten by himself.

Gotta think of a reason!

Bai Mo's brain quickly turned.

As for Bai Mo's maddeningly hateful evaluation, now he has also brought back Na Qi's sanity, who was stunned by the sudden incident.

Na Qi, who had reacted, looked at Bai Mo who was standing in front of her, her eyes still swept towards her body.

A burst of crimson color, from Na Qi's neck, quickly climbed up Na Qi's entire face, but then, it was blue again.

The speed at which the two colors changed was so fast that Bai Mo couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

And Naqi went like a broken machine, her mouth was shaking, she stretched out a trembling finger of her hand, her whole brain was a little dizzy, and her body began to sway continuously, which made her somewhere It was also shaking, making Bai Mo swallow his saliva unconsciously!

"Bai Mo, you!"

After a long time, Na Qi finally slowly opened her mouth under Bai Mo's substantive gaze. It was obvious that she wanted to scold others, and listening to the decibel of the voice, if it really made her voice If it appears, it will definitely spread throughout Naqi's house.

If this is the case, his name Bai Mo I will not be guaranteed!

In a hurry, Bai Mo was also in a hurry, and suddenly came up with a solution, but before that, he still had to stop Na Qi from talking, so he moved to the opposite side of Na Qi in a moment, and then slowly lowered his head.

The next moment, the two lips touched.

Na Qi's eyes instantly widened to the boss, and her brain, which had just improved, became dizzy again, her face was also terrifyingly red, and she swallowed all the words that came to her mouth.

Feeling the fragrance between the girl's lips and teeth, Bai Mo actually wanted to do something, but he knew that if he did this, he would get Naqi's person. Don't think about that heart in this life, Naqi is so strong woman.

So, reluctantly withdrew his lips, Bai Mo immediately turned his head away from looking at Na Qi, but in fact he was paying close attention to Na Qi's situation.

Noticing Bai Mo's appearance, Na Qi also realized the current situation, and a tear flashed from the corner of her eyes. After glancing at Bai Mo's back, he plunged back into the bathtub at the speed of light and buried his body completely. down.

Immediately afterward, she trembled from a very soft voice:

"Bai Mo, you, how can you do this..."

Na Qi looked at Bai Mo with shame and anger, blushing almost dripping blood, she couldn't believe it, in her heart, a gentleman, sunny, handsome, outstanding, and a little favored Bai Mo, would actually do it. Peeping on things like her bathing!

Simply incredible!

In fact, Bai Mo has no sense of shame in his heart, because he was designed by the black-bellied loli from Dream, and he didn't really want to do such a shameless thing!

But it was true that Naqi was seen, and he still had to explain it seriously.

"Miss Naqi, no matter what, please listen to me first!" Bai Mo said seriously, "First of all, I'm sorry that I saw all of you and took your first kiss!"

"Get out!" Seeing that Bai Mo couldn't open the pot, Na Qi, who wanted to hear what he was going to say, immediately cried aggrieved, and scolded, "Is there any reason for peeping?"

"No, I'm not peeping!" Bai Mo said calmly, "Nqi, if I were really peeping, how could it be like this, do you think I was sneaking just now?"

"It's all a misunderstanding, I'm just here to take a bath, think about the scene when you saw me!"

Hearing Bai Mo's words, although she was aggrieved, and although there were tears in her eyes, Na Qi still recalled, thinking that Bai Mo was obviously taking off her pants before, and recalled a certain position, her face turned even redder , but still asked, "It's not peeping, you just came in on purpose!"

"No!" Bai Mo immediately raised his hands and said, "Miss Naqi can look at the door, it's open!"

"The fact is that I originally went to the room you arranged for me to change my clothes, but when I passed by the door of the bathroom, I saw that the door was open, I thought you had washed it, and came in directly!"

"Originally, I was thinking of taking off my pants and closing the door, but now I can prove my innocence."

When he was talking, Bai Mo had already used his superpower to unlock the door and opened a crack!

Hearing this, Na Qi instinctively looked up at the outside door and found that it was open. Obviously, she forgot to close the outside door when she came in.

Later, she was taking a bath, not a shower. Bai Mo didn't hear any movement and thought it was normal that no one came in.

The door is open, so Bai Mo is not lying!

Thinking of this, Na Qi suddenly didn't know what to do. It turned out that everything seemed to be an accident, but it was also a fact that she was kissed by Bai Mo.

For a while, Na Qi was a little confused and could only say, "You go out first, come back to the bathroom in half an hour, I need to calm down!"

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