Seeing the situation in the restaurant, she was a little surprised. She didn't expect that Ya Yi and the others woke up so early, and was about to say hello and make breakfast later.

Bai Mo's voice suddenly reached her ears, making her heart pound:

"Welcome home, Naki!"

Chapter 0275 Three days of intimate training with Naqi!

"Welcome home, Naki!"

Bai Mo's figure entered Na Qi's ears, causing her heart to twitch. Looking in the direction of the voice, her nose suddenly became inexplicably sour!

At this time, Bai Mo was wearing an apron and was tasting the saltiness of the boiled porridge with a spoon in his hand. When he saw Na Qi entering the door, he smiled slightly and expressed his welcome.

And this scene reminded Na Qi of the time when she lived with her parents when she was a child. Every time her father came back, her mother was cooking porridge and she was waiting at the dining table.

Since Naqi was ten years old, her parents went to the alliance to compete with a criminal organization in the Fangyuan area at that time.

feel like home.

Looking at the kind smiles on each girl's face and Bai Mo's warm smile, Na Qi had the urge to cry.

Taking a deep breath, Na Qi forced herself to calm down and said, "I'm going to take a bath, I'm sweating all over my body, I'm not feeling well, everyone eat first!"

After finishing speaking, Na Qi came to the bathroom and looked at the bathtub in front of her. Na Qi thought of Bai Mo again, but this time, the corner of her mouth suddenly had an extra curvature.

After taking a quick shower and changing into clean clothes, Naqi quickly came to the living room and noticed that the breakfast table was still on the table, her nose was sore again.

When she came to the main seat, Na Qi smiled and said, "I'm really rude to let the guests cook."

"It's okay, who made the master's breakfast delicious." Minas licked his tongue.

"Yes, yes, after eating Mo's breakfast, I will always think of this breakfast!" Ya Yi echoed.

"Knowing that the breakfast made by Mo is delicious, you shouldn't say that. It looks like someone else's breakfast is not delicious!" Monarch Snake mocked Minas with strength.

Like Monarch Snake, her trainer is also speechless to Yayi, "Speak with a little scruples about other people's feelings."

After speaking, Tou Zi smiled at Na Qi, "Sister Na Qi, the dinner you made last night was delicious. I was looking forward to breakfast, but Mo Jun said that he couldn't cause too much trouble, so he made it himself. I care about Mei and Mina."

Mina, Minas' external name.

The life of the monarch snake is green beads, green is the color of hair, and the beads are taken from the monarch!

"Haha!" Ya Yi immediately smiled playfully at Na Qi.

Minas also knew that she made a slip of the tongue, but because she said she was the monarch snake, she instinctively replied, so the two began to fight each other daily.

In response, Bai Mo just smiled faintly, reached out to open the pot with the porridge, and gave each girl a bowl of porridge, then smiled at Na Qi, "Eat it first, try my craft!"

Bai Mo's voice was very soft and soft, but it reached the ears of every girl!

Na Qi's heart trembled again, a strange sense of satisfaction occupied her heart, she nodded lightly, she lowered her head and began to taste it, the girls around saw this, even the bickering Monarch Snake and Minas also stopped, Eat porridge smartly.

Bai Mowei also drank porridge, but every time he took a sip, he would blow the second sip, and then put it behind him, and the porridge would disappear quickly.

Bai Mo went back and forth like this.

Na Qi, who was immersed in the deliciousness of the porridge cooked by Bai Mo, raised her head in surprise at this time. She really did not expect that the breakfast made by Bai Mo was even more delicious than the one made by her mother in her memory.

This was actually done by a man.

Compared to the cake that Mikuri bought for himself before, Bai Mo threw the other party away for an unknown number of streets.

Thinking about what Ya Yi and others said before, it is not difficult to think that Bai Mo has always been doing this, so his patience is obviously very good.

All of a sudden, Bai Mo's image in Na Qi's heart was enriched and raised several levels.

And this is just the credit of a bowl of porridge.

At the same time, because of this reason, Na Qi looked at Bai Mo and noticed his special situation, and her eyes became more curious.

"Where did that porridge go?" Na Qi directly asked the doubts in her heart.

"This!" With a little light, Bai Mo turned his head to Latias beside him and said, "Latias, this is my own person, you don't need to hide, feed you porridge, you can hide. It's no use!"


As Bai Mo's words fell, Latias appeared on Bai Mo's shoulders and called out to Na Qi.


Seeing Latias, Naqi exclaimed and stood up directly. What did she see?

She saw a mythical beast!

This is the legendary elf!

"Latias is my partner, and it was a coincidence that I met him!" With a slight smile, Bai Mo told Na Qi a little bit of what happened at the beginning.

"Your luck is so good!" Na Qi looked at Bai Mo enviously, but said at the same time, "But only you have the ability to save Latias from Lightning Bird, and you can't be envious!"

"If it wasn't for Latias being too strong, I would want to use Latias to participate in the flying competition three days later." Bai Mo joked.

"Cut, that champion is not within your reach." Na Qi said lightly, "Latias is notoriously fast!"

"Jets, that's it!"

"But Latias doesn't have a flight system. Although he can fly, it's useless."

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