"Hmm!" Latias was still very happy when Naqi said that she was fast, but when she heard the word "jet", she immediately became unhappy and bumped Naqi's head lightly.

"Can you let Latias take me to fly?" Na Qi suddenly looked at Bai Mo and Latias with a look of anticipation at this time, although Latias is a super-type and dragon-type elf and can fly It's because of the floating characteristics, but the flight speed is really fast.

And among the few hobbies of Naqi, the first one is flying.

"Of course no problem!"

Naturally, Bai Mo would not give up the opportunity to gain a good impression of a beauty, and chose to agree directly.

Afterwards, after everyone finished their breakfast, Mei and Touzi were busy with their elf training, while Bai Mo and Nami flew around in Latias.

After the flight, Bai Mo took advantage of the situation and asked Naki to teach him the tricks of flying, but Nami did not refuse after thinking about it for a while.

Because they have to guide the flight, Na Qi and Bai Mo often have to ride the same elf.

At the beginning, Bai Mo was just holding the elf's back with his hands, and at the back, he slowly changed to hugging Na Qi's waist, and Na Qi also acquiesced.

After that, Bai Mo didn't take an inch, Nami's temper was put there, everything took time.

But the relationship between the two has clearly improved.

And Michaeli, who accidentally saw the two flying together, completely gave up the idea in his heart, and the only thing left was the pure heart to compete with Bai Mo!

Chapter 0276 Arrangements for the subordinate elves lineup!

Three days later, in a canyon on the outskirts of Yinyu City, the place that used to be inaccessible can be said to be crowded with people on this day.

On this day, it was the Flying Elf Contest. In addition to the contestants, there were also many spectators, star chasers and most of the residents of Yinyu City.

Due to the increase in foreign tourists, many shops have set up temporary shops in this place on this day, so many citizens of Yinyu City also come to join in the fun.

Although the competition only lasts for one day, this event will last for half a month, and the competition can be regarded as the same as the opening ceremony at most.

The start time of the competition was [-]:[-] in the morning. Bai Mo brought Yayi and others here early. He had already received the exact news from Na Qi. There were fifty people participating in this competition. That is to say, the five Ten people, the last time there is an elite-level flying elf.

The rules of the game are five preliminaries, the top two players in each preliminaries, and the ten remaining after the five games for the final in the afternoon.

During the game, the elves can attack each other, but don't worry about safety, because during the game, the contestants will be accompanied by a Laluras or Casey. If there is an accident, the trainer can choose to teleport to save their lives. It also means the loss of qualification for the competition.

As far as the alliance is concerned, it's just enough to have ten elves that can move instantly, and there is no problem at all.

Of course, these Bai Mo don't care. Anyway, the art master is bold, and now is just the starting point. He came here early, but he wanted to take his women for a walk, and by the way, to see if there were any elves that could be missed. Or something.

I have to say that Bai Mo's luck is still good. Here, he met the uncle who sold the fish in the original book who had cheated on Kojiro countless times.

Because of his knowledge of the original work, Bai Mo knew that this uncle definitely had a carp king with high-grade flashing aptitude. This was well cultivated and could evolve into a tyrannical carp dragon.

As for this tyrannical carp dragon, Bai Mo had already made arrangements for the one he wanted to capture. He planned to go to Chengdu to capture the red tyrannical carp dragon.

Just kidding, the tyrannical carp dragon quickly became one of the main elves after being subdued by Yulongdu, and it was still handsome in red.

And the tyrannosaurus can also be Mega, a handsome existence!

Bai Mo has plans for the elves he will serve in the future. First of all, he has subdued a bunch of Coco Dora and cultivated it. In the future, elite members and cadres will not be a dream to have a Bosco Dora.

In addition, it is the tyrannical carp dragon. The existence of the water element is mainly the carp king. With his talent, he can quickly gather a bunch of elves with high quality and above.

Thirdly, what Bai Mo plans to arrange is the Electric Shock Monster. The Electric Shock Monster belongs to a species that has not yet been discovered. No one knows that the Electric Shock Beast can still evolve. Therefore, this little elf has been despised. .

In addition to the electric shock monster, the fourth one is the same situation as him, there is the duck-billed fire dragon, which is temporarily unknown, and only the duck-billed fire dragon is known to others, which is another loophole.

Although there are not many of these two kinds of elves, it is not difficult to find them in some specific places if you look carefully.

For the time being, these are the four. It was Bai Mo who arranged for some high-end talents under him in the future. It is a bit whimsical to spread to the general team members, but it is also possible as an occasional reward.

To win over talents, means and resources are crucial.

While thinking about it, Bai Mo has brought a few of his women to the fish seller.

Seeing Bai Mo and the others appearing in front of him, the fish seller didn't take a closer look, and immediately started to use a straight three-inch tongue to take out a carp king to brag:

"This handsome guy, these beauties!"

"Look at it, this one in my hand is the king of the carp king, and it will definitely become the dragon of the tyrannical carp dragon in the future!"

"Now, as long as you are willing to pay five hundred alliance coins, it is yours."

Hearing his words, Bai Mo and the others rolled their eyes, even the stupid Mei Yi found the problem and said strangely, "If it's really the same as what you said!"

"The value of a tyrannical carp dragon is more than a million!"

"A million times the difference, why don't you cultivate it yourself!"

"This is because I don't have the ability to control the tyrannical carp dragon!" The fish seller obviously had already thought of a countermeasure, and immediately wanted to continue the nonsense.

The Tyrannosaurus is a vicious little elf. No matter how bad or good you were to its predecessor, the Carp King, in the Tyrannosaurus period, if you can't defeat him head-on, he will still not be under your control.

Bai Mo and others naturally know about this, and Bai Mo didn't bother to talk nonsense with the fish seller, and said directly, "I want your fish, but not this one, show me all your fish, I want it. Choose!"

"Huh?" The fish seller, who was about to talk nonsense, heard Bai Mo's words, his eyes lit up, and then he took a serious look at Bai Mo for the first time.

After noticing Bai Mo's face, his pupils shrank sharply, and there was a hint of flattery on his face, "It turned out to be the famous Dr. Bai Mo!"

"I didn't expect you to visit a small shop like mine. I really don't know Tianguan Mountain!"

"Don't say that!" Bai Mo waved his hand and said, "I'm serious about doing business with you, and it's a big business, I just don't know if you're interested!"

"Of course there is!" The fish seller gave a wretched smile and immediately gestured to Bai Mo, "Since it's a big order, please invite Dr. Bai Mo to chat with me here!"

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