The audience immediately shouted when they noticed this situation, Bai Mo was obviously targeted!

"This is simply sullying this competition!" Na Qi's face also turned cold, but one of the supervisors of the alliance beside her said lightly, "People who have no regulations in the competition cannot join forces."

This supervisor has a relatively close relationship with the Lava Team. He knows that Bai Mo has a bad relationship with the Lava Team, so he is naturally happy to speak sarcastically!

Hearing this, Na Qi swept him away, then turned her head and walked towards the starting stage of the competition, "Even so, Bai Mo will not lose!"

"I want to participate in the next game, so I won't be here to accompany you!"

On the other side, above the sky, Bai Mo folded his arms and calmly looked at the five trainers in front of him with a hint of embarrassment on their faces, and said slowly, "Are you sure you want to stop me?"

"That, Dr. Bai Mo, I'm sorry you've been waiting here for a while!" A man who was riding a eagle said solemnly, "To take people's money and people to eliminate disasters, we are all civilians, an evolutionary stone, it is very rare... …”

"With you and those brothers, we are destined to miss the final, we don't want to pass by empty-handed!"

"Forget it, they're all poor people, and I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you!" Looking at the six people in front of them, thinking that they were only moved by an evolutionary stone, they were all poor people, and Bai Mo was too lazy to say more.

"Fire-breathing dragon, shoot flames!"

Bai Mo calmly commanded the fire-breathing dragon to attack!


The fire-breathing dragon's eyes condensed, and he immediately spewed out a mouthful of flame.

Bai Mo's order came suddenly, and the fire-breathing dragon moved quickly, and the two closest to Bai Mo were hit by the fire-breathing dragon's flames without reacting at all!

The two were riding Beagle and Big Mouth. They were hit by the fire-breathing dragon's ultimate move. The two elves immediately let out a painful cry. When the flames disappeared, the two elves fell towards the ground.

The two trainers also fell towards the bottom, and immediately let Casey beside him leave with him!

Not many of these two elves are elite-level beginners, and the fire-breathing dragon can break through to the strength of the king at any time. It is too easy to solve it.

Seeing Bai Mo approaching two people with ease, the other four suddenly lost their calm and ordered their little elves to attack!

"Da Wang Yan, destroy the death light!"

"Da Wang Yan, Air Slash!"

"Boom pheasant, air blade!"

"Muke Eagle hides behind their tricks and hits with sacrifice!"

It seemed that it was exciting to be able to compete with Bai Mo, and the four of them all became real all at once.

But Bai Mo was still indifferent, facing the follow-up skills attacking him and the fire-breathing dragon, a calm voice entered the fire-breathing dragon's ears!

"Let them know the gap, use Yan to return, and make Muke Eagle a meat shield!"

"Then, go over!"

"Use Flare Charge!"

Chapter 0280 With the way of people:


After receiving the order, the fire-breathing dragon's eyes narrowed, and he took Bai Mo to the pile of skills in front of him, but just when it was about to hit these skills, its body suddenly became shorter, just passing these skills. .

Afterwards, when the fire-breathing dragon's tail moved, the whole body turned upward with a fierce momentum, and when Muke Ying didn't react at all, it hit its stomach.

The powerful force directly knocked down the trainer on the back of Mu Keying.

And the fire-breathing dragon flew up a certain distance against the Muke eagle and then fell sharply, hitting it on the wind blades and the destruction of death light!

Hit by so many attacks, Mu Keying instantly lost his ability to fight.

But the fire-breathing dragon still rammed towards the other three with the Muke eagle, and flames began to appear on his body!

"Da Wangyan, fly up and dodge!"

"Da Wang Yan, use Yan Hui!"

"Boom pheasant, use a flash of electric light, go down!"

Noticing the situation of the Muke eagle and the powerful flame on the fire-breathing dragon, the three of them began to let their elf escape with skills.

In an instant, the direction of the fire-breathing dragon was empty.

Seeing this, Bai Mo said lightly, "Pour the flames under the Muke Eagle and throw it down at the Banglong Pheasant!"

"But look up and use the jet flame!"

"The fist of the left hand is ready to use the Thunder Fist!"


The fire-breathing dragon roared, and the long-simmering flames poured into Muke Ying's body, and then it stretched out its hands and slammed it, and Mu Ke Ying immediately brought the hot flames toward it like a burning meteorite. Flying with the booming pheasant, the speed is faster than the lightning flash of the booming pheasant!

After doing all this, the fire-breathing dragon raised his head and spit out flames towards the king Yan above without looking at it.

The speed of the flame is also very fast, and the distance from the king Yan above is very close.

Almost when the jet flame enveloped Da Wangyan and the trainer above it, the Muke Eagle that turned into flames also collided with the booming pheasant and the trainer above it!


Two small explosions occurred, and both Da Wangyan and Bang Long Pheasant lost their combat effectiveness at the same time, but because the fire-breathing dragon can be controlled, the trick didn't work on the two trainers, so they were the first to let them go. Casey, who was beside him, went out by himself.

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