After doing all this, the fire-breathing dragon's right fist began to condense the electric mansions, and the electric mansions condensed very quickly, and a flashing thunder and lightning fist was completely formed in the breath.

At this moment, the last King Yan's wings flashed fiercely and approached the fire-breathing dragon's side.

His eyes narrowed, and when Wang Yan came to him, the fire-breathing dragon's lightning fist suddenly swung out, just hitting his wings.

The two unique moves began to kill each other in the air, but the lightning flashes of the Thunder Fist continued to spread to Da Wang Yan's body, making him feel the slightest pain.

Glancing at the place where the fire-breathing dragon and Da Wangyan were deadlocked, Bai Mo turned to look at the trainer on Da Wangyan's back and said, "In the future, don't do things beyond your ability!"

As Bai Mo's voice fell, the fire-breathing dragon fiercely increased the power of his hands, and the power of thunder and lightning was even more powerful. Wang Yan was instantly shrouded in electricity and let out a scream. It was the trainer. Although his body was not harmed, the power was also Make him scream again and again!

When the electric light disappeared, the trainer and Wang Yan both fell towards the bottom.

Ignoring these people, Bai Mo said lightly to the fire-breathing dragon, "Come on!"


With a flick of its wings, the fire-breathing dragon instantly turned into a red light and flew forward.

It wasn't until the fire-breathing dragon left that the surrounding crowd exclaimed in amazement!

"Too, too awesome!"

"Yeah, five people, they can't even last two rounds!"

"These five people are all elites!"

"Ah, Dr. Bai Mo, I love you to death, you are so handsome!"

"This is the difference!"

The audience was discussing, and the women of Bai Mo were naturally the same.

"He's so handsome!"

"There is a style of Mo!"

"Speaking of which, why don't you participate in Yayi?"

"With Naqi, Mikri, and Mo, the top three are almost unplayable, and I don't see any other rewards. Of course I won't go, Touzi, how about you?"

"Me? Mo is a boyfriend, and I'm not short of money. The champion must be Mo's, so what's the point of participating!"

On the contestant's seat, Michaeli looked at the back of Bai Mo's departure, and there was a strong fighting intent in his eyes, "Nice fire-breathing dragon, it seems that he has indeed met an opponent!"

"Hopefully this time, there will be a good game!"

In the air, Bai Mo safely stood on the back of the fire-breathing dragon and flew forward. In just a few breaths, the fire-breathing dragon arrived at the first location, the trap forest.

This location has absolutely no effect on Bai Mo, who has super powers. Under the shroud of his super powers, the fire-breathing dragon flies with all his strength. There is no need to worry about traps. In the blink of an eye, he passed through this area to the second area!

At this time, the pair of brothers riding armored birds had just flown over the lake.

"Big brother, Bai Mo is catching up!" Jin Er, the younger brother of the brothers, breathed a sigh of relief after crossing the lake, and turned back subconsciously with a smile on his face.

But the next moment, his smile froze, because he originally predicted that he should still be fighting with those trainers at this time, and the fastest Bai Mo, who had just set off, actually rode a fire-breathing dragon across the lake. !

"What!?" Jin Yi, who also just showed a smile, turned his head sharply, and sure enough, after seeing Bai Mo's figure across the lake, his expression turned gloomy, "Damn, this group of trash was so easily captured. solved."

"Thanks to them for taking our evolution stone!"

"What should we do now?" Jin Er asked worriedly. Bai Mo easily defeated the six elite-level trainers to catch up, letting him understand that Bai Mo was not even a little bit stronger than them. Looking at Bai Mo's speed, he would soon be able to catch up. Can catch up with them, their plan obviously won't work.

Hearing this, Jin Yi thought for a while, and after noticing the trainer riding a tropical dragon who flew out behind them, he immediately said, "No matter how you want to reduce losses, at least take the six evolutionary stones. Make up the money."

"There is only one way now!"

Chapter 0281 Return to the body

"What way?" Jin Er curiously looked at this older brother who had always been smarter than himself.

With his eyes fixed on the trainer riding the tropical dragon, Jin Yi said coldly, "Now it seems that even if we join forces, it is not Bai Mo's opponent, but it will be cheaper for the guy who rides the tropical dragon!"

"In that case, let's ignore Bai Mo and join hands to solve the guy who rides the tropical dragon, and let me advance!"

"With the tenth place reward, we're just running for nothing!"

"Okay!" Jin Er also knew that the plan proposed by Jin Yi was the best so far, and immediately nodded in agreement!

After making a decision, the two immediately controlled the armored bird to fly to the front of the tropical dragon.

"Jin Yi, Jin Er, what do you mean?" Qingzhi looked at the two people standing in front of him and frowned, "Aren't you going to take revenge on me because I didn't accept your invitation to deal with Dr. Bai Mo? "

"Not yet!" Jin Yi said lightly, "There are only two winners in this game, so please leave with Casey now!"

"You two, don't go too far." Qing pheasant said with a livid face, "Forget about a fair game, if you are unreasonable, I don't mind fighting with you!"

"If I try my best to stop you, and the people behind you come up, you won't get better!"

"The people behind?" Jin Yi sneered with a disdainful smile, "You can turn around and take a look, those people have already been killed by Bai Mo!"

"We think we can't beat it, so we plan to solve your problem and secure a place!"

"Anyway, Bai Mo doesn't know that those people are the ones we're looking for. He definitely won't care about the game here!"

"So, you should be more self-conscious?"

"What?" Hearing Jin Yi's words, Qingzhi immediately turned his head to look, and found that only Bai Mo was coming across the lake in the air behind him, and the trainer and the elf were gone.

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