"So strong!" After listening to Jin Yi's words, Qingzhi knew that the people behind him had accepted his employment, and the solution must be Bai Mo's hand.

Thinking about it again, Bai Mo has already crossed half of the lake on a fire-breathing dragon. This strength is really terrifying.

Thinking that he is also a commoner, Bai Mo is already a high-ranking doctor in the world at a young age, and now he has reached the level of an elite-level trainer in less than a year after starting a trip.

And he is an old man who has traveled for two years, and he still only has such strength. The strongest is nothing but the elite-level peak crocodile evolved from the initial elf, the small saw crocodile, which his father exchanged for himself with all his belongings!

Comparing the two, Qingzhi couldn't help feeling blushing for himself, he clenched his fists fiercely, his eyes became firm and said, "Damn, I can't give up!"

"I want to become stronger, I want to become a great trainer!"

"I am a civilian, but as long as I seize every opportunity, I will definitely become stronger, and this time is no exception!"

"As long as I become stronger, I will change myself and the fate of many people!"

With persistent thoughts, Qingzhi plans to confront Jin Yi and Jin Er head-on.

But right here, a sound of breaking the air suddenly rang in his ears.

Raising his head sharply, Qingzhi's pupils shrank. He found that two slashes of the sky were attacking him and the tropical dragon below him. Obviously, the Jin brothers attacked when he was distracted!

"Damn it!" With a secret curse, the green pheasant immediately shouted, "Tropical dragon, hold on!"

Don't look at Bai Mo and the gym trainer's old use, but that's because of the level problem. Guarding is a very rare skill. After all, the effect is really amazing.

The green pheasant is also lucky. The tropical dragon he recently conquered doesn't know where he learned this trick!

"Bang!" The blade of air kept hitting the hold light on the tropical dragon, making some dull noises!

Under the Heavenly King level, the guard of the elite-level elf can still prevent the less powerful attacks of the quasi-celestial-level elf.

"Shit luck!" Seeing the tropical dragon using his defense skills, Jin Er scolded with some envy, while Jin Yi shouted directly, "Armored bird, high-speed stars and air blades!"

The armored birds at the feet of the Jin brothers immediately used high-speed stars and air blades again!

The speed of the high-speed star was very fast, and it hit the tropical dragon at the moment when the light disappeared, so that he had no chance to use his skills at all. At this time, the sharp air blade struck again with the sound of breaking the air.

"Damn!" At this time, Qingzhi had no choice. The other party was two people, and they were both stronger than him, so passive!

And this scene here was also photographed by a drone in the air and transmitted to the big screen at the starting point!

"Wow, two shameless people again!"

"It's not shameless, it's disgusting. The trainer who besieged Dr. Bai Mo just said that it was bought by those two people!"

"What? Damn it, these two don't want to buy the same thing from me!"

"My hotel doesn't serve them anymore!!"

Hearing these people's words, Joey said to Jun Sha on the side, "I don't even want to receive such people!"

"I can only think about it!" Jun Sha said angrily, "I still want to arrest them and go to jail, but they haven't violated the rules, but their character is not good. Without the scope elf center and alliance laws, we are not good. verb: move!"

"I know, let's just say it, there are no rules and no circle." Joey shook his head with a smile.

At this moment, just when everyone thought that the green pheasant was about to finish playing, a flame suddenly appeared and enveloped the sharp blade in the air, and then the whole thing burned out!

"This is!"

The Kim brothers and Aokiji both looked in the direction of the flames, and the drone was also controlled by the staff to shoot in that direction.

It was Bai Mo who appeared in front of everyone without any accident!

"Dr. Bai Mo, we have no idea of ​​competing with you, what do you mean?" Jin asked with a gloomy face when he saw Bai Mo appeared.

Hearing his words, Bai Mo's smile did not change, but he asked in a cold voice, "Are you questioning me?"

"Roar!" The fire-breathing dragon also spewed out a mouthful of flame in response!

"No, it's not!" When Bai Mo looked at him so condescendingly, Jin Yi, who had a ghost in his heart, suddenly weakened, "I'm a question, yes, just a question?"

"Doubt?" Bai Mo raised his brows and said, "Then my answer is because it is pleasing to the eye to see the trainer riding a tropical dragon below!"

"Look, do you quit the game yourself, or let me do it?"

Chapter 0282 Advance to the finals!

"very handsome!"

"It's cool, it's so cool!"

"Wow, I'm really going to be crazy!"

Bai Mo, I just don't reason with you, he's really handsome.

In normal times, maybe this would make people feel bad and unreasonable, but now the audience all know what the Jin brothers are, and if Bai Mo does this, they will only applaud!

"I just know how to act!" Na Qi's expression was cool, but there was a hint of smile in her eyes!

On the other side, in the air.

"Dr. Bai Mo, don't deceive people too much!" Hearing Bai Mo's merciless words, the Jin brothers' faces all turned ashen.

What Bai Mo said was that he didn't take them seriously at all. Anyway, the two of them were also quasi-king-level trainers. If they were so despised, even if they knew they couldn't beat them, they would definitely not just leave.

"Then let's do it!" With a smile still on his face, Bai Mo said lightly towards the fire-breathing dragon under his feet, "Say hello and shoot flames!"


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