The fire-breathing dragon didn't hesitate in the slightest, and when he opened his mouth, he spewed out a hot flame.

"Flee separately, no need to fight!" Jin Yi's indifferent voice reached Jin Er's ears, and then shouted to the armored bird under him, "Move at high speed!"

Jin Er on the other side gave the same order after hearing what his brother said.

The strength of the armored bird in the hands of the two is also a quasi-king level, and it cannot be defeated at once.

Use high-speed motion, run left and right separately, and instantly get out of the fire-breathing dragon's attack range and fly towards the snow-capped mountains ahead!

"It ran very fast, and now you're thinking of a more popular than normal competition? How naive!" Blinking his eyes, Bai Mo immediately shouted, "Shunfeng!"


Quickly flapping its wings, a strong wind appeared in mid-air, and it flew forward with the fire-breathing dragon.

"On the right, the Dragon God swoops!"

After the fire-breathing dragon approached the Jin brothers, Bai Mo's order reached its ears again.

Eyes condensed, a fierce momentum appeared from the fire-breathing dragon's forehead, covering it in front of him, and then with the help of the wind, it swooped more quickly towards the armored bird on the right side of Jin Er.

The powerful power brought by the Dragon God's dive has obviously affected the armored bird that Jin Er was riding, and the flight speed has also dropped, and misfortunes do not come singly. The armored bird's high-speed movement skills are also used at this time.

"There's no way!" He glanced at his older brother Jin Yi, who was a little faster than himself. Jin Er knew that if things went on like this, the entire army would be wiped out. It's better to fight for Jin Yi himself.

At the critical moment, Jin Er's response was not slow, and immediately shouted, "Armored bird, turn your head, steel wings!"

After receiving the order, the armor flapped its wings and turned over out of thin air. Because the speed was too fast, Jin Erdu did not start to fall from its back, and he regained his combat power again.

Then, the dazzling white light on the wings of the armored bird flew in the direction of the fire-breathing dragon.

Seeing that he turned his head towards Jin Er and let the armored bird fly towards him, Bai Mo was still holding his chest calmly, just watching!

The next moment, the fire-breathing dragon and the armored bird collided with each other, and a powerful collision occurred.

But the next moment, a pained expression flashed on the face of the armored bird, the light on the wings began to dissipate, and the fire-breathing dragon suddenly increased its strength at this time.


The fire-breathing dragon hit the armored bird directly, knocking it out, and the golden er on its back almost fell.

"Damn!" Jin Er secretly scolded when he found that his armored bird was injured a lot in one blow, and gave up the idea of ​​fighting with Bai Mo for a long time, and just wanted to cause more damage to the fire-breathing dragon.

A sharp look flashed in his eyes, and Jin Er said loudly, "Armored bird, brave bird strikes!"

Brave Bird Slam, attacking opponents through low-altitude flying, will also suffer a certain degree of damage.

"Daewoo explosion (big character fire)!" Bai Mo's voice came out calmly when Jin Er responded!


The fire-breathing dragon immediately began to brew, his eyes fixed on the armored bird, and he did not rush to make a move until the armored bird was ready to fly towards it.

The armored bird continued to accelerate in the air, and finally came not far from the fire-breathing dragon with its brewed strength. Only at this time did the fire-breathing dragon spit out a flame.

The flames took the shape of large characters and shrouded towards the armored bird.

However, it is a little different from the general Daewoo Explosion Flame, there is a flame behind this big character flame!

The big character flame and the sound of the armored bird began to approach, and at this moment, Jin Er suddenly shouted, "Armored bird, spin!"

The armored bird that received the order immediately spun around, just wiping the swipe in the middle of the big characters and swiping across the middle.

Dodging the fire-breathing dragon's blow, a smile appeared on Jin Er's face, but before his smile could fully unfold, it instantly solidified on his face!


A simple word came out from Bai Mo's mouth.


The fire-breathing dragon's eyes condensed, the flames in the air suddenly increased, and the large-shaped flames exploded in an instant, while Jin Er and Armor Bird, who were just beside the flames, were instantly enveloped by fire waves and explosions.

It wasn't the first time that the fire-breathing dragon's big-character burst and flame-throwing combination had been used. Under Bai Mo's training, he had become more skilled.

The big character explosion originally needed to encounter obstacles or reach a specified distance before it exploded, but after combining the jet flame, the explosion can be controlled by the fire-breathing dragon, which is a loophole to overcome!

"It's quite decisive!" He calmly glanced at the smoke screen generated by the explosion, and Bai Mo directed the fire-breathing dragon to chase after Jin Yi, who had already reached the top of the snow-capped mountain in front of him.

When the smoke from the explosion disappeared, there were no people or elves in it.

Before, at the moment of the explosion, Jin Er chose to let Casey leave with his own.

On the other side, on the top of the snowy mountain, Jin Yi had just obtained the credentials he needed to advance, but before he could be happy, Bai Mo's stood in front of him.

Looking at the unscathed fire-breathing dragon, Jin Yi clenched his hands fiercely, and in the end, just like Bai Mo, he had no choice but to give up!

So far, there are only two members of the second group left!

Bai Mo, and the blue pheasant who lied and won!

Chapter 0283 Bet with Naki

"Dr. Bai Mo, thank you!"

On the high platform, at the finish line, Qingzhi thanked Bai Mo, this time, if the competition is normal, the possibility of him qualifying is very low!

But Bai Mo's current move has made him qualify without any suspense.

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