What can you get, just look at this!

Chapter 0284 The game of three people!

Hearing the referee say to prepare, each trainer released his own elf to ride on.

Bai Mo's is a fire-breathing dragon!

Na Qi is no accident, it is the Flash King Yan!

As for Mikori's elf, Bai Mo felt that it was reasonable and unexpected. He used a elf called Dancing Swan. The strength of the peak, the qualifications are only the general top grade!

As for the elves of the other six contestants, apart from the tropical dragon of the green pheasant, there is nothing that needs to be introduced deliberately. Anyway, it will not pose the slightest threat to the three of Bai Mo!

After releasing the elf, each trainer came to the elf's back and waited for the referee's next order!

Noticing that all nine contestants were ready, the referee immediately shouted, "The game begins!"

"Energy storage flame attack!"

"Jet water jet!"

"High-speed exercise!"

At the beginning of the match, Bai Mo, Naqi, and Mikri instructed the elf to use a powerful trick to gain a favorable position.

And very tacit understanding, the remaining six trainers did not participate.

In the previous five preliminaries, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Bai Mo, Naqi, and Michaeli were not at the same level as them.

Bai Mo even took down eight contestants by himself and won the championship slowly.

These three people are destined to be the first three people. If you fight with them, you can only get yourself nothing.

You must know that the game is only completed if it passes the finish line. If the finish line is not crossed at the end, even if it enters the final, it is not considered a ranking.

Therefore, if the final character is not necessary, no one will choose the elves to fight, and they all simply use various means to compare flying, which is the true meaning of the flying contest!

In the air, the flashing king Yan under Naqi's feet started the fastest, and in a flash, she used high-speed motion, and with Naqi, it turned into a silver light and shot out first.

Behind Na Qi, flames appeared on one of the fire-breathing dragon and the dancing swan, and a stream of water appeared on the other.

When the flames completely covered his whole body, the fire-breathing dragon rushed out with Bai Mo as a flash of fire.

Almost at the same time, the dancing swan's body was also wrapped by the water current, and Michelle turned into a blue light and rushed out!

The impact force of the water jet was obviously very fast, the dancing swan faintly surpassed the fire-breathing dragon, and began to approach the Flash King Yan, but this faintly surpassed distance was slowly overtaken by the fire-breathing dragon, because the energy-storing flame attack used by the fire-breathing dragon had The effect of increasing the speed, increasing the temporary time, and maintaining it until the end of the game can certainly be achieved.

In this way, the three people in front set off with super fast speed, and they all came to the front of the trap forest in the first scene in an instant.

Until this time, the remaining six people had just set off!

Arriving at the trap forest, Na Qi's speed still did not drop, and even let the Flash King Yan use the tailwind, so that the Flash King Yan, who was slowing down because he stopped using high-speed motion, once again accelerated and rushed forward in a straight line.

Since it is a straight line, the Flash King Yan will inevitably reach some trap areas. Among those traps, skills such as jet flame, water gun, click, high-speed stars, and flying blades will appear from time to time.

But each of these skills can only eat the butt of the Flash King Yan, and it will not affect it at all.

The Flash King Yan directly used his speed to kill a bloody path.

On the other hand, Mikri can be said to be very smart. He followed Naqi directly, but he slowed down a little and opened a certain distance, which made him temporarily prepare the skills again at each trap. In time, successfully passed through the trap.

Even, at the end of the trap forest, Naqi's Flash King Yan was at the last moment of using the skill, and the speed dropped a little, and then, unfortunately, where the Flash King Yan flew, two elves overlapped. , Moreover, the further back the trap forest is, the stronger the elf's skills are.

So a quick jet of flame and water pistol caught up to Flash King Yan just as he was about to leave the trap forest range!

Keenly noticing the situation behind her, Na Qi immediately shouted, "Da Wang Yan, keep moving forward and fly towards the lower left!!"

"Tear it off!"

The Flash King Yan flew in the direction Na Qi said for the first time. Because of the change of King Yan's position, the two elves who used water polo and sprayed flames also changed.

The next moment, water guns and jet flames sprayed on everything and began to offset, and Flash King Yan easily escaped this crisis.

However, although the Flash King Yan successfully avoided this crisis, the speed was still affected by this sudden change.

A white figure finally surpassed it at this time. It was the dancing swan used by Michaeli. He followed Naqi all the way, and he naturally discovered the last scene.

Unlike Naqi's dodging, Mikri directly let the dancing swan take advantage of this acceleration, surpassing Naqi in one fell swoop!

Seeing Mikuri flying in front of her with the dancing swan, Na Qi immediately shouted, "Da Wang Yan, there is a flash of lightning!"

"Tear it off!"

Wang Yan's chance was in an instant, accelerated, and came to the side of the dancing swan in an instant, keeping pace with him!

It was a temporary draw, and the two looked behind them in tacit understanding, because Bai Mo didn't seem to have any dazzling performances!

However, when the two turned their heads, they found that there was no sign of Bai Mo!

"What's the matter?" The two frowned, but a voice came from above them at this time.

"Are you looking for me?"

The two quickly turned their heads and looked in the direction the voice came from, only to find that Bai Mo was standing calmly on the back of the fire-breathing dragon with his arms folded over his chest.

And the fire-breathing dragon, there is a certain distance in front of them!

"When!?" Na Qi and Mi Keli were shocked. They didn't even know when Bai Mo ran in front of them.

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