Naturally, Bai Mo would not tell the two of them that he could easily know where the traps in the trap forest were with his superpowers. He flew directly over the sky at high speed, and when one of the two slowed down and turned the other, he easily seized the opportunity to surpass them. !

Smiling at Na Qi, Bai Mo looked at the lake and a few tornadoes that were close at hand, and said aloud, "Go straight to it!"

"Flash Charge!"

Chapter 0285 The three compete with each other, and the means are exhausted

"Flash Charge!"


A fiery meaning flashed in the fire-breathing dragon's eyes. During the flight, a raging flame shrouded his body again, and he flew straight towards the lake ahead.

This scene is exactly the same as the feeling of Naqi flying through the trap forest before, but the effect is even better.

Covered in flames, the fire-breathing dragon rushed forward without shunning the situation ahead, even if it hit a waterspout.

But every time the waterspout approached the fire-breathing dragon, it would be evaporated into water vapor by its powerful high temperature, which would have no effect at all. In this way, Bai Mo used the most arrogant and fast method to pass through the second level, still maintaining Go ahead.

However, when Bai Mo let the fire-breathing dragon pass through, Mikri and Naqi were also unwilling to be weak.

Michaeli asked the dancing swan to use the water jet again. Even if it hit the waterspout, it was not affected at all because it was in the water, and it passed through the second area quickly.

This time, it was Naqi who needed to keep dodging the waterspout, causing her speed to be a little slower.

The three of them came to the top of the snow-capped mountain one after another and took the customs clearance barrier.

There is nothing special about the environment of the snow-capped mountains, but the decrease in temperature reduces the activity of the elves a lot, especially the fire-breathing dragons with the fire element are affected the most. The swan slowly caught up a little.

But after getting the certificate, Bai Mo let the fire-breathing dragon use the energy-storing flame attack again, wrapping the flame, the fire-breathing dragon was no longer affected by the low temperature, and it accelerated its speed again, still maintaining its leading position!

"what happened!?"

Seeing Bai Mo's actions, Mikri and Naqi were puzzled. Continuous use of high-intensity skills was not conducive to the fire-breathing dragon's ability to save its stamina and fly in the second half of the route.

Even if the flight is barely finished, the speed will be reduced a lot later because of physical problems.

With Bai Mo's ability, it shouldn't be invisible.

With doubts, Mikri led the swan dance, and Naqi led the flashing king Yan and followed closely behind.

The three people soon came to the fourth point, the poisonous miasma area.

And at this time, there were six people left, and the fastest one just came to the second area!

Passing through the snow-capped mountain area, the flames on the fire-breathing dragon disappeared, and at the moment when the flames disappeared, it couldn't help but gasp for a few breaths.

He has been flying people for so long, and he has used high-intensity skills many times in a row, and he has passed through the waterspout again, and then through the snowy mountains. The fire-breathing dragon's physical strength has long been lost!

Although it is still ahead, the impact on the future journey will not be small!

But Bai Mo thought he didn't see all of this, and shouted again, "Energy storage flame attack!"


With a roar, the fire-breathing dragon wrapped flames on its body again and flew forward. The poisonous gas in the poisonous miasma area was instantly burnt out by the high temperature of the flames after hitting the flames, which had no effect on the fire-breathing dragon's flight.

"Water Ring!" Mikori couldn't understand what Bai Mo was doing, but he continued his strategy and let the dancing swan use the water ring. He continued to recover his physical strength during the period of time he came down.

The hidden feature of the dancing swan is its wet body, which eliminates all abnormal conditions when it rains, including the abnormal conditions caused by itself.

The wrapping of the water flow ring will cause the same effect.

Although the hidden characteristics of the dancing swan are not yet known, Mikri still knows the situation of his elf, so he came up with this method.

Recover your stamina, keep flying, and don't have to worry about the hidden dangers of poison caused by poisonous miasma.

Very good strategy.

On the other side, Na Qi also said loudly at this time, "Slam with the divine bird!"

Wang Yan's body immediately began to gather momentum. When gathering momentum, auras kept circulating around it, which just separated the invasion of poisonous miasma.

When Da Wangyan flew over a distance of the poisonous miasma area, his whole body was enveloped by a dazzling light, and he began to rush forward at a rapid speed, once again surpassing the dancing swan at the foot of Michaeli, who was temporarily stable. There was still a little distance from the fire-breathing dragon that Bai Mo rode.

Soon, the three of them passed through the poisonous miasma in the order of Bai Mo, Naqi, and Mikkori, and came to the last level of the Valley of the Winds.

This place is harassed by various whirlwinds, and the power is still strong and weak, making it elusive and not easy.

However, these are obviously not a problem for Na Qi, who often does special training for elves, and without hesitation, she directs the Flash King Yan to enter.

Under Michael's feet, the dancing swan's physical strength has recovered a lot. Skills such as wind blade or tailwind in the Valley of the Wind are purely funny. Michael has already figured out a way to let the dancing swan use the water jet to rush out again. .

Both Mikri and Naqi have acted, and Bai Mo, who is in the front, will naturally not be inactive!

This place is still useless to Bai Mo, because he has super powers, he can completely predict, and even occasionally affects the wind blade, but this time, he did not intend to do so.

Before coming to the Valley of the Wind, the flames on the fire-breathing dragon disappeared, and the sound of breathing became more urgent. To this extent, in this Valley of the Wind, where the wind blades are densely covered, it can be said to be very dangerous.

Using skills may also drain your stamina.

But Bai Mo shouted again at this time, "Energy storage flame attack!"

The fire-breathing dragon's body was wrapped in flames again, his eyes were condensed, and he rushed directly towards the final destination!

"What the hell is he going to do!?"

This question, after seeing the fire-breathing dragon become a fireball again, not only Naqi and Mikri were curious and puzzled, but also appeared in the minds of all the other people who were always paying attention to the leading position of Bai Mo through the big screen.

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