The fire-breathing dragon once again charged into the Valley of the Wind with its entire body covered in flames, and the wind blades flew over, all of which were burnt out by the high temperature on his surface.

But if you look closely, you can find that the flames on the fire-breathing dragon are rapidly disappearing, and even the power is beginning to weaken, and even the flight speed is beginning to decline.

Mickley and Naqi seized this opportunity, respectively instructing the dancing swan and flashing king Yan to surpass the fire-breathing dragon and rush towards the final key ring.

When approaching the edge of the Valley of the Wind, seeing a wind blade coming, Na Qi immediately shouted, "Da Wang Yan, the lightning flashes, and then use high-speed motion to sprint towards the finish line!"

Behind Na Qi, Mi Keli also said loudly at this time, "Swan dance, water jet!"

"Frozen Wind!"

At this time, Bai Mo finally put down the hand that he had been holding on his chest, and shouted towards the fire-breathing dragon:

"Fire-breathing dragon, it's time to transform!"

"Energy storage flame attack, go ahead!"

Chapter 0286 Fire-breathing dragon promoted to King!Win the championship!

As the voices of Naki, Mikri and Bai Mo sounded, and the pictures transmitted to the big screen through the drone, everyone saw a dazzling scene.

At the edge of the Valley of the Wind, a powerful wind blade flew towards the Flash King Yan at the foot of Na Qi. When the wind blade was about to hit the Flash King Yan, many people who supported Na Qi almost closed their eyes.

But at this moment, the Flash King Yan turned into a white light and quickly disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already outside the Valley of the Wind, just avoiding the previous wind blade.

This is not over yet, with the blessing of a special power, Wang Yan quickly flew towards the center of the huge ring.

Move at high speed!

Seeing this scene, many people cheered, and the absolute victory belongs to Naki, but the next moment, something unexpected happened.

The dancing swan at Michael's feet, who was originally behind Da Wangyan a distance behind him, was wrapped in water again, and began to rush forward at a high speed, but it was not over yet.

In the water column, the dancing swan began to flap its wings again, and a freezing wind appeared. The entire water flow instantly turned into an icicle under the action of the cold wind, and slammed into the ring at a high speed.

On the way of the flight, all kinds of flying wind blades just hit the icicles. Except for destroying a little surface of the ice layer, they only played, and did not cause any damage to the dancing swan.

And looking at the speed of the icicles, it is possible to catch up before Da Wangyan reaches the ring!

At this moment, those who supported Michael cheered, and felt that victory belonged to their idols.

But the next moment, the accident happened again, and what happened was a huge accident.

At Bai Mo's feet, the flame on the fire-breathing dragon was nearly extinguished, and the physical strength of the entire body was also on the verge of the bottom line.

It was at this moment that Na Qi and Mi Keli made moves one after another, and Bai Mo's voice also fell, reaching the fire-breathing dragon's ears.

He opened his eyes abruptly, and the fire-breathing dragon's eyes were burning with fighting spirit. The flame at its tail suddenly became smaller at this moment, but it rose instantly and burned extremely vigorously.

At the same time, in a place that no one knew about, a fire-breathing dragon appeared in front of a door, looking at the door in front of him, its random wings, the door was easily blown open, and the fire-breathing dragon was also at this moment. Step into it.

A burst of inexplicable information came into the mind of the fire-breathing dragon in an instant, and the fire-breathing dragon had an amazing understanding of the flight and fire elements in an instant, and also realized another thing, profound meaning!

The Profound Truth of Fire, the Profound Truth of Popularity!

The two profound meanings were initially understood by the fire-breathing dragon, and its understanding of flame and flight has taken a qualitative leap!


Leaving the world where I don't know where, the outside world has passed for less than a second, and the fire-breathing dragon suddenly let out a roar, and the flames burned again, and there were some special things in the flames, that is, Profound Truth!

Wrapped in the flame with the mystery of fire, the fire-breathing dragon used the energy-storing flame attack again, and the speed was accelerated several times.

Everyone found that they couldn't keep up with the speed that the fire-breathing dragon showed next. It just used teleportation, a wing, and when it reappeared, it was already before the ring!

Once again, the fire-breathing dragon crossed the ring first and became the champion!

At this moment, a strange situation appeared. Everyone found that a fiery red color was left on the flight path of the fire-breathing dragon, and this fiery red color was obviously not far from the dancing swan and the flashing king Yan.

The scorching heat caused discomfort to both the Pokémon and the trainer, but it was tolerable.

But on the dancing swan, the ice layer that originally wrapped it melted into water almost instantly at this temperature, and its flying speed was also much lower.

Because this situation happened so suddenly and quickly, by the time Mikuri found out that he wanted to do something, Na Qi had already flew over the ring with Wang Yan and became the runner-up!

Mickley and Dancing Swan can only rank below Bai Mo and Naqi and become the third runner-up!

"I'm going, what happened!?"

"You ask me, how do I know?"

"The fire-breathing dragon finally broke out with the characteristics of fierce fire, but it shouldn't be so abnormal!"

"It's a breakthrough!"


"Yes, it crossed the final threshold, and the fire-breathing dragon changed from a quasi-celestial king to a heavenly king! This situation is allowed in the competition, so the champion is still Dr. Bai Mo. What I doubt is that this breakthrough, Did he deliberately let the fire-breathing dragon control it?"

"Deliberately let the fire-breathing dragon control, then the fire-breathing dragon must have the aptitude above the best to do it, I'm envious!"

"Dr. Bai Mo is Dr. Bai Mo, it's always daunting!"

"Dr. Bai Mo is the most handsome!"

"Idol, wow!"

"I don't care about these, I only know that I won the bet, but I used my life savings of [-] Alliance Coins to support Dr. Bai Mo, and this time I made a profit!"

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