"Damn, I have lost blood!"

No matter what the audience did, they quickly returned to the high platform above the sky. Bai Mo took out the elf ball and took the fire-breathing dragon back. Breaking through the realm would not instantly increase the elf's physical strength. Although the fire-breathing dragon's strength has been qualitatively improved, but He is still exhausted and needs a rest.

"Dr. Bai Mo, I admire it!" Also returning to the high platform, Na Qi said to Bai Mo, "I will keep my promise" and left with a blushing face.

"What do you admire about me?" Smiling, Bai Mo asked a question that left Michaeli speechless.

Without laughing, Mikuri said seriously, "I admire the arrangement of this flight contest and the pursuit of Naqi!"

"I'm convinced that I lost this game!"

"Naki's place, I won't do superfluous things again!"

As he said that, Michael's expression changed again, and he said solemnly, "Dr. Bai Mo, look forward to the day of our official competition!"

"I have a hunch that this day will not be far away!"

Bai Mo's eyes flashed when he heard Mikri's words. The so-called official battle in the former's saliva refers to the battle of the elves.

At Michael's level, Bai Mo naturally wouldn't challenge him if he wasn't at the championship level, but if he did, it would mean that Bai Mo planned to become the Four Heavenly Kings in the Fangyuan area.

With a slight smile, Bai Mo also said seriously:

"Don't worry, Michael, I won't keep you waiting!"

Chapter 0287 In a large audience, Naki kisses!

After Bai Mo and Michaeli sat down for some kind of agreement, they both returned to their friends in the auditorium.

The next match took nearly ten minutes to end, and it is conceivable that the three of Bai Mo ended the match quickly.

To Bai Mo's surprise, the fourth winner turned out to be Qingzhi, this seemingly tenacious young man.

After thinking about it, Bai Mo felt that he could pay attention to this person. If it was worth cultivating, he could absorb it into his future power.

At the end of the game, Bai Mo was the well-deserved number one, so naturally he had the most elf eggs in this game.

This egg, Bai Mo swept it with his superpower. Since his superpower transformed and opened up a small world, this ability has also risen, and it is possible to roughly feel the situation of the elf egg.

After feeling it for a while, Bai Mo found that the elf hatched from this elf egg would be of top quality.

The type of elves is also easy to guess, because there are only three types of elves with a single flight type attribute, the silver companion war beast flying type, the Arceus flying type and the tornado cloud.

The rest of the flying elves are dual-attribute.

And another attribute in this egg is the evil type. If the evil type is combined with the flying type, the type of the elf is very easy to guess.

A dark crow that can evolve into a crow's head.

Vulture girl who can evolve into Vulturena.

There is also Yveltal, of course, this is funny, this kind of race value is as high as 680, the legendary elf, the aptitude will not be lower than the god!

That is to say, the elf egg hatched is either a dark crow or a vulture girl, and neither of these two types of elf would be the type that Bai Mo wanted to cultivate.

Therefore, under everyone's attention, after Bai Mo stood on the podium and took the elf egg from the awarding staff of the alliance, he immediately transferred it to Na Qi!

"Here, give me?" Stupidly stretched out his hand to take the elf egg, Na Qi looked at Bai Mo in shock, not only Na Qi, but all the others who saw this scene were also shocked.

This is the elf egg given by the alliance. The elf talent that is hatched is the second highest quality, and they are all elf with good development potential (the setting is racial value of 500 or more. Of course, people in the elf world do not understand racial value. Set, just know that 500+ is good.)

Such an egg, just send it like this?

Bai Mo must be too generous.

Or is it that the cost of pursuing a woman is so high now?

Hearing Na Qi's words, Bai Mo chuckled softly in a voice that only two people can hear, "You and I have been together for several days during this time, and you have also fought against me with elf, you should know such a Eggs are tasteless to me!"

"In order not to make people think that when I made a bet with you, I was a white wolf with empty gloves, so I'll give it to you!"

"If you do, remember to abide by the agreement!"

Looking deeply at Bai Mo, and hearing what he said, Na Qi's heart trembled fiercely. It is true that Bai Mo's elves seem to have good aptitude and high potential.

This is also the reason why Na Qi is willing to bet with Bai Mo, thinking that after he loses, he can come up with a good flying elf within a year.

But Bai Mo has an elf, and no matter how capable he is, it doesn't affect the value of this elf!

Now, Bai Mo just gave him a priceless elf egg with potential and qualifications. Na Qi really didn't know what to say.

Thinking back to the one three days ago, "accident", Bai Mo's dazzling eyes during the battle, the tenderness he had been with him for the past three days, and the warmth of the egg on his hand.

Naqi knew that it was as simple as that, that her heart was captured by the man in front of her.

Seriously looking at Bai Mo's smiling face, Na Qi closed her eyes, tiptoed gently and kissed.

Yes, it's not a light touch from Bai Mo's previous bet, but a kiss!

The beauty offered a kiss, except for the initial accident, Bai Mo naturally wouldn't give up this good opportunity, he hugged Na Qi's waist and started to kiss her.

So, Na Qi and Bai Mo kissed together without anyone's witness!

"Wow, I'm so envious!" Seeing the picture of Bai Mo and Na Qi kissing through the big screen, Ya Yi pouted, "I've never experienced such treatment before!"

"Yeah!" Tou Zi said in a sour tone, "It's great to have so many witnesses."

"It's okay!" Shanaido smiled softly, "Mo said before that he will give their women a world-renowned wedding of the century!"

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