"As long as it's her wife, she'll be the one standing right beside her!"

Hearing this, the girls' eyes lit up, and they began to imagine that day would come.

However, Shanaido looked at Bai Mo deeply at this time, pouted and whispered in a voice that only he could hear, "I am obviously Mo's first woman, but I don't have this treatment!"

"Today, I will work with Minas to squeeze Mo dry."

After the flying contest ended, Bai Mo, Ya Yi and other women stayed at Na Qi's house for another half a month before leaving, because Ya Yi and Tou Zi still needed to collect all the badges!

Because he had some plans, Bai Mo directly took out the Blood Winged Flying Dragon. After only a week, Ya Yi and Tou Zi collected the rest of the badges.

The two women collected all the badges, and the rest is the special training that needs to be done for the alliance, but before that, Bai Mo visited Chenghua Taoist Hall and deepened his relationship with his sister Xiaoyao!

Until two months before the conference, Bai Mo came to Meteor Falls again to meet with Butler.

For the next two months, Bai Mo didn't do any special training for his elf, and only let them follow the previous training step by step to solidify their foundation.

Bai Mo himself, on the other hand, devoted a lot of energy to the construction of his own company and the construction of the periphery of Meteor Falls.

For the time being, there are not many people Bai Mo can trust and use, and the development of the cave behind the Meteor Falls and the construction of the secret base cannot start yet.

In order to avoid accidents, he used his superpower to explore the vicinity, and killed some points that might make people discover the secrets of Meteor Cave in the cradle.

In this way, Bai Mo's company can also be said to be a research institute, and the elf breeding industry is still in full swing. Because the scale to be built is not small, and the equipment is not ordinary, it will take a lot of time.

However, two months will soon be over.

Chapter 0288 Overwhelming Yayi

"Mo, the Caiyou Conference is about to start, when will we set off?" In the evening, in the small world, after dinner, Tou Zi asked with concern.

"Just tomorrow." Putting down his chopsticks, Bai Mo smiled and said, "Go and complete the registration procedures early to avoid any accidents!"

"Just use the flying elf to fly over, leave in the morning and arrive in the afternoon!"

"Okay!" Bai Mo made a decision, and the girls wouldn't refute it, but at this moment, Ya Yi blushed and said hesitantly, "That, Mo, eat so much for dinner!"

"Let's go out for a walk, um, digest! digest!"

Hearing Ya Yi's words, Tou Zi and the girls all rolled their eyes immediately. This girl should think of a better reason for asking Bai Mo to go out. This time the reason is too funny. You Ya Yi is the person who likes to lie down after eating. Well?

Taking a walk, such a reason is too far-fetched.

Yayi obviously knew that her reason was a bit clumsy, but she still looked at Bai Mo with anticipation and said, "Is there any problem?"

"Of course!" Although she didn't know what Ya Yi was going to do, Bai Mo definitely wouldn't reject her woman's invitation.

The girls naturally wouldn't make fun of Mei at this time.

So, the job of washing was handed over to the remaining girls to do.

Bai Mo and Ya Yi came and put them outside.

Next is the world of Bai Mo and Ya Yi.

Taking the initiative to hold Ya Yi's hand, Bai Mo took her for a walk in the direction of the lake. On the way, he met a lot of Bai Mo's elves. The elves were very understanding. left.

After a while, the two came to the lake, and a gust of breeze came in, which made people feel very comfortable.

At this moment, Ya Yi suddenly stopped, hugged Bai Mo, buried her head in his chest and listened to his heartbeat.

Bai Mo was very happy when she was suddenly hugged by Ya Yi. After all, Ya Yi was so active that she could explain a lot of problems.

Just holding it so quietly, after a while, Ya Yi looked up at him, and said a little shyly, "Mo, it's possible to have today, no, it's the life after I met you, I feel like I'm living in every day. It’s like a dream, it doesn’t feel real at all.”

"I feel that the lives of those nobles are not comparable to ours."

"So, I've been very uneasy, you are so good, and there are too many girls better than me, but you seem to like me very much, I can feel it, when we first met, I felt it, You seem very different to me."

Like most girls here, Ya Yi also began to worry about gains and losses, Bai Mo looked at her face with a serious smile and said, "Who knows why, but I think it should be that I fell in love with you in my previous life, so I met you now. , I want to cherish it even more.”

Hearing Bai Mo's words, Ya Yi felt that he was about to melt, and he could see the sincerity in Bai Mo's eyes, as if it was really love from a previous life, no doubt about it.

Bai Mo only felt that Ya Yi's hands were holding her tighter, and hugged her back. Looking at the pretty face in front of her, she couldn't hold back any longer. In Ya Yi's surprised eyes, she kissed her. lips.

Ya Yi did not refuse, she just closed her eyes and slowly felt the temperature between her lips. Although Ya Yi was still kissing her first time, she was a bit clumsy, but she still responded to Bai Mo seriously, and Bai Mo was an old driver, so she was naturally a guide.

At this moment, on the lake, a pair of high-grade aptitudes, Tiantian and Electric Firefly, who had recently appeared around the Meteor Waterfall, were taken into the small world by Bai Mo, and they danced on the lake as if they were blessing them. Dance, under the reflection of the moonlight in the small world, this scene looks so beautiful.

I just wish this moment would last forever.

After pouring out their hearts to each other, it is natural to go to something to do.

Bai Mo actually planned to take the initiative to talk to Yayi about confirming the relationship after the league competition. After all, Yayi and Touzi planned to team up with Shenao.

I just didn't expect that Ya Yi might feel that Bai Mo often does intimate things with Tou Zi and the other girls, and at most she can only hold hands and kiss occasionally.

Noticing this situation, Bai Mo knew that Ram should be similar, so he decided to find a chance to give Ram there.

But before that, the most important thing now is to completely turn Meiyi into her own woman!

"Yi, you don't regret it." Using teleportation to bring Ya Yi to the big bed in his room, Bai Mo's hands kept moving, and the voice rang in Ya Yi's ear.

However, at this time, Ya Yi had already closed her eyes emotionally, intending to endure everything, letting Bai Mo act, she didn't accept what Bai Mo said, she only felt the breath of Bai Mo's words, which made her ears itch.

Then, like a signal, it ignited her whole body, making her paralyzed softly. She couldn't help but let out a low snort, "Mo, hurry up!"

When Bai Mo heard the words, he naturally wouldn't let his woman wait, and immediately turned on the fire.

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