In the end, it was probably too painful, and Kirby opened his eyes abruptly and sat up.

Seeing this, Geng Gui hurriedly retracted the movement in his hand, his expression was flat, as if he had never done anything.


Reaching out and scratching his stomach, Kirby looked around and seemed to think he didn't find anything suspicious, so he shook his head, thinking it was a nightmare.

"This Kirby beast is quite innocent." Looking at the appearance of Kirby beast, several girls covered their mouths, for fear that they would laugh.

At this time, Kabi Beast found Bai Mo standing there, suddenly stood up, and walked to Bai Mo with a smile.

"How's it going?" He reached out and patted the belly of the beast. He secretly thought that it felt good and could be used to sleep in the future. Bai Mo then smiled and asked, "Big guy, are you full?"


The Kabi beast made a distinctive cry, and then nodded happily. It is naturally lazy to eat, but it is a tiring job. It has to keep moving its hands and mouth. If it is not hungry, it will Comfortable, it is really too lazy to move.

Now, with the appearance of Bai Mo, Kirby has experienced what it means to solve the problem of food and clothing.

Having experienced such a feeling, Kirbymon felt that he could not go back.

Probably guessing what the Kirby beast was thinking, Bai Mo took the opportunity to ask, "How about you travel with me, big man?"

"That kind of thing, enough!"


Hearing Bai Mo's words, Kirby Beast was overjoyed, but the next moment, it didn't agree. Instead, it clapped both hands and jumped back, posing as if it was about to fight.

"Oh huh? You are quite principled."

Seeing that this Kirby beast was going to fight against him, Bai Mo smiled. He thought that the Kirby beast was a simple slacker and a foodie. He satisfied it in his heart, and even whetted its appetite. Practicing direct consent.

But now it seems that this flash Kirby beast can become a king-level elf, and it really isn't mixed up.

But this is better, such a elf is more valuable to cultivate.

"Okay, let's play a game!" With a slight smile, he used his superpowers to determine the strength of the Kirby beast. Seeing that it was an intermediate king of heaven, Bai Mo took out a pokeball and threw it:

"Lucario, come out and fight!"

As Bai Mo's voice fell, a white light flashed out of the Poké Ball, and Lucario's handsome and vigorous figure appeared opposite the Kirby beast.

After taking a serious look at Kirbymon, Lucario's eyes narrowed, and it felt that this super heavyweight opponent was a little difficult to deal with.

However, as Bai Mo's most diligent elf, and his aptitude has reached the pinnacle, Lucario's strength has now surpassed that of the Heavenly King.

Lucario has never been afraid of fighting, and now that he has a higher strength than Kabimon, he is even more afraid, not to mention that its attributes have an advantage.

"First strike, wave missile!"


Hearing Bai Mo's order, Lucario quickly stretched out his hands to condense a blue energy ball, and then controlled it to blast the Kirby beast.

However, the next scene surprised Bai Mo.

Kirbymon had no intention of defending or evading at all, and the wave missile directly hit its belly under Lucario's control.

However, the explosion that everyone expected did not appear. After hitting the stomach of the Kirby beast, the wave missile was directly bounced out and hit the ground, and then an explosion occurred.

Faced with this, Kirbymon scratched its belly nonchalantly, as if to indicate that such an attack was a tickling.

Seeing this scene, Lucario's expression suddenly became serious.

"The wave missile of the fighting system is so easy to stop, it is really powerful, and it is very special."

Finding that it was so easy to block Lucario's wave missile, Bai Mo began to analyze it out of surprise.

He soon knew the reason. The food intake of this Kirby beast is six times that of a normal Kirby beast. Even if its physical strength is not six times, it is definitely much stronger, and its physical defense and special defense are by no means simple.

Then the crown on its head faintly emits superpowers, forming an invisible spiritual film on the surface.

The already excellent special defense is estimated to be even better.

"It seems that it can only be good for the slow speed and relatively low physical defense of Kirby, so Lucario chooses close combat."

Quickly make the most favorable decision, Bai Mo immediately ordered.

"Lucario, motivate yourself, then run over and approach each other!"

"Prepare to use boost punch!"

Chapter 0658 The Kirby Beast that keeps surprising Bai Mo!

"Lucario, motivate yourself, then run over and approach each other!"

"Prepare to use boost punch!"

Upon receiving the order, Lucario immediately began to condense his aura, rapidly increasing his attack power, and at the same time rushing in the direction of Kirby, and a white light was condensed on his hand.

At this time, again beyond Bai Mo's expectations, the Kirby Beast did not wait or defend, and also controlled its huge body to rush towards Lucario, who was constantly approaching him, with two slightly short giant feet. Stepping on the ground, there was a loud bang.

It can be seen that the weight of this Kirby beast is not ordinary.

But the speed is actually quite fast.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo and Lucario were both slightly startled. They both thought that Kabibi was so fat, it wouldn't run too fast, and it would take a long time to start.

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