But they didn't expect that the opponent's speed was not faster than Lukalio, but it greatly exceeded their expectations.

This time, Lucario, who is both self-motivation and condensing the strengthening fist, can only give up the condensing of the strengthening fist, and instead concentrate his own strength and increase his attack power.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo didn't give any extra command, just shouted: "Release the waveguide, if you don't have time to improve, you should avoid it first."

Originally, Bai Mo's plan was for Lucario to use self-motivation to enhance his own attack first, while approaching Kabimon, and then use his speed to use a booster punch to inflict damage to the opponent while enhancing his attack again.

The power of the enhancement punch is not large, but the effect is that as long as it hits the opponent, it can enhance its own attack.

The two attacks have increased, and Lucario has approached Kirby again. As long as he uses close combat skills, it is not difficult to win.

But all this, with Kirbymon's movement and the unexpected speed it showed, all changed.

On the field, looking at the Kirby beast, Lucario stopped running and stared at the Kirby beast, and the waveguide was also released.

Watching the Kirby beast getting closer and closer to him, at a certain moment, he felt that his attacks had increased and ended, and Lucario slammed his feet hard, then turned over and jumped back a large distance.

Following Lucario's actions, the next moment, Kirbymon collapsed like a hill in the place where it had the strength before it.


Standing far away, feeling the strong vibrations from the ground beneath his feet, Lucario looked at the Kabi beast, his eyes narrowed, he felt that if he didn't run in time, he could crush it to half death.

"Move at high speed." Bai Mo said again at this time, "While the opponent falls, and then use close combat, the Kirby beast turns back and retreats."


After receiving the order, Lucario's eyes changed, blue light appeared on the surface of his body, and then the speed increased again, layers of phantoms appeared during the movement, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the back of the lying Kirby beast.

Immediately, it started waving a pair of fists and kept attacking on the back of Kirby!


The fighting skills have twice the restraint against Kirby, and the power of close combat is not ordinary in the fighting system. In addition, the physical defense of Kirby is much lower than that of defense, and Lucario is excellent in physical attack.

At this moment, with a low hum, a trace of pain flashed across Kirby's face. Obviously, the effect of Kalio's attack on this circuit was quite good.

But Kirbymon responded very quickly. After enduring several attacks from Lucario, it quickly turned around, and a khaki light appeared on its huge fist, and swung it hard towards Lucario.

However, Lucario, who received Bai Mo's order, was already prepared, jumped up and kicked Kabimon, and then turned around to avoid the reaction force.


Lucario dodged, and the Kirby beast slammed the ground with a punch, directly punching a big hole in the ground.

"This is, [-] horsepower, ground-based skills, and terrifying attack power."

The three of Nanami who were watching the battle secretly broke into a cold sweat for Lucario. If they were hit by this fist from Kirbymon, it would definitely be uncomfortable.

[-] horsepower is a ground-based skill. It doubles the restraint of Lucario, plus the strength and weight of the Kirby beast, the power will increase several times...

Compared to Nanamei and the other girls, Bai Mo seemed much calmer. Although the Kirby beast in front of him was much faster than its peers due to its strong explosiveness, it was still incomparable to its Lucario.

I was caught off guard before, but now, with speed, it is not a dream to complete the hanging.

It is impossible for a sluggish elf like Kirbyon to hit Lucario.

"Lucario, repeat the previous method."

With a plan in mind, Bai Mo directly asked Lucario to repeat the previous method of circling at high speed and then attacking.

This is an excellent tactic, and it is not despicable at all. Well, it's just that Bai Mo thinks so.

Just like this, after a few times, the stamina of Kirby lost most of it, and at the same time, its temper also came up, there is no way, Lucario is fast, it can't hit, but Lucario's attack is strong. , make it very uncomfortable, and a little suffocating!

In the end, the Kirby Beast couldn't take it anymore. If it went on like this, it also knew that it was going to lose. Fortunately, it didn't bother to think too much, and fell directly behind it, planning to use the earthquake attack.

And at this time, by coincidence, Lucario just went around behind the Kirby beast once again, and just made a punch.

Then, it was surprised to find that the Kirby beast just lay down on its back like this, giving it no chance to react at all.

Seeing this scene, even Bai Mo was taken aback, but his reaction was fast enough, and he immediately shouted:

"Double return!"

Double return, fighting attack skills, will double the physical damage you receive from the opponent!

Earthquake is just a physical skill.


At this time, Lucario also knew that he couldn't escape. Hearing Bai Mo's order, he subconsciously stepped back half a step, and then stretched out his hands against the back of the Kirby beast.

It is not a huge body to support with his hands, and Lucario's brow is this wrinkle!

But it's not over yet!

Chapter 0656 The name of the Kirby beast, a huge aircraft emerges!

At this time, the body of Kirby began to send out waves of khaki-colored fluctuations, and this fluctuation came to Lucario's body, making it show an extremely painful look.

And this khaki fluctuation continued to be transmitted to the ground along Lucario's body, causing the ground under Lucario's feet to start to crack.

Because of the pain and the huge power of Kirbymon, Lucario slipped his feet and half-knelt on the ground.

Ground-based skills, double restraint on Lucario, earthquake power, and outstanding effect.

Luckily, Lucario has never been hit by a Kirby beast in the battle so far, and even though he suffered a blow that hit the table, he was not directly knocked down.

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