As for themselves?

There are countless ways to avoid it.

However, Bai Mo was also one of them, and he didn't want to change this, so he didn't say much.

As the granddaughter of Dr. Damu, Nanami actually understands these things, but she still can't help it.

With a sigh in her heart, Nanamei turned and asked, "Then, Sister Lila, are you here to stop that guy this time?"

"That's right, Jill Luta has been counted by the International Police Organization, because he was born with a relationship, so I came here." This time, Lila nodded decisively, and showed a bit of momentum, as if she Proud to be an international police officer.

But Bai Mo looked at her like this, but said speechlessly: "I said, Miss Lila, did your international police organization send you alone?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

Hear Bai Mo's question.

Lila said strangely:

"Does Dr. Bai Mo think I'm not good enough?"

Chapter 0663 Arrived in Asia Island, the saying of the festival!

"No! No! No!" Hearing Lila's question, Bai Mo waved his hand decisively. Although she didn't know what the strength of the future battle monarch was, she could tell by looking at the blood-winged dragon under her feet. It is relatively strong among the Heavenly King-level trainers.

Even, it is not necessarily that you are already close to becoming a champion trainer.

But it doesn't seem like this strength is enough to deal with Jill Luta, right?

Seeing Lila still looking blank, Bai Mo sighed helplessly and said, "It's not that I look down on you, but the flame bird that was just captured by Jill Lutai has the strength of a first-level god."

"I don't think even the four-day king-level champion can guarantee that he can complete the task, right?"


"Thinking like this, it seems that it is really difficult?"

Hearing Bai Mo's explanation, Lila suddenly reacted, "Yes, what should she do with her strength alone."

The meaning of Bai Mo's words is not that the elf who speaks out needs to have stronger strength than the flame bird. Isn't it like saying that Jill Lutai has the strength that can rival the super beast?

This is definitely not the case.

After all, the flaming bird is not an opponent if the flying fortress of Jill Lutai is not an opponent, and it does not mean that a few more are not an opponent.

Even, if there are enough people, Gilroy's flying fortress may not even have the ability to resist.

In addition, the method of outwitness is also possible. After all, humans are not as simple as elves, and they will fight with that flying fortress, at least not Bai Mo.

The meaning of Bai Mo's words was to tell Lila that no matter how good she was, it was impractical to fight against Jill Lutai and its flying fortress.

If there are many people, there may be a way.

What Bai Mo didn't expect was that Lila was really simple and terrible, and she didn't react until he reminded her so thoroughly.

Of course, Bai Mo was actually reminding Lila not to think too much about the International Police Organization. She simply didn't think too much about it, but it didn't mean that others couldn't think of it, and it didn't mean that those high-level executives couldn't think of it.

Lila, that is, the international police sent out a statement, forcibly pulling a fig leaf for herself.

"why is it like this!"

Lila, who had obviously already figured out a lot, would suddenly feel that her faith was broken.

"Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. We guarantee that our original intentions will be fine. As for any power, there must be two sides."

After a little comfort and relief, Bai Mo shook his head and said, "No matter what, let's go to the island first."

"As for that Jill Lutai, since he is a crazy collector, Asia Island is not the only God of Fire. He may not stop, and we will talk about it when the time comes."

When Bai Mo and Lila were talking, the sky was actually covered with overcast clouds unknowingly, and the sea looked like a storm would blow at any time.

Bai Mo knew that this was caused by the arrest of the God of Fire, and some things were affected. He didn't want to get wet, so he suggested to go to the island quickly.

Everyone nodded to Bai Mo's suggestion.

Soon, they came to the shore of the island.

Taking back the elf, Bai Mo plans to take the girls to the elf center, because Asia Island may have an accident at any time, and because he is not familiar with Lila, Bai Mo does not plan to expose the small world for the time being.

However, before Bai Mo and the others took a few more steps, they were suddenly surrounded by a group of people wearing bird-head monster clothes.

"Who are these people?" Seeing this, the girl instinctively hid behind Bai Mo.

Bai Mo naturally knew about this, and he wanted to explain with a slight smile, but at this moment, one of the bird-headed monsters suddenly asked:

"What is your occupation?"

Hearing the voice, Nanami felt that the speaker seemed to be a woman, and her tone was quite friendly, so she replied, "Hello, my name is Nanami, and I am Doctor Elf!"

"This is Xiaoxue, the elf breeder!"

"This is Ram, the elf watcher."

"The rest are ordinary people."

"This is Bai Mo, this is Lila, they are all elf trainers!"

"Pixie Trainer!!!"

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