Hearing that there was actually a trainer among Bai Mo and the others, the group of weirdos suddenly shouted in unison, and then inexplicably began to dance an unknown dance, which startled the girls, and Chaomeng almost had to use Chaomeng. ability.

That is to say, Bai Mo, who had already guessed the identity of the other party, seemed calmer.

"In legend, in the face of a world that is about to be destroyed, the god of the sea will appear, and together with an excellent commander, he will quell the wrath of the gods."

At this moment, a blue bird-headed monster suddenly stood up and stood in front of Bai Mo and Lila. While removing the mask on his head, revealing the face of an old man, he said in a serious tone:

"The so-called commander actually refers to the trainer, and you are the commander."

Hearing this, Bai Mo really wanted to roll his eyes. There are many trainers traveling in the Orange Islands, but you just waited until I came.

Thinking of this, Bai Mo was a little strange. Looking at the rhythm, Xiao Zhi hadn't arrived yet.

Shouldn't it be his butterfly wings, Xiaozhi won't come?

It doesn't matter if Ash doesn't come, no matter what angle you think about it, this time there will be no problem.

The so-called savior is just a form, and anyone can come.

At this time, the expression of the old man who spoke suddenly changed, and he said with a smile: "This trainer, please don't be too nervous, this is a routine, a routine."

Seeing that this group of people was not malicious, Lila asked strangely, "Excuse me, what's the matter with you?"

"Is such that."

After taking off the mask, the young girl who spoke first showed her face and smiled: "Welcome to Asia Island, my name is Xiaoyou, this is my grandfather!"

"Actually, there is an annual festival being held on the island. We need to randomly select an elf trainer to assist, and we just chose you."

Hearing this, the girls suddenly realized that they were holding a festival, but the clothes of these people were so strange that if they didn't look seriously, they thought they were from some primitive tribe.

When everyone was talking, suddenly, a girl wearing sunglasses and very fashionably came to Bai Mo's side, looked up at her, and then asked:

"Oh? Are you the chosen elf trainer?"

Chapter 0664 Nana's concern, Lila's strange performance!

"Everyone, this is my younger sister, her name is Flora, and she is the girl who is responsible for this festival." After the fashionably dressed girl walked up to Bai Mo, she noticed the look in the latter's eyes, the girl named Xiaoyou girl gave a presentation.

However, Flora seemed to be very dissatisfied with Xiaoyou's introduction, and couldn't help complaining: "Who is going to be a festival girl! It's boring, it's really the most unfortunate thing for me to be your sister."

As she said that, Flora shook her head in an unhappy manner. In her opinion, the so-called memorial ceremony was just a legacy of superstition, the dross of modern society.

"Fluula, don't talk nonsense." Seeing his sister's performance, Xiaoyou, who was very pious about the ceremony, reprimanded softly: "Also, what's the matter with your outfit now?"

"What about the clothes for the festival?"

"I hate it, I don't want to wear such cheesy clothes." Flora waved her hands uncooperatively, but she seemed to notice that the surrounding villagers were a little unhappy, and she changed the subject: "But I will still I understand you, anyway, the festival will not start until the evening, and I will change it when that time comes."

On the other hand, in all fairness, when I heard Flura's words, except for Bai Mo, Nanami and Lila's daughters all agreed with what she said now.

Because the people around were wearing weird clothes, which were really ugly, so Bai Mo knew that Fulula's clothes were actually quite different and pretty, so he had no idea.

"Really, sigh!" Xiaoyou had no choice but to hold her own sister, now she can only hold her hand on her forehead, shake her head and sigh, "You can become a witch and become the protagonist of a festival, times have really changed. ."

"I think back then, we all had to compete. I have to say that you are really lucky to be the only one who meets the age standard."

"Che, who cares." Seeing her sister's behavior, Flora pouted angrily, and then, as if thinking of something, she suddenly patted her head:

"Ah, that's right."

Yelling, Flora said indifferently:

"Almost forgot about that routine. Although it's boring, I'll follow it. Come on, give me a kiss."

Saying that, Fulula approached Bai Mo again, and stood on tiptoe and approached his face, as if she wanted to kiss him, but at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared, blocking her next move.

"Huh?" Seeing that she was suddenly blocked, Flora frowned suspiciously and looked at the figure blocking her.

"What do you want to do?" Facing Flora's gaze, the master of the figure, Nanamei, who was not expected by everyone, suddenly asked, with a gesture of protecting a calf.

"What are you doing?" Hearing Nanami's questioning, Flora replied with a strange expression: "It's nothing, it's just according to the ritual practice, the priestess will give the chosen commander a welcome kiss, and I will do as I do. That's it, what's the fuss about!"

When she said this, Flora seemed very casual, as if she didn't take a girl kissing someone as a thing at all.

"Che, I don't care about your island's conventions, this matter is not acceptable!" Flora's expression was casual, but Nanami's expression was more firm, as if she felt how important it was for Bai Mo to be kissed.

This time, the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while, but at this time, as the protagonist of the discussion between the two, Bai Mo suddenly said: "If you just want to find a trainer, Lila is too, you should have heard this."

"Since it's just a ceremony, and it's just a face kiss, she can too."

"Huh??" On the side, Lila, whose expression was suddenly a little weird, froze after hearing Bai Mo's words, but at this time, before he could react, Flora actually changed. direction.

"Indeed, it's a ceremony anyway, it doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman."

As she said that, Flora approached Lila with lightning speed, and when the latter was confused, she gently touched her cheek.

Faced with this situation, Lila, who had reacted to it, was a little dumbfounded, but she didn't say anything. After all, Flora was a girl, and she just kissed her face, so she didn't have any extra thoughts.

It is this girl who is really resolute.

Also, Bai Mo, who made the proposal, was quite strange, why should he refuse to be kissed by a beautiful girl.

Is it to maintain the image in Nanami's heart?

Thinking of this, a strange light flashed in Lila's eyes, and she looked at Bai Mo. Then, she denied her previous guess, because Bai Mo now has a lot of girls around.

It doesn't seem to care about that.

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