
Hearing Bai Mo's words, the restless hearts of the girls gradually calmed down. Indeed, they had support and were not afraid.

However, there was a hint of curiosity in Lila's eyes, she didn't know what a small world was.

But this curious thought did not stay in her mind for too long. First, it seemed that she was going to fly inside the fortress. Her expression became a little dignified, and she clenched her hands tightly. She knew that this might be an opportunity!

Like Lila, the Rockets trio realized this after the initial panic, and couldn't help but smile in anticipation.

Just like this, a group of people with their own ideas and purposes all entered this huge steel fortress.

It's a pity that Jill Luta may be a little conceited at this time, and she doesn't know that she has caused trouble.

On the other hand, he was a little happy that he had also successfully captured the Lightning Bird, and he was one step closer to his ultimate goal.

On the one hand, he was also looking forward to Bai Mo's arrival.

That's right, he brought Bai Mo and others on his own initiative. This is also very understandable. Jill Lutai built such a powerful flying fortress, and also has some artificial intelligence. Get it in, it's really funny.

With a smile on her face, Jill Lutai came to the museum at the bottom to welcome Bai Mo and others.

"Hey, uncle, why are you arresting us!" Flora was definitely grumpy, and she started roaring as soon as she saw Gillu.

"You? That's just an accident." With a disdainful smile, as if she didn't care about Flora, Jill Lu said lightly, "Many of you were the first to come here without receiving my invitation letter. "

"Of course, Dr. Bai Mo is different."

Saying that, Jill Lutai turned her head to look at Bai Mo, with an inexplicable look of admiration in her eyes:

"Dr. Bai Mo is a role model for our generation. He has Latias in his collection, as well as powerful fossilized pterosaurs, various fossil elves, and various shining elves."

"my idol!"

"You were invited by me personally!"


Looking at Jill Lutai who showed crazy admiration to Bai Mo in front of him, everyone was speechless for a while, even Bai Mo was shocked, feeling that things were a bit unexpected:

"Is this Mrs. Gillu your own little fanboy?"

"If that's the case, then maybe..."

Chapter 0671 Bai Mo is going to use his mouth to escape!

"You asked me to come here on your own initiative?" After knowing Jill Lutai's attitude towards him, a strange light flashed in Bai Mo's eyes, and he had a new plan.

"That's right." Seeing Bai Mo's opening, Jill Lu said sternly, "Dr. Bai Mo, you are really my idol."

"Originally, I didn't have such a big determination, but when I saw that you released the flash Shanaido, that evolution is different from ordinary people, and there are all kinds of collectible elves, I think this is the way to go."

Saying that, Jill Lutai smiled and said: "This flying fortress is my proud work, I don't know about super mythical beasts, but it is impossible for any elves and people to enter without permission. of."

"Really!" Bai Mo nodded when he heard Jill Lutai's words. Indeed, he didn't think that a machine that could trap a first-level god could not tell the difference between a elf and an elf. That was a joke.

What made Bai Mo speechless was that the co-author, Jill Lutai, was influenced by him to finally embark on this road, which really made him feel a little speechless.

"Dr. Bai Mo, what do you think of my new collection?" Bai Mo was invited. As a little fanboy, he naturally wanted to show himself in front of his idol, and immediately asked:

"The god of fire, the flame bird, the god of thunder, the lightning bird."

"For the time being, only these two are noticeable. Dr. Bai Mo, you can give some pointers."

"Guide..." Bai Mo was speechless for a moment, how to give guidance to let this fellow Jill Lutai capture one of the divine beasts and super divine beasts in the world?

If he was alone, he wouldn't mind pretending, but now there are outsiders around, so don't talk nonsense.

At this time, Lila finally reacted and couldn't help but said: "Jill Lutai, why are you doing this, if you want a pixie, use a pokeball to subdue it. You do this, the alliance and the International Police Organization. I won't let you go!"




Hearing Lila's words, Jill Lutai looked away from Bai Mo for the first time, looked at the former, and suddenly showed a contemptuous smile after discovering her outfit, "Looking at your uniform, it should be Lai Fang. Fate's international police, right?"

"I didn't expect you to come here from so far away, but I, the Alliance and your police officers secretly negotiated, so it stands to reason that no one will come."

"You were actually sent here."

Saying that, Jill Luta touched her chin and thought for a while, and suddenly showed an expression of sudden realization:

"I see, have you provoked anyone? They want to use my hand to kill you."

After saying that, Jill Luta looked at Lila with a pity.

"You..." Jill Lutai's words made Lila feel an unnamed fire, but the former's words also made her suddenly realize something, and her face unconsciously showed a look of disbelief and bitterness.

"Hehehe." Seeing Lila's performance, Jill Lu laughed too weirdly, and then continued, "Actually, I don't want to, but I am not a capable trainer like Dr. Bai Mo, and I am also I don't want to be a trainer, I want to be a collector."

"Since I can't conquer the elves I want through the duel of the elves, then I will use my methods."

"Besides, why is the alliance right?"

"The alliance said that if you want to fight and conquer, you will fight and conquer?"

"Are you all puppets controlled by the Alliance?"

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