"It's ridiculous, I just want to be myself!!!"

Hearing Jill Lutai's wild words, everyone was shocked.

"This is too..."

At this moment, everyone couldn't understand what the man was thinking in front of him, but they really didn't know how to refute for a while.

Because they are all used to the law of the alliance, they think this is right, and they never think so much.

On the contrary, the Rockets trio nodded thoughtfully and seemed to agree.

It was at this time that Bai Mo spoke up.

"you are wrong."


The indifferent voice came from Bai Mo's mouth, attracting everyone's attention, and even the Lightning Bird and the Flame Bird cast suspicious gazes.

"Oh, what do you think of Dr. Bai Mo?" Hearing Bai Mo's words, Mrs. Gillu seemed to be really different from him. Not only did she speak politely, but she also waved her hand and opened the cage that trapped him.

"It seems that the interior of this flying fortress is not as simple as I thought..." Seeing that Mrs. Jill had regained her freedom like this, an inexplicable light flashed in Bai Mo's eyes.

The fact that Bai Mo is a superhuman is definitely something that everyone in the world knows, and it is impossible for Jill Lu to not know.

Now that Mrs. Jill has regained Bai Mo's ability to move freely, it means that he is not at all worried that he is in danger.

"I said this, not to maintain the alliance." The corner of his mouth twitched, and Bai Mo said lightly:

"I would say that the fact that the league's laws have been enforced, rather than overturned, shows that he has stood the test."

"In addition, you have actually overlooked one thing from beginning to end, and that is the significance of the two methods of subjugation and arrest to the elf itself."


Bai Mo's words made Ji Lutai frown, but Lila and the other girls thought of something, and their eyes suddenly lit up, realizing what Bai Mo was going to say.

"That's right, it's the elf." Nodding, Bai Mo continued: "You like to collect, it's normal, but ignore that, collections, unlike objects without life and thoughts, elf is a living thing, it has own thoughts."

"They have their own personalities, habits, preferences, attributes, etc. You don't care about them at all."

"Why is subjugation recognized? Because subjugation is when you defeat the opponent openly and aboveboard, and let the elf follow you from the heart, obey you, and recognize you."

Speaking of this, Bai Mo noticed what Jill Lutai seemed to want to say, and changed the topic:

"Of course, you can say that you don't care about the wishes of the elves, you just need to collect them."

"But that's wrong, even if you're just treating them as collectibles, you're wrong."

"Why?" Jill Lutai's pupils shrank sharply, he didn't regard the elf as a partner or something, and he didn't put his feelings into it.

He agreed with Bai Mo's words, but he wouldn't listen because he didn't care what the elf thought.

But when it comes to collections, Gillu can't help but don't care too much.


The moment Jill Lutai asked, the corner of Bai Mo's mouth twitched. He said so much is not to panic, but has his own purpose!

Now, it's going well!

Chapter 0672 arrogant two silly birds!

"Just wait for it to come to my bowl." Bai Mo continued:

"Whether the elf is a companion, a tool, or a collectible."

"In the end, it's human's own choice."

"As for what the result of this choice is and what the elf's reaction is, that's what that person needs to face, and there's nothing to say right or wrong."

"Like me, I regard all elves as my partners, so we get along very happily, we are friends, and we can also exert the power of fetters, which is Mega evolution."

Hearing Bai Mo's words, Xanaduo, Minas, including Meloetta and Chaomeng, all flashed satisfaction and joy in the eyes of the elves.

In essence, although they were transformed, they were still born as elves. Bai Mo valued them, and they were naturally happy.

Among the Rockets trio, Miaomiao's eyes also had a strange fluctuation.

"Dr. Bai Mo!" Jill Lutai seemed to want to say something at this time, but Bai Mo stretched out his hand to stop him and continued:

"I'm not forcing you to approve of me, or to think like me."

"I now want to talk to you about being a qualified collector."

"Oh, Dr. Bai Mo, you actually have some research on collecting?" Bai Mo's words made Jill Lutai's eyes instantly light up, and she was even a little excited.

In other words, for a fan, the happiest thing is that his idol has the same interests as himself, or knows his favorite things.

"Of course." Nodding confidently, Bai Mo is from the earth and knows a lot of things. He immediately began to talk freely, and Mrs. Gillu nodded in various ways.

Talking, talking, Bai Mo turned around and said:

"Now that you think of elves as collectibles, to be honest, if you are nice to them, they are willing to follow you, and they also have various benefits. It doesn't really matter how you look at them."

"But the point is you take it too much for granted and your collection isn't perfect."

"Too low-level."

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