Saying that, Bai Mo pretended to sigh and shook his head, as if feeling sorry for Jill Lutai.

"Dr. Bai Mo, please advise..." Jill Lutai, who had been completely conquered by Bai Mo's performance, immediately put on the appearance of a student asking for advice.

Seeing this scene, everyone around couldn't help but twitch the corners of their mouths. This change came too fast, and they couldn't react.

Also, Bai Mo is too perverted, and even has the ability to brainwash...

"Now, let's consider it from your point of view." Bai Mo first said something that made Mrs. Jill feel excited.

"You treat the elf as a collectible." Bai Mo said calmly with his arms crossed, "But you didn't show the most valuable, beautiful, and best side of your collection."

"You just caught the elf like this. They will definitely not accept you. The stronger the elf, the more so."

"You can only keep these little elves there, and watch them when you want to, but in this case, you might as well be inspired to collect photos of precious elves from all over the world. Pillar, the three holy beasts..."

"Because whether the elf is dead or alive, to you, it seems to be no different from dead."

"This..." Ji Lutai frowned suddenly, as if thinking about what Bai Mo said, and the latter continued:

"In addition, when the elves show their unique skills, when they fight, every move, when they show their own beauty and speciality, etc. These are the moments that show the charm of the elves themselves."

"It's also a moment to show the value and charm of your collectibles."

"But your collection method kills everything, and only collects a body."

"Are you sure, this is the collection you want??"


This time, Jill Lu Tai thoroughly understood the meaning of the sentence "Your collection has no soul" in Bai Mo's mouth.

Carefully recalling the question raised by Bai Mo, Jill Lutai fell into contemplation, thinking about what he wanted...

"I have to think about what I want."

After pondering for a while, Jill Lutai seemed to be a little confused for a while, and decided to take a good look at her heart.

"I was very inspired by Dr. Bai Mo's words. I have to think about it carefully. Since you are here, you are the guests. Please enjoy my collection for the rest of the time."

"Of course, don't touch things that shouldn't be touched, that's the most basic courtesy."

Let the artificial intelligence open all the cages that control everyone, Jill Lutai glanced at Bai Mo, turned her head and walked towards the command platform of the flying fortress.

Seeing Jill Luta leave so quickly, Nanami and the others felt a little unreal for a while.

Just let them go?

Just because of a few words from Bai Mo?

Seeing the back of Jill Lutai leaving, Bai Mo felt anticipation in his heart. He believed that as long as the latter things were done according to his script and given some painless conditions, the former would surely be subdued by him in the end.

At that time, this fortress, this technology, will fall into his hands intact, and Jill Lutai will also become a different kind of talent under him.

"Gah! Gah! Gah!"

Just when Bai Mo was thinking about what to do next, a few shouts caught his attention.


Possessing special superpowers, Bai Mo understood the meaning of the voice and looked in one direction. That direction was exactly where the trapped flame bird and lightning bird were.

"Gah! Gah! Gah!"

Seeing Bai Mo looking over here, the Lightning Bird and the Flame Bird immediately called out again.

"That's right, I'm the dreamer." Bai Mo nodded when he heard the two birds repeating the question.


After confirming that Bai Mo was indeed the chosen one of the dream, and hearing what he said, Lightning Bird and Flame Bird immediately called out again excitedly.

Hearing their calls, Bai Mo's eyes suddenly narrowed, because the sound of these two birds is now translated as:

"Humble human beings, then you should know what kind of existence we are, let us go out, this is your honor."

Hearing this all of a sudden, Bai Mo had to wonder if there was something wrong with his superpowers, but when he noticed Er Bird's arrogant look, he knew that this was what the other party meant.



Hearing these words, the corner of Bai Mo's mouth suddenly evoked a strange arc.

Chapter 0673 Inflated silly bird!

"These two stupid birds have higher spirits than those super divine beasts, they are indeed stupid."

Just looking at the two silly birds that kept calling, Bai Mo complained in his heart.

Among the two birds, Lightning Bird saw that Bai Mo didn't reply, and called out again in dissatisfaction, "Gah, gah (Humble human, hurry up and save me, or else it will be cheaper to freeze the bird.)"

"Come on, this is your glory, I don't know what to do."

"Ow! (That's right, kid, hurry up, you can't be cheap, the Frozen Bird is the weakest.)" Lightning Bird's words resonated with Fire Bird, and both birds called out there.

It can be seen that the Flaming Bird and the Lightning Bird look down on the Frozen Bird.

But this is also normal. The Fire Element of the Flaming Bird restrains the Ice Element of the Frozen Bird, and the Electric Element of the Lightning Bird also restrains the Flying Element of the Frozen Bird.

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