Of course, the Lightning Bird also restrains the Fire Bird's flight system.

Therefore, in terms of attributes, the Lightning Bird is the strongest among the three divine birds, and the Frozen Bird is the weakest.

But when it comes to the appearance of the elf, the flame bird and the frozen bird are half a catty, depending on the aesthetic problems of different people, but the lightning bird has the worst appearance, and it is quite ugly.

Just like now, seeing the two silly birds feel pretty good about themselves, and they kept calling out there, Bai Mo finally couldn't take it anymore, and said coldly:

"Shut up, you two fluffy birds, you are so noisy!"

Well, in fact, the motley bird describes the lightning bird as a more image, and the flame bird is a bit too much.

But Bai Mo still scolded the two stupid birds.

On the side, when Bai Mo started scolding Lightning Bird and Flame Bird, Nanamei and the others opened their eyes in shock.

This scene is really amazing.

A trainer even told two mythical beasts that they were too noisy and told them to shut up.

However, Shanaido, who understood the words of the lightning bird and the flame bird, was not surprised, but there was a bit of disgust for the two silly birds in their eyes.

Among them, Chaomeng, who is the least afraid of things, said faintly:

"Miscellaneous bird, the description is quite appropriate."

"Pfft." Meloetta couldn't help laughing. She seemed to have had some unpleasant experience with Lightning Bird, so she felt inexplicably happy when she heard the latter being scolded.

"Gah! Ouch! (Damn, you are a human, how dare you talk to us like this!)"

It wasn't until Meloetta laughed out loud that the two silly birds recovered from their astonishment caused by the fact that they were scolded by a human, and began to clamor again.

Among them, the lightning bird made a high-pitched cry, and all kinds of thunder and lightning flashed all over its body, but these thunder and lightning were absorbed by the cage that covered it all at once.

"I'm scared!"

Seeing the sudden outbreak of Lightning Bird, the unprepared girls and the Rockets trio who were sneaking about what they were planning to do were all taken aback by the movement!

"Oh, it's worthy of being the Lightning Bird, the God of Thunder. It's really amazing, and it was so easily trapped by a machine created by a humble human being." Seeing the Lightning Bird panting, it was a tear in the face anyway, and so was Bai Mo. Sneer and sneer.

Originally, Bai Mo thought that reality and animation would be a little different.

In the original book, everyone knew that the flame bird and the lightning bird were able to escape successfully with the help of Xiao Zhi, but after these two guys got out of trouble, they immediately started to attack, wanting to destroy the flying fortress.

You know, at that time, Xiao Zhi and the few people who rescued them were still in the fortress, and they didn't need to thank them. This was obviously a kind of revenge.

That is, Xiao Zhi has the aura of the protagonist, and in the end it's all right.

However, it can be seen from here that, unlike the Latios and Latios clan, the three divine birds, at least these three stupid birds, did not take human life seriously at all.

Think about it, even if they don't care about Xiao Zhi who saved them, how can they care about other humans.

Originally, Bai Mo thought that it was only in the anime. In reality, these three birds wouldn't be so stupid.

But now it seems that it was so easy to be defeated by Jill Lutai, and finally offended Lugia, these three guys definitely have no IQ.

It is estimated that these three stupid birds feel that their strength has improved by leaps and bounds after accepting the priesthood, and they have become the best in their own group, so I am inflated.

"Ow!" Unlike Lightning Bird, who was so excited, Fire Bird was more calm, and the computer still shouted: "Ow! (After I go out, I will turn you and your friends into ashes!) "

"Really, I'm looking forward to it!" Seeing Flaming Birds speaking about this, Bai Mo also changed his original thoughts about them.

Just like the bad guys among humans.

Not all elves are good, there are even ambitious and evil ones.

If nothing else, Dark Lugia is an example.

In front of a few people, these two birds were about to clamor, and Bai Mo had already made a plan in his heart.

Later, the three birds were deprived first, no, they were still the priesthood of the two birds for the time being, and then they were violently dealt with.

For different elves, he Bai Mo will also take different measures.

Suddenly, thinking of something, Bai Mo wondered, "Aren't you two guys afraid that Lugia will trouble you?"


Hearing Bai Mo's words, the two birds were silent, their eyes flashed with fear, but soon, such fear turned into infinite ambition.


"Lugia has long since fallen, and even as a superheroic beast, it has begun to reproduce."

"It's not the strongest Lugia who controls this side, so we're not afraid."

"As long as I completely master the priesthood, I will be the first to step on Lugia."

Hearing the conversation between the Lightning Bird and the Flame Bird in front of him, Bai Mo's mouth twitched. These two guys really dared to think about it.

It is true that Lugia's potential declined because the original patriarch chose to reproduce, but that was also relative to other super divine beasts.

The current patriarch of Lugia, who can still fully quest the position of the God of the Sea, abuses them is a drizzle, even if they break through, they will only be suppressed.

Sure enough, the vain strength makes people swell.

Shaking his head, Bai Mo also lost the idea of ​​continuing to communicate with these two guys.

Chapter 0674 The solicitation of the Rockets trio!

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