Ignoring these two stupid birds, Bai Mo began to think about how to get the various data in this flying fortress.

That's right, Bai Mo still intends to get these things first. Although he is confident in his own strength and feels that Jill Lu can't jump out of his palm, he prefers to plan ahead and be invincible in everything. !


The next moment, just when Bai Mo was about to act, he discovered an interesting thing. First, because of the clamor of the two silly birds, he didn't pay attention to the Rockets trio who needed to pay attention.

Now that he was about to act, he just discovered that the three guys were quietly tinkering with something in one place.

Seeing this, a blue light flashed in Bai Mo's eyes, and he used it to move in an instant, and quietly came behind the three of Team Rocket.

Looking at the three people who were squatting there, they saw that at this moment, in Kojiro's hands, there was a small handheld computer, a USB flash drive was inserted into the computer, and another part was connected to a port of this huge flying fortress.

At this time, lines of data flashed across the computer screen.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo didn't know what the three of them were doing, obviously it was the same goal as him.

Realizing this, Bai Mo's mouth has a strange arc. Originally, he was still thinking that the intelligence of this flying fortress, the firewall, etc. must not be weak, and he is not sure whether he can successfully steal the information. Don't steal chicken at that time. Eclipse took the rice, but lost the opportunity to accept Jill Lutai.

But don't worry now, you can tell by looking at the progress bar on the screen of Kojiro's handheld computer, they are obviously going to succeed. Obviously, the Rockets' technology in this area is very mature, and their actions have not touched this flight until now. The fortress's alarm system.

Since someone saved himself, Bai Mo said he was very happy.

As time passed, the progress bar on the handheld computer screen finally came to the end, and the Rockets trio were so focused that they didn't dare to take a breath in that atmosphere.


Finally, with a small beep sound, the data on the flying fortress was completely copied.


After successfully obtaining the data and completing the task given by Sakagi, the three Rockets all made a winning gesture, but they also knew the current environment, so they restrained their performance.

But before they were happy for a long time, a blue light flashed in Bai Mo's eyes, and the PDA in Kojiro's hand flew towards him with a USB flash drive.


The three team members of Team Rocket jumped up instinctively. They had a guilty conscience, for fear that what they had done would be discovered by Jill Lutai or Bai Mo and his party. .

Moving the PDA and U disk into his hands, Bai Mo looked at the three people who were still in shock, and suddenly asked loudly:

"Say! What is this, what are you doing!?"

"This is the Rocket Team's advanced intrusion instrument. In order to replicate the data of this flying fortress, it was provided by Mr. Sakagi so that we can better complete the plan."

Bai Mo's sudden questioning scared the Rockets' trio to death. Without thinking much, he told the whole truth of the matter one by one.


The girl who started to observe the situation here as early as Bai Mo used teleportation to approach the Rockets trio noticed the somewhat amusing performance of the Rockets trio, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Even the corners of Leng Yan Yujie Chaomeng's mouth evoked an arc.

Hearing the laughter from the girls, the Rockets trio finally reacted, and immediately fell to their knees, weeping bitterly:

"Damn, we are idiots! Why should we answer him!"

"I want to be promoted as a cadre."

"I have reached the pinnacle of my life!"


Seeing Team Rocket like this, Bai Mo couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, don't act so sad." Bai Mo threw all the Unicom USB flash drives on his handheld computer into a corner of the small world, and said with a smile:

"For the sake of saving me so many things, I'll show you a clear path."


Hearing Bai Mo's words, the three people's crying stopped abruptly, making people wonder if their previous performance was fake.

Not caring about the real thoughts of the three, Bai Mo said lightly:

"You three don't need to refute, just listen to me first."

"I think you are really unsuitable for the Rockets. Doing bad things is incompatible with you!"

"Miaomiao, I am very optimistic about you. Although you have used your potential in learning to speak and machine manufacturing, I am still very optimistic about you. I can give you a platform to truly develop your talents."

"Of course, if you feel that being an elf is not your pursuit, I can also use a method to restore your potential, so that you can learn various tricks and become a powerful elf."

Bai Mo's first goal was to choose Miaomiao, because he really liked this Miaomiao, especially its standing and learning ability.

"Meow?" Hearing Bai Mo's words, Miaomiao suddenly fell silent. It turned out that it thought Bai Mo was going to say something, but it was unexpectedly to recruit, no, it should be to subdue itself.

Miaomiao might not believe it or disdain it if someone else said it, but when Bai Mo spoke, the amount of information in his words made him start to think seriously.

Do you really think that you can only be a bad person?

No, Miaomiao just wanted to fight for a breath, whether in front of the cat boss or in front of the mother Miaomiao.

At the same time, it was also because Miaomiao felt that she had no place to live and hope, so after meeting Musashi and Kojiro, they supported each other and walked on.

But now, the two paths given by Bai Mo are the avenues of sunshine that Miaomiao can't even dream of, so he hesitated.

At the same time, it also wanted to hear what conditions Bai Mo would offer to Kojiro and Musashi.

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