"Boy Bai Mo!" Dr. Damu shouted with Dr. Neimu and the reporters and ran towards him.

After coming to his side, Dr. Ogi looked at Nanami and asked, "How is it? Nanami, are you not injured?"

"No!" It seemed that she couldn't hold her face. Seeing Dr. Damu talking to herself, Nanami's face turned cold.


Seeing that his granddaughter was still treating him like this, Dr. Damu was a little helpless, so he scratched his head and looked at Bai Mo, and changed the subject:

"Bai Mo, what do you think of the next situation?"

"This." Some helplessly spread out his hands, Bai Mo sighed and said, "It's definitely not a wise choice to hit hard, and I don't know if Jill Lutai's flying fortress can still be used."

"The choice of battle should be left to the end. For now, I plan to follow the legend and get the other two beads."

"This way..." Dr. Damu frowned and thought for a while. He felt that Bai Mo's idea was more reliable, so he nodded and said:

"Okay, then it's up to you, if you need me to take action, just speak!"

Chapter 0681 The god of the sea appears, and the three silly birds are finished!


Hearing Dr. Damu's words, Bai Mo nodded and started to act.

But at this time, in the sky, a piercing sound resounded!


Looking up in a direction above, Bai Mo's pupils suddenly shrank, and in the air, a powerful lightning was shooting in his direction.


A cold hum came from Chaomeng's mouth, and the next moment, her eyes were occupied by blue light.


Chao Meng and everyone around her moved a hundred meters to the side!


Just when everyone was at a loss and didn't know what was going on, not far away, an explosion sounded, and a powerful thunder struck the ground, creating a huge pothole.

"Okay, very good!"

At this moment, Bai Mo's expression turned cold, because he knew that just now, Lightning Bird, who was at a stalemate with the elves, took the time to send a flash of lightning to him.

If they were struck by this kind of lightning that fell directly with the help of natural forces, they would shed their skins without dying.

"I changed my plan."

A cold voice came from Bai Mo's mouth. He decided not to use the gentle way, but to teach those three stupid birds a lesson.

Saying that, Bai Mo discussed with Darkrai and the ancient fast dragon who were trying to restore their origin in the small world, and wanted to ask them if they could make a move.

As for Chaomeng, she was also within the attack range of Lightning Bird before, and Bai Mo felt that she didn't need to ask herself.

Noticing Bai Mo's expression, everyone who had already reacted couldn't help swallowing their saliva. They felt Bai Mo's anger at the moment.

Among them, a reporter did not know what he was thinking, so he dared to ask: "Excuse me, Dr. Bai Mo, although you have only traveled for two years, you are recognized as a powerful trainer. What do you think about this incident? ?"

"Now, what are you going to do?"

"How to do it?" Turning to look at the reporter, Bai Mo said coldly, "Of course I want to wake up these three silly birds!"

Hearing Bai Mo's words, Fulula immediately worried: "Wait a minute, Dr. Bai Mo, don't mess around, I think it's safe to collect three kinds of treasures according to the legend, and then let the witch whistle..."

"No need!" After getting the exact answer from the giant fast dragon and Darkrai, Bai Mo interrupted Furula impatiently, and said coldly, "Why don't you try to calm these three idiots? The anger of the birds, it is better to beat them directly."


Flora still wanted to persuade her again, but Lila next to her suddenly stretched out her hand to pull her, and said firmly: "Okay, Miss Flora, you should stop talking. I think Dr. Bai Mo's decision is a good one."

Lila suddenly made a sound, but Bai Mo was a little surprised.

Seemingly aware of Bai Mo's doubts, Lila smiled and said, "I have the power to communicate with the elf. The attitude of the Three Divine Birds is not friendly at all. I think your decision is correct."

"And, whether they're gods or not, it's already wrong for them to hurt Lugia!"

It seems that what the three gods have done is power, and they can't stand it anymore.

"Okay!" Nodding, Bai Mo looked at the reporters who wanted to ask questions, stepped forward and said, "I'll give you interview time later, and now, I'm going to teach those three silly birds a lesson! "

Saying that, Bai Mo didn't care about anything else, a blue light appeared in his eyes, and his body flew directly towards the sky. Seeing this, the elves under his command all understood and began to act.

Flying towards the sky, Bai Mo did not forget to communicate with Meloetta through telepathy: "Meloetta, find a way to separate those three silly birds."

"I want to break them all!"

"Okay, Mo!" Hearing Bai Mo's words, Meloetta's opinion on the Three Divine Birds was also quite big, and she was unambiguous immediately, and while singing, she directed the water elves to use water cannon tricks in batches.

The water cannons gathered together into a super-large water column, and the power, even the three divine birds, could only avoid each other and spread out towards the surroundings.

The Three God Birds, which had no concept of cooperation in the first place, were easily separated by Meloetta.

"Very good!" I didn't expect Meloetta to achieve the desired effect so easily, Bai Mo's mouth twitched, and he continued to order: "Meloetta, you bring those water elves to suppress the flame bird..."

"Gengar, Shanaido, Fire-breathing Dragon, Darkrai, you can deal with the Frozen Bird, just drag it!"

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