"The last lightning bird is handed over to me and the fossil pterosaur, the blood-winged dragon and Latias to deal with, Chaomeng, you sweep the formation, and the rest find opportunities to help!"

"I want to make this motley bird look good!"

Picking the strongest and most conceited of the three divine birds as his opponent, Bai Mo remained calm.

As for Bai Mo's assignment, Meloetta and the other elves naturally had no objection, and made a decisive move.

In a high sky, looking at the few elves surrounding him, after looking at the surrounding situation, Lightning Bird immediately understood what was going to happen, and immediately roared there:

"Ow! (Don't think you're a dream pick and I'll let you go.)"

"(I want to show you a good look and let you know that God is inviolable!)"

"Oh, Misty Bird, I'll teach you a lesson!" Seeing Lightning Bird being so arrogant, Bai Mo decided to take action.

But at this moment, something happened that made Bai Mo almost sip blood in his chest. Beside him, along with a wave of space fluctuations, a pink voice suddenly appeared there!

"Dream, are you back?"

Bai Mo's heart was overjoyed when he noticed this figure. Although he didn't learn the Three Divine Birds, there was nothing more secure than carrying a super divine beast by his side.

"Nazi and Cattleya are all right, of course I'm back when I'm bored." He waved his hand indifferently, and looked at the three divine birds with dreamy eyes, with a look of indifference in his eyes, "And if I don't come back, I won't either. See what these three shameless guys are doing now!"

"Damn them!"

"The elf's face has been thrown away by them!"

Seeing the dreamy appearance, Bai Mo was stunned. This was the first time she saw the dreamy look angry, but looking at her motionless appearance, although she was angry, she didn't seem to have any intention of taking action.

But this is exactly what Bai Mo wanted, because he planned to make a move himself, and if Dream made a move, he would have nothing to do with him.

But before he made the move, he still wondered:

"Aren't you going to take action?"

Chapter 0682 Lugia, the god of the sea!

"Come on, I want to too."

To Bai Mo's surprise, upon hearing his words, Dream pouted and said coldly, "But Lugia gave me a voice transmission, and she has to clean up the door herself!"

"Lugia is coming?" Bai Mo felt a little surprised when he heard Dream's words. The current plot is too different from the original. The Lugia in Dream's mouth is naturally the one he has seen with the god of the sea. The super mythical beast Lugia of the post.

I didn't expect such an existence to come over by itself.

But at the same time, Bai Mo was speechless for a while. Your sister's performance was so handsome, and he was planning to make a move. I didn't expect such a change.

He became a theatergoer in no time...


But at this time, hearing Bai Mo's words, Dream just quietly looked in one direction, his eyes became deep, "She has already come."

"Here!?" Bai Mo was shocked when he heard the words, and then instinctively looked in the direction that Dream was looking. Beside the two, Chaomeng also looked in that direction, because she felt that there was something much stronger than her. Superpowers appear.

"Another super beast?" Chao Meng's beautiful eyes were full of fighting intent.

The direction Bai Mo and the others looked at was the ice surface below.

In a position on the ice, Lugia, who first appeared, lost a lot of stamina due to the battle with the Iron Fortress, and is now recovering there. At this time, the ice surface behind it suddenly shattered, and one was bigger than him. A little white figure appeared, raised his head and let out a roar:


This roar seemed to carry infinite magic power, and all the elves who heard the sound stopped instinctively, even Meloetta was no exception.

"This is!?"

"My God!"

"Another sea god appeared!"

Seeing Lugia's appearance, there were exclamations all around.

But the next moment, Dr. Damu frowned and said: "No, it should be said that the previous Lugia was just Lugia, and now this one is the God of the Sea?"

"Dr. Damu, why do you come to such a conclusion?" A reporter on the side heard Dr. Damu's words, his eyes flashed, and he decisively stepped forward to ask questions.

Hearing this, Dr. Damu calmly said: "I don't need to explain this, you can see the sea now."


Hearing Dr. Damu's words, all the people around looked towards the sea, and the photographer next to the reporter also aimed the camera in his hand at the sea.


Seeing the situation on the sea, everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath. They saw that those water-based elves, including the Lugia that appeared at the beginning, were actually moving towards the Lucia that appeared now. Make an appearance of surrender.

This is the power of the God of the Sea!

"Are you alright?" Sister Lugia flapped her wings and looked down at her clan.

"Patriarch, it doesn't matter, the dream chooser helped me at a critical time." Guard Lugia shook his head to indicate that he was fine, and at the same time did not forget to tell Bai Mo's help.

It can be seen that Lugia is much better than the three gods.

"Dream Chooser?" Glancing in Bai Mo's direction, Lugia nodded, and then flew into the air with a flap of her wings, her beautiful eyes staring closely at the one who had already come together because she was afraid Three divine birds, a strong murderous aura slowly released from the body.


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