Bai Mo's confident voice came out again!

"The battle continues, Darkrai, make waves of evil!"

"Super dream, use the spirit to break it!"

"Meloetta, use the song of the spirit!"

"Down with them!"

The three elves immediately used their best skills. Facing the attack of the elves of the same level as their own, Huge Hudi used teleportation to avoid it, and the huge Gengar's body disappeared out of thin air again!

"Super Dream, Darkrai, fly to high altitude, Meloetta, use spiritual songs to force them out!"

Bai Mo's voice came to Darkrai and the others. Darkrai and Chaomeng flew high into the sky without hesitation. Meloetta's beautiful voice danced in the air, and the sweet singing came from her mouth. Outgoing, turned into blue spiritual notes!

All-round superpowers swept the entire forest, and naturally came to Geng Gui and Hu Di. Naturally, the two elves could no longer hide, and showed their true colors in the singing.

Bai Mo's order sounded at the moment when the two elves appeared:

"Right now, Meloetta, unleash a mental shock on Gengar!"

Meloetta's singing momentum changed, and the floating note suddenly turned into a substantial attack wave under her control, hitting the giant Gengar.

The giant Gengar felt great pain, and instinctively resorted to a defensive trick to defend, but at the moment when his defensive skills ended, a wave of condensed evil hit him in the sky.

It is Darkrai's Evil Wave.

The improved wave of evil played by the first-level gods was absolutely outstanding, and Geng Gui suddenly showed a painful expression.

Ancient Hudi saw Gengar being attacked, and the huge body disappeared again, using teleportation to appear above Darkrai, and waving a huge spoon at her.

But at the moment when the huge spoon was about to hit Darkrai, Chao Meng looked relaxed and raised his hand casually!

Chapter 0696 The Joint Summon of Gengar and Hu Di: Lunayala!

As soon as Chao Meng raised his hand, a powerful mental shock wave rushed out. In the blink of an eye, this shock wave hit Hu Di and hit him completely.

Hit by Chaomeng's powerful superpower impact, Hu Di fell to the ground ruthlessly.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Looking at the current situation of the ancient Hudi and the ancient Gengar, if it was one-on-one, maybe you could still fight with Meloetta and Darkrai, but Now it's three to two.

The point is that the birth of Darkrai, Mewtwo and Meloetta is a little more powerful than these two ancient elves.

Under such circumstances, they were still fighting against Mewtwo, Meloetta, and Darkrai, who had cooperated very well. There was no reason for him to win, and there was no reason for him to lose.

The fact is similar to what Bai Mo thought. After all, it was three-on-two. As time went on, the ancient Genggui and the ancient Hudi began to lose a lot of physical strength under the continuous attacks and cooperation of Chaomeng and the others, and the physical injuries began to occur. aggravated.

Seeing this, the dreamy little loli stretched out a lazy gesture, and a relaxed smile appeared on her innocent and pretty face, "It seems that this time, I don't need to appear."

"Bai Mo, you can directly subdue these two big guys, and the fast dragon is also accompanied."

"By the way, if you meet Groudon and the others in the future, you can try to bully the small, maybe... eh!?"

Dream and Bai Mo were talking, but as she was talking, her expression suddenly changed, with a solemn expression on her face.

Bai Mo's smile froze on his face when he heard Dream's words!

"This is……"

Below, in Nana's arms, White was still in a coma. At this time, she whispered again: "The wizard and the ghost are no match for the powerful warriors. They lost the battle. They were forced to jointly use a strange spell, at the cost of all their strength, to summon The messenger of the moon will help..."

"The messenger of the moon!?" The three of Nanami heard what White said clearly this time.

In the forest, the ancient Hudi and the ancient Gengar, who were once again knocked down by Darkrai and Chaomeng, staggered for a while before barely getting up.

This time, the two elves were not in a hurry to shoot, but instead looked at each other and restrained the smiles on their faces.

After reading the meaning of the other party's eyes, Ancient Ancient Hu Di crossed his hands and exerted a little force. The two spoons in his hand began to emit blue and purple light, and his eyes also emitted a strange purple light.

Slowly, a powerful force appeared in its body and shot directly into the air.

After doing all this, Hu Di just closed his eyes and fell to the ground as if he had collapsed.

On the other side, the ancient Gengar also raised his two hands when he was moving in the ancient Hudi, and a blood-red strange light appeared in his eyes. Slowly, a black force appeared in their bodies, which also moved towards Shot in the air.

After doing all this, the ancient Gengar passed into a coma like the ancient Hudi and fell to the ground.

At this time, the strong blue and purple light emitted by the ancient Hudi and the black light emitted by Gengar merged in the air, and a powerful silver-white light was emitted in an instant.

The powerful light made Bai Mo instinctively close his eyes, and beside him, a dreamy and serious voice sounded at this moment:

"They're going to summon messengers to help."


The dreamy words made Bai Mo a little confused. Could it be the ancient fat man?

But it's not right. In the case of the original book, the ancient Fat Dingna came out to quell the disaster, not the ancient Genggui and the ancient Hudi jointly summoned! ?

Confused, Bai Mo tried to open his eyes, just at this moment the powerful light had disappeared, a strange black mist appeared, and a voice slowly formed in the black mist.

"what is that!?"

Looking at the black fog and the voice in the black fog, Bai Mo frowned, he felt that the figure was a bit familiar!

"This is the messenger of the moon. Geng Gui used all his ghost power to combine all the super power of Hu Di!"

"The existence with the attributes of ghost and super energy is the messenger of the moon!"

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