Dream immediately answered Bai Mo's confusion, she knew that she needed to take action next.

On the side, the dreamy words made Bai Mo tremble. The existence of the dual attributes of ghost and super power is still the messenger of the moon, is it?

Thinking of that possibility, Bai Mo's eyes fixed on the figure that was gradually becoming clearer.

When he saw the true face of the figure, Bai Mo couldn't help but get a little excited. At this time, it was Lunayala who appeared!

Lunayala is an elf with the shape of a bat. Its wings are inlaid with golden moon arcs, with distinctive features. At the rest of the fork points, there are cross stars of the same color hanging, giving people a solemn and sacred look. a feeling of.

Lunaara's head is small, like a vampire-like cape and a collar.

There is some kind of light source in the center of the body, and Bai Mo knows that it is the brilliance of the moon!

Few people know about the existence of Lunayala, because its legend is mainly in Alola.

The development of the Alola region by modern humans is relatively late.

The existence of Lunayala can also be traced back to ancient times. As the messenger of the moon, it was worshipped and believed by ancient human beings. According to records, the ancients called it "the beast that invites the moon" with awe.

Lunayara is definitely at the level of a super-divine beast. Its racial value is higher than that of a dream, and it is also in charge of the power of the moon. It has this special ability to absorb light at any time and transform it into its own body. energy.

Its outstretched wings absorb the surrounding light, exuding brilliance like a crescent moon, its posture is like a gorgeous night sky, it is very powerful, and it can increase its combat capability and time.

Such an existence was actually summoned by the ancient Gengar and the ancient Hudi!

But if you think about it, it seems reasonable.

It is not only humans who can believe in elves, and elves can also believe in them. Ancient Gengar and Ancient Hudi are existences that survived from ancient times, a ghost type and a super energy type.

They will use their own power to summon the powerful existence of their own beliefs, which is not a difficult thing.

I just don't know what level this Lunayala's strength can be brought into play.

Thinking of this, Bai Mo's Chaolu Niyala released her super power!

Chapter 0697 Lunayara phantom!


After releasing his super power, Bai Mo frowned when he felt Lunayara's state.

At this moment, Lunayala didn't have the slightest expression in her eyes, her figure floated in the air blankly, and her line of sight was not focused, just like a dead thing.

After looking at it for a while, Bai Mo turned to look at the dream, wanting to understand what was going on, but at this moment, the mutation regenerated, and the black mist around Lunayala seemed to be pulled by something, and began to move. All of them were drilled into Lunayala's body.

When all the black fog disappeared, Lunayala's eyes were no longer dull, but a black and strange black light, and the momentum of the whole body also changed, obviously entering the fighting state.

"The apparition of the dead of the moon descends, eroded by darkness, becoming dark warriors, the warriors fight again, and then, the world tree's..."

White's mouth has never stopped narrating, and every few seconds before the situation occurs, she can tell the next situation in advance.

Facing Lunaira in the air, aside from Mewtwo who didn't know it, Darkrai and Meloetta's expressions changed.

Meloetta also lived for an unknown number of years. Naturally, she knew Lunayala, and she knew that she was stronger than many elves in terms of sheer strength.

As for Darkrai, it was because seniors had informed Lunayala of its existence that she knew that it was very strong, especially at night, when there was a moon, that combat power would not necessarily be defeated by a dozen or so.

However, Chao Meng's expression remained the same, no, it should be said that he became more awe-inspiring, and he had plans to shoot at any time.

"Trouble." Beside Bai Mo, the corner of Dream's mouth twitched slightly, but his eyes did not change, obviously he was not worried that things would be out of his control.

The dreamy performance surprised Bai Mo, so he asked one more question:

"This Lunayala, have you ever fought?"

"You look down on me?" Menghua rolled his eyes, and then said sternly:

"If Lunayala's deity is here, the outcome will be five or five!"

"If there is a moon at night, the outcome will be high, and if it is played within the world tree, I will be true to anyone except Arceus!"

"As for now, I don't need to use the power of office."

"Huh, that's good!" Bai Mo breathed a sigh of relief. They were all superheroic beasts. He was really afraid that Dream would say that he couldn't. After all, she was not an elf who was good at fighting.

But now he can understand, although Lunayala's combat power is relatively strong, but dream is not afraid, at most is suppressed, but will not lose.

In addition, the battle is about the right time and place. If there is a moon, when Lunayala occupies the sky, her strength will be greatly increased, and she will be able to win the dream.

In the same way, if Dream is fighting in the World Tree, she can also win Lunayala with the help of the geographical advantage.

As for now, the meaning of the dream is very simple. The Lunayala in front of him is not the deity, but may be a combination of powers that combines all the powers of the ancient Gengar and the ancient Hudi.

Such an existence is definitely more powerful than the ancient Gengar and the ancient Hudi, but it should not be able to use power and some things.

If that's the case, there's absolutely no need to fake it.

Sure enough, the dream returned to a calm look at this time, and said lightly: "Super Dream and the others can continue to shoot. Although the combat power has gone up, their power is limited. Three fights one, they will not lose."

"You can still win after a long time!"


Bai Mo nodded, turned to look at Chaomeng and the others, and told them what to do with telepathy.

At this time, in the air, the blackened Lunayala's eyes flashed, and superpowers emerged, creating a protective shield for herself!

Originally, Lunayala's shield should be blue or purple, but it seems to have been affected by the current source of power, and its shield has turned into a weird black!

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