When the protective cover appeared, Lunayala glanced at her, and finally rushed towards Mewtwo.

Seeing that he had become the opponent's first target, Chao Meng felt a little unhappy in his heart, and put his hands on his chest to gather a shock wave of energy that turned into substance.

The shock wave came to Chaomeng with extremely fast speed and strong penetrating power, and all the power poured into the protective cover, causing the protective cover to ripple, but it did not shatter in the end!


Staring at the protective cover, Lunayara bumped into Chao Meng's body, and Chao Meng also used her own energy to condense an energy protective cover.

The two elves began to stand still while wearing the protective cover.

Seeing the stalemate between Mewtwo and Lunayala, Meloetta and Darkrai naturally wouldn't just look at it like that.

The two elves decisively used the shadow ball!

Lunayara is the existence of ghosts and superpowers, and the skills of ghosts can achieve the effect of being restrained four times.

Therefore, even though Meloetta and Darkrai did not understand the profound meaning and rules of the ghost system, they still used this move decisively.

Feeling the sense of crisis that came twice, Lunayara resolutely used a super dream with all her strength to fly it out, and at the same time she also retreated behind her with the help of the reaction force.


Lunaara's budget was quite accurate. The moment it retreated, the shadow ball used by Meloetta and Darkrai collided in its original position, and finally an explosion occurred!

But everything is not over yet. On the way to fly out, Lunaara also used two shadow balls with the power of rules, and flew straight towards Darkrai and Meloetta on both sides.

A tooth for a tooth!


In the face of the shadow ball sent by Lunayala, Darkrai and Meloetta immediately used their holding skills to resist, and it was not Lunayala's deity who came, so they were completely true!

Chao Meng's fighting talent is indeed strong enough. When she flew out, she decisively used a predictor of the future.

Later, under the cover of the smoke from the collision of the shadow balls from Darkrai and Meloetta, she also used a shadow ball.

The timing of using this shadow ball is similar to the time Lunaira used to deal with Darkrai and Meloetta!

This time, Mewtwo's shadow ball successfully hit the protective shield around Lunayala's body. The shield could not withstand the attack of the shadow ball and eventually shattered.

However, the energy of the shadow ball has also disappeared at this time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lunayala had a black aura all over her body, and a black illusion was shot towards Fang Xi of Chaomeng!

Chapter 0698 Accident!Dream is about to start!

"Hold on!"

The black illusion technique that Lunayara issued was very strange, and the speed was very fast, and it came to Mewtwo in a blink of an eye.

Facing this scene, Chao Meng, who is getting stronger and moving towards the strongest all the time, moved his hands forward, and a white light appeared all over his body.

The white light curtain has not yet fully formed, and the black illusion has hit the light, making the light begin to crumble.

"I won't lose!"

At the moment when the light was about to shatter, Chaomeng raised his head sharply, and a blue and purple superpower emerged from his whole body. The white light instantly became extremely bright, easily blocking Lunayala's illusion.

"Well, as expected of the existence of my core genes, I actually broke through." Noticing the changes in Chaomeng, the dreamy eyes flashed, and there was a smile in her eyes, but soon, her smile disappeared. It was restrained and turned into a dignified look.

The eyes locked on the far and constant black aura around Lunayala, and the dreamy eyes slowly began to change!

At this time, Darkrai and Meloetta used the Beam of Evil and the Song of Spirit to support Mewtwo, and attacked Lunaara again!

This time, Lunaara, who had just attacked Mewtwo and was also protected by an energy shield, was directly hit, and an explosion occurred all over her body.

The explosion created a smokescreen that obscured Lunayala.

Seeing this, Mewtwo, Meloetta, and Darkrai resolutely sent out superpowers, but at this moment, a black-purple light rushed out of the smoke screen and hit Darkrai directly, and at the same time, it was also against Mei. Loyetta and Mewtwo use a shadow ball!


In the face of Lunayala's key greeting, Darkrai was not wrong, a black breath appeared all over his body, forming an energy shield and rushed up to stalemate with Lunayala.

On the other hand, Meloetta and Mewtwo resolutely used mental strength to block, detonating them in advance before the shadow ball hit them.

After blocking Lunayala's wave of attacks, Mewtwo and Meloetta's response was not slow, raising their hands and throwing out shadow balls one after another!

Lunayala was in a stalemate with Darkrai, and there was a faint tendency to suppress the other party, but soon, it noticed the movements of Mewtwo and Meloetta, and his eyes flashed, and a burst of purple-black energy appeared on the mask. fluctuation.

"Don't think about it!"

Darkrai was at a stalemate with Lunayala, and immediately noticed its motive, the momentum of the whole body suddenly changed, and a black wave came out, holding Lunayala's action!


Lunayala was forced by Darkrai and could not make any changes. The shadow balls used by Mewtwo and Meloetta steadily hit Lunayala's energy shield!

With the hit of the first shadow ball, the shadow balls were shot one after another, all of which hit Lunayala's shield, and eventually a huge explosion occurred, and Lunayala's shield was hit again. break.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Darkrai's momentum changed, and he put his hands on his chest, condensed a black wave, and waved it out!


Lunaara was knocked out!

"very good!"

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