Seeing Chaomeng and the three of them completely suppressed Lunayara, a smile appeared on Bai Mo Junyi's face.

But at this time, the voice of dream talk suddenly came, like a cold water poured on Bai Mo's head.

"If it goes on like this, they will lose in the end. It's Chaomeng and the others. It seems that I need to make a move!"

"You said Chaomeng and they were going to lose?"

Bai Mo looked at Dream with an unexpected look on his face. The situation in front of him was obviously that their side had the clear upper hand. How could Dream say that!

Noticing Bai Mo's expression, Dreamy chuckled and asked, "Do you know why people like me and Hoo hate fighting with Lunayara the most?"

"How do I know!" Bai Mo shook his head angrily. Who knows what's inside these super-divine beasts?

"It's because of her bug." She should have thought of something, she curled her lips in an unhappy dream, and sighed:

"My power in the World Tree is inexhaustible unless the World Tree is destroyed."

"If King Ho, his combat power will soar under the sun!"

"Kyoka is in the sea, Groudon is on land."

"Pluto Dragon has its own inversion world."

"and many more……"

"And Lunaara, it can absorb all light without attributes and turn it into its own power, and the best it uses is moonlight."

Speaking of this, Dream paused, his eyes were fixed on the body of Lunayala in front of him, and he said speechlessly: "This Lunayala is a phantom, and it doesn't have the power of Lunayala's deity. ."

"However, it absorbed Gengar and Hu Diqi, and now that it has a similar energy, it seems to be able to absorb other powers."

When Dream explained to Bai Mo, the ground was that Nanamei and the girls were also listening carefully to White's ravings:

"The leader's warriors are very powerful. They knocked down the messenger of the moon. At this moment, the messenger of the moon began to change. It became the messenger of darkness. It is not a creature..."

"It's not a creature!!?" White's words made Nanami and the girls tremble in their hearts.

The one in the sky is not a elf, not even a living thing! ?

In the air, Lunayala was knocked out a distance by Darkrai, and stopped. This time, it did not rush to move, but began to continuously absorb the surrounding dark aura. Many of these auras were due to Released when Gengar appears.

As if endless, there is a steady stream of appearances!

Seeing this scene, although they didn't know what Lunayala was doing, Darkrai, Mewtwo and Meloetta naturally wouldn't just look at it so stupidly and attack again.Evil beams, shadow balls, and spiritual shocks are constantly intertwined in the sky.

But in the face of these attacks, Lunayala was not afraid, but was constantly absorbing the black gas.

At this time, White, who still hadn't woken up, continued, still awake, "The messenger of the moon turned into a dark warrior and began to absorb the darkness with its powerful power, and the darkness began to spread again..."

With White's narration, Lunayala was like the previous giant Gengar, sending dark energy to the sky, and the darkness began to spread again, faster than the ancient Gengar caused.

The point is, these abilities will also return to Lunayala's body, restoring its injury and stamina.

Lunayala's energy seems to never be exhausted!

Chapter 0699 The power of endless desire, dream shot!

"That's why you said Lunayala was difficult to deal with!" Lunayala's change completely fell into Bai Mo's eyes, making him a little helpless.

No one would have imagined that Lunayala's infinite use of light to supplement her power would turn into the way she is now capable of absorbing moonlight energy.

Perverted indeed!

With such power, although this Lunayala is not the real body, at most it can only exert the strongest strength among the first-level gods, but the power is inexhaustible.

In this case, even if it was grinding, Lunayala could exhaust Mewtwo and the others.

Discovering this situation, Bai Mo regretted that he had disturbed the battle between the giant Genggui and the giant Hudi before.

If I had known this earlier, it would be better to find the Three God Birds to practice as originally planned. As for this, let it develop according to the plot and let the giant fat man appear.

Where does it need to be so tricky now.

Lunayala was involved in the battle.

A little helpless, Bai Mo knew that there was only one way left.

Thinking of this, Bai Mo called out to Meloetta and the others, and at the same time looked at the dream beside him and said, "Then trouble you, and quickly resolve Lunayala's phantom."

"I'll be able to take Genggui and Hu away by then."

"We have to let Kuailong educate them well."

"No problem, I still like this opportunity to abuse Lunayara." Little Loli showed a wicked smile, and she waved her hand and floated forward to block Lunayala in front of her. .

Chaomeng, Darkrai, and Meloetta saw this, and although they were a little unwilling, they still retreated to Bai Mo's side.

No matter what, it can be said that the opposite side is an existence that is open and hanging, and the physical strength cannot be used up.

When Lunaara saw Dream approaching, she seemed to sense danger, stopped the movement of continuing to spread the darkness, and entered a state of battle again.

"Finally, the strongest fighters take over the rest of the fighters and step forward, showing great strength..."

White's prophecy didn't stop for a moment. Beside her, the three of Nanami discussed in a low voice.

"The last warrior!? It's a dream, right?"

"Definitely, after all, Dream is a super beast, and its strength is much stronger!"

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