"After all, this is Sunshine Town." Opening his eyes, Bai Mo smiled lightly, then took out three Poké Balls and threw them.

Following Bai Mo's movements, Frog Flower, Lizard King and Laurel Leaf appeared in front of everyone.

"Gui!" As soon as he saw Bai Mo's bay leaf, he embraced him regardless.

"You really are a clingy little guy." Bai Mo amusedly stretched out his hand and stroked the bay leaf at the same time.

Noticing Bai Mo's movements, Xiao Huang also released his chrysanthemum leaves, held her in his arms, and looked at the surrounding situation, with a puzzled look on his face, "Brother Bai Mo, why is there a place here? Such a person."

"I really know this." Bai Mo held the bay leaf and explained with a smile on his face, "Most people here are preparing for tomorrow's Sunflower Monster Celebration, so they came here."

"Sunflower Monster Celebration?" The girls came up curiously.

"Yeah, the Sunflower Monster Celebration is held once a year, because Sunshine Town has very good lighting and abundant water sources, which are very suitable for the growth of the Sunflower Monster, so every household here cultivates Sunflower monster!"

"Later, the town held a celebration for the sunflower monster a year."

Bai Mo shared what he learned from Ji Kena.

"Hey, it's a coincidence that we came here." Nanami said happily, but soon, she realized something and asked: "According to you, those trainers with sunflower monsters come here, I can understand!"

"But there are also those trainers who have wonderful frog seeds, chrysanthemum leaves, stinky flowers, and dumb flowers, what are they doing?"

"Although I can understand that I am a traveler like us, it is too coincidental that they all have grass elements."

"You also deliberately released the bay leaves and the others."

"Yes, yes!" Xiaoxue and the girls were obviously curious, and nodded.

Hearing this, Bai Mo replied, "Their words are also preparing for tomorrow's celebration."

"Eh? Isn't tomorrow's celebration held exclusively for the Sunflower Monster?" Bai Mo's explanation made the girls even more puzzled.

"I want you all to know about the travel guide." Bai Mo shook his head with a pretentious expression, and then said: "The highlight of the celebration tomorrow is the Sunflower Monster Beauty Pageant. We'll just take a look at it when we get there."

"But after the beauty pageant is over, there will be a grass-type elf battle."

"Because of the geography and abundant sunshine here in Yangguan Town, not only the sunflower monsters, but also the other grass-type elves also grow very well."

"So under the leadership of the alliance, in order to expand the popularity of Sunshine Town, Qiangfeng Town will hold the Sunflower Monster Beauty Pageant and also hold the Grass-type Pokémon Battle Tournament!"

"The final winner will be named this year's Battle Star and receive a training and entry pixie trophy!"

"In addition, there will be prizes every year. This year's prize is the Leaf Stone, so many trainers who come here are those who need the Leaf Stone to evolve the elf."

Speaking of this, Bai Mo said lightly: "Of course, I actually care about the former."

That's right, what Bai Mo wanted was the trophy and the opportunity to take a photo with Laurel Ye. This was Laurel Ye's initiative after hearing Ji Ke mentioned the game in Sunshine Town.

Otherwise, with Bai Mo's character, it would be impossible to make a special trip here to participate in such an unchallenging competition.

Chapter 0720 Bai Mo who leads hatred with all the women

"Gui!" Laurel leaf happily arched in Bai Mo's arms, and seemed very happy that Bai Mo brought her to participate in this competition.

The Lizard King and Frog Flower had no idea. It wasn't because they didn't want to fight, but because Bai Mo told them that this time there was no heavenly king-level trainer.

The opponent is not the King of Heaven, and the Lizard King and Frog Flower can completely crush their opponents. Such a match is meaningless to them.

"Are you going to participate?" Touching the little head of Laurel Leaf, Bai Mo turned to look at Xiaolan and asked.

Hearing this, Xiaolan blinked and smiled, "If there is a competition, of course I will participate!"

If there is a chance to fight against Bai Mo, Xiaolan will not refuse.

"I won't." Xiao Huang decisively shook his head and refused, although after spending time with Bai Mo, she no longer rejected fighting.

Because that is a kind of elves showing their own value, many elves also like to fight.

But Xiao Huang was still unwilling to command the elf to fight.

Apart from Xiao Huang, Nanamei, Xiaoxue and Ram have no intention of participating in the competition. Their job is not trainers.

Moreover, with Bai Mo, there is no hope of victory, and there is nothing to participate in a game that is doomed to lose.

But what is surprising is that White unexpectedly said that he would also participate in the competition, so there were three people participating in the competition.

After making a decision, Bai Mo brought the girl to the elf center.

"Really? The three are going to participate in this competition, so this is for you." In the Elf Center, Miss Joy heard Bai Mo's intentions, took out three number plates from a place under the counter, and handed them over The three Bai Mo then smiled and said:

"Tomorrow, after the Sunflower Monster beauty pageant is over, lunch is over, and gather at the battle plain at the back at 1:1 p.m. When you hear someone calling your numbers, you should go and fight. The game is a [-]-on-[-] battle."

"The selected pixie cannot be changed in the middle, and the grass-type pixie must be used."

"You have to abide by these regulations, otherwise you will be deprived of the right to participate."

"Okay, thank you, Miss Joey." Bai Mo nodded politely when they heard Joey's words.

Then the group asked Joey for a dormitory to rest.

Back in the room, Bai Mo looked at White with some amusement and asked, "I said, White, why are you suddenly interested in participating in the competition?"

Nana and the girls were also very curious, and they all cast curious glances.

"I just want to get acquainted with the power of my Pyrester through this battle." White scratched his head and said playfully, "I think I can gain a lot of experience by fighting against so many elves of the same type. "

"Pylast? White, your Pylas has evolved?" Bai Mo showed an unexpected expression. When White joined the traveling team, Pylas had just been subdued.

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