"Well, I accidentally used the moon stone for it, and she evolved." White nodded dumbly, leaving Bai Mo speechless for a while.

Can you not be so unreliable.

However, Bai Mo suddenly looked forward to White's performance tomorrow, and didn't know what kind of battle she would show.

Next, Bai Moyou took the girls for a walk in Sunshine Town, and then rested for a night at the Elf Center after a long absence.

But early the next morning, Bai Mo regretted it.

Because at a very early time, he was still sleeping with Shanaido and Latias in his arms, but he was woken up by the cheers and various music sounds from outside.

As for the reason, the local residents of Sunshine Town got up too early to prepare for the celebration!

In addition to Bai Mo, Nanamei and other girls were also woken up. It was so noisy outside that they couldn't sleep. Helplessly, Bai Mo and the others got up early to wash up, and then yawned and followed the group to the celebration!

The Sunflower Monster Celebration is a celebration that the Alliance is concerned about, because it is a celebration that the whole town participates in, and its scale is very large.

Because he got up too early, there was still a lot of time left before the grass elf contest in the afternoon, so Bai Mo took the girls to watch the Sunflower Monster Beauty Pageant.

However, when Bai Mo and his party arrived, the eyes of those around them mainly glanced at them.

No way, the lineup of handsome guys with a lot of beauties is too powerful.

Nanamei, Xiaoxue, and Chaomeng, the three royal sisters are so beautiful.

Ram and Shanaido are twins with a sense of sight, and the eye-catching power should not be too strong.

The cute power of Kirachi and the dreamy little loli is not to be talked about.

In addition, Latias, Xiao Huang, Xiao Lan, White, Minas and other girls all have their own spring and autumn.

With so many high-quality beauties together, it is impossible not to attract attention.

Then, the eyes of all those who pay attention to beautiful women can't help but fall on the man in the middle and the front surrounded by these girls.

Damn little white face!This is everyone's first thought after seeing Bai Mo!

No way, Bai Mo is really handsome.

How does it look familiar! ?This is everyone's second thought when they see Bai Mo!

Holy shit! !Dr. Bai Mo!Boss!

This is everyone's third thought after recognizing Bai Mo.

I can't afford it, I can't afford it, but why am I so envious!

This is everyone's last thought.

Bai Mo and the girls seemed very indifferent to the gazes of those around them, because they were used to it.

Time goes by quickly.

The Sunflower Monster Pageant is coming to the finals soon!

"Now Mr. Tamaki, who aims to be the defending champion in a row, has appeared with a huge sunflower monster!"

The host shouted excitedly, and then, in the surprised eyes of many people, a huge sunflower monster came into everyone's eyes.

After a short period of surprise, Xiaolan blinked at Bai Mo and said, "This body type, Mo is your food!?"

Xiaolan had such an idea, naturally, because when she went to the small world for the first time, she saw the four ancient elves playing poker under the leadership of the fast dragon.

Well, I was scared, so I have resentment.

"This is not my dish." Bai Mo shook his head, his eyes twinkling brightly, "I want to subdue those who are naturally huge!"

"As long as the sunflower monster has sufficient sunlight and water, it is possible to grow to such a large size. Also, reduce the size of the sunflower monster to the same proportion and take a closer look."

"You'll know, it won't be my choice at all!"

Chapter 0721 Textbook Explanation

Hear Bai Mo's words.

The girls around were curious for a while, and then they all did as he said, stretched out their hands, used their index fingers and thumbs to form a rectangle, and looked at the proportion of the sunflower monster on the stage.

"So that's it." It was the cultivators and observers, Xiaoxue and Ram were the first to react, and suddenly realized: "Although this sunflower monster looks tall at first glance, its body size and flower size do not match her figure. Proportion!"

"Such sunflower monsters are not suitable for fighting at all. They can only be used for viewing and participating in beauty pageants."

"That's right." Nodding, Bai Mo smiled and said, "So, as a trainer, this sunflower monster is definitely not what I'm after."

"Actually, this sunflower monster is very easy to cultivate. It should be that the person on the stage surrounded the sunflower monster in a closed space when it was still young, leaving only the top hollow!"

"In a situation like this, sunlight comes in and only hits the head."

"Although the grass-type elves are more like animals, some plants still have some behaviors. If the sunflower wants to do more photosynthesis, it will use all the nutrients to grow taller in order to get more sunlight. ."

Bai Mo was a science student before traveling to the world of elf, so junior high school students such as plant growth naturally came easily.

However, his explanation was passed into the ears of some surrounding Sunshine Town residents, and they immediately reacted like they were enlightened, and knew exactly what had happened.

Many people even recorded what he said.

Well, Bai Mo casually told the secret of cultivating a long-term champion, so that many people plan to follow suit.

In the future, perhaps the giant sunflower monster will no longer be an exceptional existence.

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